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Group: 72
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  1. @Stubbe-Unibet This is a great idea :) :Thumbsup: Since i don't play that much except freerolls and the occasional 1€, i won't join the group as i don't really play the variety of games unibet offers anymore. I'm confident there are many good players with excellent experience and advices in this thread :)
  2. @testuser1 I'm really happy you got the job :) huuuge congrats :rockon:
  3. As i kind of expected before trying, i played one game and one guy just went allin all hands, impossible to even play one pseudo hand of poker. So, thanks but not thanks. I'm playing for fun but allin all rounds is not what i want from this, even with the small price of 1€
  4. this promo has been a very intense journey for me but i'm happy to say i mincashed the Main event with the 100€ ticket i won here, without addon or rebuy. I'm happy to have gone from 2 weeks of Mystery freerolls to mincashing 550€, all thanks to this awsome promo of Unibet. This is my biggest win so this is huge for me :) Again, thank you @Leo-Unibet @JeppeL @RayL for the things you do for this community :inlove: The most important thing for me is that i had fun when playing this event, even if stressed, it was a great feeling. GG to everyone :) and now i'll go back to my nano tournaments :D
  5. I'm still in it ! 73 players remaining, only 60 itm (first cash is 550€!!!!!). Game resumes tomorrow; i'm in so much tension !!
  6. Thats a great gesture @Leo-Unibet those freerolls were really hard to place into so it is a great way to congratulate those who did well :)
  7. @Leo-Unibet @JeppeL Thank you again for this great promo i feel it good wit this ticket for tonight :) Good luck everyone :rockon:
  8. @Leo-Unibet is there any more freerolls today still ?
  9. I can't connect and i'm sitting out the other one as well because of it.... such a bad night :(
  10. @Leo-Unibet any chance of a wild leaderboard appearing soon ?
  11. This is a great promotion :) @Leo-Unibet should we keep the same avatar or can we use different ones to count in the top 20 ? Good luck everyone and may you bink many tickets :)
  12. Finally a real serie for Tournaments players :) I hope this is the beginning and this kind of events will happen more regularly.
  13. Good luck with your challenge @testuser1 , will be interesting to see how you doin with us at the tables :) Also, welcome to the crazy world of satellite Mtt, where one hand out of two is an allin :D
  14. I wish you the best for your new business :) @testuser1 You'll be missed here but i really hope we'll catch up with you on twitch in the near future :happy:
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