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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Rushbie last won the day on May 17

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  1. These guys are from.. Australia.? C.O.F.F.i.N Children Of Finland Fighting In Norway Neat Check out Junkie Business channel. Might find something. I sure did. Fine punk sounds from the past. Garbage punk style FTW It's a miss haven't found a list like that before. Enjoy.
  2. Ever wondered from where the teeny commie egoterrorists got their riot chant and rhythm? Did they come up with the bass line or copy it from the native Indians? No. It's just Deep Purple. "This is what the rockenroll sounds like" Clapclapclap -cla-clapclap-cla-clapclap
  3. Usually for Finns the history was 3 months visible before the time and effort to go to LC, now there's a button for downloading past 12months.. which is awesome. For detailed files reach LC obvs
  4. Daamn, nice win from that, congrats! thought that was a completely dry game So sweet sight
  5. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5052448/ Same actor
  6. Good spot, but often two massive stacks figures out, there's no value of playing vs minors if the other major stack is taking a break. No bullshit, this is an actual behaviour from ppl that are trying to secure a days profit No clue if that's the case, but it happens alright A case to check for the staff Both would have f'd off if nothing more than mutual understanding, in theory
  7. Yeah thats what happens when authority takes away the sandbox.. Great blog, tho
  8. Haven't been able to make it crash for now with the unresponsive app -thingy, but instead tried to see could it have something to do with the idle time differences when it's at the background? I mean the reoccurring annoyance on mobile, when you are at the open app and click to some links to mainsite (from messages icon or other links from burgermenu and banners for example), and IF the app is left open in the background, the idle time for it to log out is somewhere between 5-10min. Tried first with external timer to 5min and played some casino slots, went back and it was still logged in. The second time waited to 10min mark, and did nothing on the main page or in the app, and result after switching back to poker app view was the "moved to another device- message". It didn't log out on the main site. No device was changed. If i just close the poker app completely out ouf sight when doing something else, the time before having the need to log back in is significantly longer. (Which is what i've learned to always do by routine because of it, no matter if on table playing the game or just waiting some game to begin. Typical moment for that is to go on a 6min MTT break, and start reading discord and whatnot and having that sight after switching back) Samsung galaxy tab A7
  9. You gotta start teaching people globally how to play cards in your way, man. Otherwise, "The Idiots" won't know how to. And in order to play properly, in a way to please some other players desires. You have to tell the world how it should roll, and how you reflect your own gameplay to a soundboard, hoping there is a wave that reflects back in a way you see it as. I'm sure it'll go just fine and you'll learn a lot in your lifeline thorough history
  10. This is not just the animated chips positioning in the table, but also in the replayer. Has been there for ages, but wasn't sure where to mention it. Replayer issue, or common issue on live tables as well. Chips hides the button. Who is on button, some could ask when seeing this in the replayer, but it remains a forever mystery taking into acoount all the board card visibility issues the replayer has. (or maybe it's the showdown, chip gathering animation after hand is over) Sidenote: of course bounties not seen on live table than in replayer is worse thing. When checking back hands afterwards from recorded images and last views seen on replayer with some effort, chip animations covering or missing buttons comes next.
  11. Tonight it's the easy money happy hours again.. for the ones that registers in time Which is in about 30min. See you there, you valuehunting, moneylovin' alpha studs and bossladies!
  12. If you've seen the movie Barbie, you probably know already Ken was the real mistreated and unsung hero in it
  13. Well, nope. Most likely outcome happened, but good game nevertheless! Congraz to Czechia
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