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Next community league - Wishes, ideas and requests?


New Community Leauge  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your preferred duration of Community Tournaments?

    • Less than an hour
    • 60-90 minutes
    • 1.5-2 hours
    • 2-2.5 hours
    • More than 2.5 hours
  2. 2. How many community tournaments would you like per day?

  3. 3. How long would you like the league to run for?

  4. 4. If we added a €25 level, would you play it?

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Since it is asked: make all R/A's or Banzai Bounties.

Some of those seemed to last quite long for small MTTs, if I remember correctly. Hopefully structures will be bit faster and especially: no PKOs with deepstacks 😄 At least at regular MTTs you can skip over the boring part by late registering.

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I liked everything in the last league. I wouldn't change anything. The maximum would be to make the league for 2 months. I think the scoring system in the last league is the fairest. The fight goes on in every tournament and until the very half of the last tournament. Every horse can get ahead. And every cent you earn counts. I would add ANTE.

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With the current votes I'm leaning towards:

  1. 5 week league - I know, the option with the least votes, but it's a compromise as majority voted for more than 4 weeks but 4 weeks is the most popular choice 🙂 
  2. 3 tournaments per day in the first and last week. 2 tournaments per week in the three in the middle.
    1. A total of 12 tournaments per buyin level. Total of 48 tournaments as part of this league.  Not sure if we'll do the flip one this time; will leave it up to @Seb-Unibet.
  3. Duration of 1.5-2 hours for most tournaments
    1. In the first and last week, the first tournament of the day will be deepstack and the last tournament will be turbo (middle tournament will be regular/1.5-2h)
  4. We add a €25 level
    1. Monday=€1
    2. Tuesday=€5
    3. Wednesday=€10
    4. Thursday=€25
  5. We keep the same leaderboard structure
  6. We do a mix of formats, but as mentioned above, the blind times and starting stack will be similar for most, as we aim for certain duration
    1. PLO and NLH
    2. PKO, regular and maybe KO?
    3. Not sure about Banzai if we only do 4 weeks, but could be one tournament at each buyin level maybe
  7. Added value we keep the same as last time, if @Seb-Unibet approves
    1. For leaderboard we either add a €25 one or we could merge €10 and €25 and do bigger prizes
  8. Start date to be confirmed but perhaps the 17th of this month
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25€ tier sounds painful, but I would still play it.

I voted for as many and as long tournaments possible.

My suggestion would be some small extra incentive for players to join community chat during games. Not sure what exactly it could be, but maybe some sort of special challenges like last longer.


Its nice to see another community league coming, but its not enough to fill the void that cancelling "player of the year" promotion left in my heart. I still feel depressed. Also please let me know which team member made this decision, I will constantly bully them if I get them on my tables. 

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On 1/6/2022 at 11:10 PM, Ja-z-Polszy said:

1) PKO tournaments only league (Texas, omaha and banzai)

2) Count only few best scores for leaderboard. For example 8 from 12 tournaments.

3) Let's get ready to rumble !!!



@Stubbe-Unibet no answer about my ideas... ?

Ok now i got it 🙂 KO week from 17.01 💣 seems legit 🤣

what about point 2 ?  Count only few best scores for leaderboard. For example 8 from 12 tournaments.



Edited by Ja-z-Polszy
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11 hours ago, Ja-z-Polszy said:

@Stubbe-Unibet no answer about my ideas... ?

Ok now i got it 🙂 KO week from 17.01 💣 seems legit 🤣

what about point 2 ?  Count only few best scores for leaderboard. For example 8 from 12 tournaments.



Tried to answer your questions in the previous reply. Only best x scores doesn't make much difference with the prize payouts used for leaderboard. I'm also not sure it makes sense, especially considering it'll be just 5 weeks. If the leaderboard had a points formula similar to UOS then it's definitely be worth considering 🙂

I don't see much point in doing only one format in the community league. Personally think it should be a mix of things. If we start to run a lot more community leagues, we could look into doing themes like PKO only, freezeout only, NLH only etc.

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On 1/8/2022 at 7:56 AM, Estzen said:

Make Community Event Avatar. for best of 3. xD 

Got any ideas for a cool avatar? Not sure it'll happen, but if we can come up with a really nice idea, it should be possible 🙂

On 1/8/2022 at 12:48 AM, SShcherbyna said:

I liked the last league. Except for Omaha tournaments. 🐠
I would like to see more R/A tournaments 😎

RA community league won't happen as long as I'm involved 😛 I'm very much against the RA format 


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30 minutes ago, Stubbe-Unibet said:


👍RA community league won't happen as long as I'm involved 😛 I'm very much against the RA format 👍



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7 hours ago, Stubbe-Unibet said:

RA community league won't happen as long as I'm involved 😛 I'm very much against the RA format 


If possible, it would be interesting to hear your position in detail. Ecology or just a personal dislike for the format?
And regarding the avatar, as @Estzen suggested, it's a cool idea, many people like to receive unique rewards.

Edited by SShcherbyna
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3 hours ago, SShcherbyna said:

If possible, it would be interesting to hear your position in detail. Ecology or just a personal dislike for the format?
And regarding the avatar, as @Estzen suggested, it's a cool idea, many people like to receive unique rewards.

It's not a recreational friendly nor a community friendly format 🙂 

I really don't see the benefit of the addon, unless you're a reg who wishes to take advantage of the ones not understanding the value of taking it (you'd be surprised - or maybe not - how many this is). What does addon do?

  • It doesn't generate higher prizepools relative to total buyin or number of players, quite the contrary for the latter (unless you don't take the addon, but then we're back to my point above)
  • You have very few players from the start of the tournament and then a sudden influx just before registration closes. Also leads to more cancellations
  • You have a stalling level between reg close and addon which isn't enjoyable for anyone (this is more a technical issue on our end rather than a flaw in the normal addon mechanics)

It just created a really weird tournament dynamic and I literally can't see any upsides, unless you're a reg who appreciates the ability to max late reg and buy equity with the addon. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm missing something 😉 

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10 minutes ago, Stubbe-Unibet said:

It's not a recreational friendly nor a community friendly format 🙂 

I really don't see the benefit of the addon, unless you're a reg who wishes to take advantage of the ones not understanding the value of taking it (you'd be surprised - or maybe not - how many this is). What does addon do?

  • It doesn't generate higher prizepools relative to total buyin or number of players, quite the contrary for the latter (unless you don't take the addon, but then we're back to my point above)
  • You have very few players from the start of the tournament and then a sudden influx just before registration closes. Also leads to more cancellations
  • You have a stalling level between reg close and addon which isn't enjoyable for anyone (this is more a technical issue on our end rather than a flaw in the normal addon mechanics)

It just created a really weird tournament dynamic and I literally can't see any upsides, unless you're a reg who appreciates the ability to max late reg and buy equity with the addon. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm missing something 😉 

It's due to Unibet software limitation for the last point. One thing we've been moaning to get fixed for like 7 years or so 🤣

And one major merit in my opinion is that add-ons make tournaments deeper in structure at critical point. Re-entries at 10bb level make MTTs often push-fold tournaments, while after add-on generally MTTs play 30bb+ deep and play deeper than other tournaments, becoming more skill-based.

Also with current Unibet low player base rebuy/add-ons allow more flexibility in terms of bankroll management while keeping guaranteeds tempting. People can play nitty, trying to take minimal amounts or rebuys or go to take dominating position by pushing stack size.

Allowing people which have different bankrolls to come together is valuable stuff when you don't have huge amount of players around. That's reason why I would like to see some Wild West type of MTTs (like 0,25€ buy-in for 500 chips, unlimited rebuys without max chip stack) as it would allow players both from micro ja highstakes come together if prize pools can be pushed to be tempting enough. 

Going for late reg add-on value is greatly exaggerated. And as long as player remembers to take that add-on, they are not at major disadvantage agaisnt those players (due to stalling level they can actually quite easily grasp chips from late reggers).

And most obvious merit is of course that R/A's are most popular MTTs at Unibet and literally only thing which sets apart Unibet from its bigger competititors at MTT offering. Kill R/A's -> kill Unibet MTT program.

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9 minutes ago, Farseer said:

And one major merit in my opinion is that add-ons make tournaments deeper in structure at critical point. Re-entries at 10bb level make MTTs often push-fold tournaments, while after add-on generally MTTs play 30bb+ deep and play deeper than other tournaments, becoming more skill-based.

This can be accomplished - decent stack depth at late reg stage - without addon as well 🙂

9 minutes ago, Farseer said:

Also with current Unibet low player base rebuy/add-ons allow more flexibility in terms of bankroll management while keeping guaranteeds tempting. People can play nitty, trying to take minimal amounts or rebuys or go to take dominating position by pushing stack size.

Allowing people which have different bankrolls to come together is valuable stuff when you don't have huge amount of players around. That's reason why I would like to see some Wild West type of MTTs (like 0,25€ buy-in for 500 chips, unlimited rebuys without max chip stack) as it would allow players both from micro ja highstakes come together if prize pools can be pushed to be tempting enough. 

This I really don't get. If anything, it offers lower prizepool compared to rebuy tournaments. Again, quite a lot of players don't take the addon and a €25 addon tournament shouldn't be considered a €25 tournament but at least €50. Players missing out on equity when not taking addon - and thereby having a greater total buyin to prizepool ratio than a €25 rebuy can offer - is not a good thing but a bad thing.

Poker is enough of a skill game and doesn't need the skill gap further increased by the addon mechanic. 

21 minutes ago, Farseer said:

Going for late reg add-on value is greatly exaggerated. And as long as player remembers to take that add-on, they are not at major disadvantage agaisnt those players (due to stalling level they can actually quite easily grasp chips from late reggers).

In what way is it exaggerated? Issue is players don't "remember" to take addon, as mentioned earlier.

15 minutes ago, Farseer said:

And most obvious merit is of course that R/A's are most popular MTTs at Unibet and literally only thing which sets apart Unibet from its bigger competititors at MTT offering. Kill R/A's -> kill Unibet MTT program.

This is simply not true 🙂 what metric are you measuring popularity based on? 


So, I'm asking again: what's good about the addon format?

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You know what I want to see, some Unibet live poker home games. I just want to take a plane to malta after this corona craziness and play a home game where everyone has to take 10 or more shots and then play cards and maybe halfway through the game we can stop to take more shots and eat some BBQ.


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12 hours ago, Stubbe-Unibet said:

So, I'm asking again: what's good about the addon format?

Keeping it simple: at least it is literally only thing which keeps me and many other players playing @ Unibet. Without R/A's, we would just play elsewhere.

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Just now, Farseer said:

Keeping it simple: at least it is literally only thing which keeps me and many other players playing @ Unibet. Without R/A's, we would just play elsewhere.

So, in other words: without the added edge due to addon, you wouldn't play. I don't think that's an argument for keeping the format, quite the contrary 🙂 

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