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Poker release notes 3.23 (Banzai 2.0)


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5 hours ago, Samba said:

Having stacks move across tables will wipe out the rec players faster. Not good for the long term economy. If you think any of the pros ITT actually care about being a sensei then lol.

If you are including me in that, I'm a recreational player and tbh I do enjoy it, find it annoying to have my stack and status wiped out. If there was an option to be sat at an empty table and wait for it to be populated I'd prefer that over losing those. 

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3 minutes ago, Ashenfaced said:


Fair play that is reasonable but it is just bad practice for the economy and for player experience. Put yourself in the shoes of a random punter, do they want to sit down to play HU vs some boss holding a table with 200bbs. Probably not.

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3 minutes ago, Samba said:

Fair play that is reasonable but it is just bad practice for the economy and for player experience. Put yourself in the shoes of a random punter, do they want to sit down to play HU vs some boss holding a table with 200bbs. Probably not.

I think all players including recs would want to keep their stack once a table finishes, the rec is also gunna be upset when they have a big stack and lose it, they enjoy playing deeper bigger juicier pots and wilder hands.


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12 minutes ago, Samba said:

Yeah, they enjoy playing deep which is why they play 10bb poker

They enjoy the spins but the 20-60bb poker is also super fun, especially when there’s a mix of stacks from 10bb-60bb

I’m pretty sure most recs if given the choice would wanna keep their stack

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I see no problem with ratholing. There are players electing to play banzai because they want to be all in more often and have that rush. If they wanted to play deep stacked poker they'd join a cash table. If a recreational player doesn't feel comfortable playing at 50bb-100bb they should be able to reset to a more comfortable stack. I actually don't see a problem with letting people reset as much as they want.

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29 minutes ago, Groggy said:
16 minutes ago, fornicator99 said:
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Think I have now accepted that we let players rathole 

Although if a rec lost to another rec and the rec ratholed him online or in live poker think he’d be annoyed.

although tbf now you can’t even tell you are being ratholed cos the player rejoins with a new name.

The main thing I’d like to keep is moving your stack across tables if you would like to once a game breaks, it is much better for the game in my opinion.


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1) I'm really glad Banzai 2.0 is humming with lots of players in the mix, that's great for players and Unibet.

I was definitely very wary WRT the changes and the impact on the games but I would love to be proved wrong 🙂 Undoubtedly the games will be bigger and better with the casino brands entering the market as well.

2) Regarding the suggestion from @Panamera to have a kind of private game for the people putting in the most volume / running up the largest stacks: This sounds great but in practice the very high volume players are probably not hyped to play 10x their normal stakes vs the 4 other very high volume players. To use the party analogy, this is like organising a separate after-party with 'no girls allowed'. Not really what guys are looking for.

3) I like the idea of a leaderboard / promo for most hands as Sensei, great idea. IMO it should definitely be based on hands not time, if you base it on time you punish playing shorthanded and you encourage people to just tank every single decision which is garbage for the game.

4) @Stubbe-Unibet Congrats on the kid. They say 'nothing prepares you for parenthood' but I think you must have gained a lot of experience here refuting conspiracy theories, dealing with tantrums and teaching preschool level mathematics xD.





Edited by Wizard
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Really great conversation here! 

We've definitely gotten off to a good start, looking at the numbers (yesterday was second-best day ever, only beaten by the Bonanza day, the day before). Will be interesting to see the promo impact next week as well as retention of all the players new to Banzai (and new to Banzai 2.0). Also curious to see impact on grinders of original Banzai. Will probably post some numbers here in January 🙂

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Check the latest poker release notes. Have a look at our poker promotions

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More than 40 unique players in the NL1 pool just a few minute ago (and 44 seats occupied).

40 minutes ago, stock said:

Hello, is the 2.0 launch campaing promotion available for belgian players ? 

No, sorry. Belgium can't be included due to local promotion restrictions

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Check the latest poker release notes. Have a look at our poker promotions

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Nice promo. 

A couple of points. I noticed when I was up to brown belt the number of all ins to move up was bigger, so 👍.

I'm not sure if it's my computer but the sound for the big pots seemed to have gone.


And on that point wouldn't it be better if the big notification of a big pot came if both players had a big stack? I was only 12 bb at risk, nothing to make a big fuss about.🙂 I'd already lost about a dozen buy ins before the come back started. 


It was fun watching my health meter creep closer then receding from the Sensei's, but I eventually caught him, patience rewarded.


One table, 1h.31m playing time, 257 hands, 52 flops, probably lower than average for this game but a touch higher than my normal cash game stats, and only €3.14 won due to the bad start. Fun though definitely. 😻


"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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