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Poker Product Manager
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Posts posted by Stubbe-Unibet

  1. @Storm76 how often are you experiencing this?

    Please share a picture of the bug the next time you experience it. We'll also need the info requested above a couple of times. We've had 0 reports of this happening in the past year, so we will need more information about your setup and the issue.

  2. It's been suggested a few times on here. Now it's happening!

    I've created a closed group under the poker section where we'll be sharing information about upcoming promos, features etc., and in general you'll just be able to get information about Unibet poker before everyone else. Last, but definitely not least!, you'll also get early access to new releases of the client, which should help identify and eliminate issues before the public release.

    If you're interested in this, please let us know below. We'll only take 10 or so customers on board in the beginning, so there's no guarantee you'll be invited.

    With this initiative we hope to improve the poker experience by getting you more involved.

    NB even though we do trust you guys, we will have to ask you to agree to the terms of a standard NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

    Just tagging a few I believe might be interested in this: @FeelsBadMan@MoreTBC@pinki@MetalWolf@MadAdo@MoreTBC@GR1ZZL3R@Mynona@Play_Analyst@CreativeLe@Rushbie@pittpitt@GothMoth@XY@jonny2192@psrquack@theMachine

    • Like 20
  3. Think it might have been a thread and not a bug report, so I'll keep this one open.

    Similar bug report here: 

    Related threads: 

    Whenever this does occur, it'd be great if you could share it here, so that we have some more recent examples to bring to the provider

    • Like 1

  4. @psrquack wrote:

    Could we have more informations about the possible last stop? Do you planning it overseas or here in Europe? Is it possible organising it in Warsaw?

    Don't believe this has been decided yet, but it'll will likely be in Europe, +1000 km from Warsaw. Will of course let you know on here, the second the UO team confirm the last stop.

  5. Hey guys. As some of you have previously reported, it sometimes happens that you get a grey screen when attempting to log in to the poker client. We're investigating this, but we've not got a lot of cases that we can actually look into, as I believe people will generally just close the client and attempt to login again.

    If you do happen to experience this issue, it would be a big help, if you could post in this thread and let us know at approximately what time you experienced it.

    • Like 3

  6. @WuDu wrote:

    So basically the explanation in this topic went from we're hoping to "grow the series" (debunked) to we have to "cut costs" (debunked) to "the trend is our friend" (debunked) to "it's easier to schedule" (however the overlay increased) to "better for the poker ecology".  Did I miss something?   

    The full story should have been shared from the beginning, but as I mentioned above, it's a combination of many things, I just added a very important point. I do believe the series will grow, the costs will be cut (taking everything into consideration, I think the trend is pretty neutral). The planning is already easier and the finals are doing really well, as shown above. Leo is contantly monitoring things and will obviously make changes wherever needed - it's not been that long since the exchang options was removed.

    @WuDu wrote:

    So basically Unibet's strategy is to prop up the "casual recreational player" through the early stages of the qualifier tree by pushing out the "serious recreational player" in order to then feed the casual recs to the wolves once they reach the (10s), 50s and 250s? All while making it more expensive to qualify for all recreational players. Sounds like a solid plan, bro! 

    No. I don't think we're pushing out anyone. Everyone is playing on the same terms - the same terms you'll find on literally ever other site - the lower stakes become softer and the higher stakes should not really become tougher - so overall it should be easier to qualify for the casual recreational player. Impossible to please everyone in this case, but offering a service which make the games tougher at lower stakes, that really doesn't fit with the strategy.

    @WuDu wrote:

    @Stubbe-Unibet wrote:

    - More players playing the qualifiers 👍

    Great news, yet still not related to the stop of exchangers.

    - Cash buyin increasing 👍

    - Ticket buyin decreasing (this and the above for one obvious reason) 

    If cash buyins increase by e.g. 10 Euro and ticket buyins decrease by 100 Euro the overall result is still negative.

    The € 50 tournaments do indeed have a bigger overlay now than before the exchanges stopped.

    The 50s were steadily providing profit for you guys before, they went from profit to overlay after the exchanges.

    The € 250 are doing really great (see last graph) - overlay just twice since the change.

    Sure, because the amount of guaranteed tickets to the UO250 provided by you is steady and a lot of tickets have to be "killed" by the ticket hoarders.

    The increase in cash buyin is not far from matching the decrease in ticket buyin.

    And yes, if you simply look at the overlay in € 50 buyin tournaments, there's been a noticeable increase. Of course something Leo is on top of.

    Again, if this turns out to have a really bad long-term effect on the UO qualifiers, we will of course look into it again, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Also want to highligt that the UO stops have been announced (at least the first 3, last one to follow soon) https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Unibet-Open-UK-Tour/Unibet-Open-2019-schedule-out-now/m-p/218176#M5626. UK tour will be announced soon as well

    • Like 1
  7. Haven't read through the entire thread, but I do feel like there's a lot of focus on the $ rather than the motivations behind the change - there're several reasons, some of them written earlier in this thread. Let me try to explain the change a bit more in detail.

    Unibet has been targeting the recreational player for many years, and nothing has changed in that regard - it's a level playingfield great for the guy/girl new to poker. Ticket exchanges - however awesome some think they are - were never something that benefited the casual recreational player (feel like we need to distinguish here, as recreational player is a pretty broad term covering several types of players). The exchanges had two primary effects:

    - Made it significantly cheaper to qualify for someone who's serious about their poker
    - Made the games tougher, especially at the lower stakes (not saying they were tough, just tougher) 

    The exchanges were great for more serious players - many recreational - but they were never good for the guy new to poker. The effect on the ecosystem was not inline with the goal of being the best place for recreational players.

    A lot of numbers have been posted here, so I thought I'd share some proper ones. Looking at UO qualifiers from week 30 2018 till week 2 2019 with a buyin of € 1 or more, exchangers excluded:
    - More players playing the qualifiers 👍
    - Cash buyin increasing 👍
    - Ticket buyin decreasing (this and the above for one obvious reason) 
    - Overlay pretty steady with a slightly negative trend (see first graph), and there're a few outliers affecting the trend. See graph below. The € 50 tournaments do indeed have a bigger overlay now than before the exchanges stopped. The € 250 are doing really great (see last graph) - overlay just twice since the change.


    We'll need more data and thorough analysis to draw any conclusions, but I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be in this thread.
    I totally get why some players are extremely disappointed with the change - I would be too, if I was in your shoes - but the previous ticket exchange policy simply didn't benefit the casual recreational player.

    So, it’s a combination of several things that caused this change; ease of planning and strategic focus being two key points.

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