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The Final day of UOS 12.12.2021 Recap

This time I didnt go for Higher, and just went for 3 games. 

So lets start with the one that wasnt going so good:

UOS 1500 E104 Rebuy Low 5 euro:

I dont remember specifics, but like we see, nothing special here. 94th of 126. 


The 2 day events that were both Low and Mid, I had very good runs and focus. Unfortunately, at Mid one, I got knocked down from 50ish stack with AKs, UTG1 open by me and HJ call and CO jammed 50. I called ofc and HJ folded and he had 99s that held. Theory wise - an insane gamble play to do, but yeah... he had his time. 18th In the Mid 2day event:

UOS Event 99 12500 25 euro 2 day event:


UOS Event 100 3000 rebuy 10 euro 2 day event:

At low event I ran also very deep but at the later stages I was pretty short stack and at the jamming situation I didnt get the best of it. 


It is funny that Both of them got 18th. 

In general it was very nice and competitive environment of UOS and really enjoyed the ride. Winning Mid 2day would have been remarkable, but hey - next time 😉 ! 

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  • 4 months later...

Starting with another UOS bloging here. Will be an intresting time, yesterday went pretty deep, but ended up falling still. 

Also the Tuesday Bubble Burster was a weird format that I played all of. Which I ended up getting like 68 euros and I think I had like over 80 euros of buy-ins there, so 🤣 no goods. But well the volatile ones happen todays Wilds will be even more xD . 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not been able to play as much UOS as I planned at first due to live stuff.

But here are 2 screens with results. Today Im tired, will post other hand stuff later too. 

Too bad that I had not screened results on the lower one.



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  • 1 month later...

Welcome back to my EMPTY BLOG! Unibet Anniversary 25!

Just when I ended up losing my last 3 spin'n'gos which clearly are just so unfair thing in the world - I decided that its time to make this empty blog post just before heading to sauna and my study sessions. 

I will be playng most of the Anniversary events, what has Unibet for us this time?Will we see theMachine hiting a runner-runner 4liner? Maybe... Are we able to beat all the "cheaters"?🤣 Can we punish all the Spin'n'go Robots who are tryng to get the prize and steal it from us?? We Will See it ALL! It will be all here, in this empty blog, which balances all the other players who do not even have a blog! Because WE WANNA BE BALANCED!😉 We keep Unibet balanced and unexploitable!😄

 Yesterday, I had woke up at 4am, so it was pretty hard to focus on Anniversary games and due to that, I didnt play the deep stack one, even tho it would have been the best of them. But here are yesterdays results:

The 2K 6min blinds event:

After getting into a cooler, and left with 7 bb, my A2 didnt love me so much like I needed. Congradz to the topW1nner also, seems that my chips gave him extra hits making it and all the Merenitsu outs were blocked!



The 4k 7min levels event:

Was able to get into the min-cash from bubble, and QJs didnt let me have more. With all of this it was just good to head into sleep, because focusing on FT would have been really an overkill with this exhaustion. 


Just jamming the obvious, SB cold calling huh? and HJ over-jamming his cold call. SB folding. Would be a really good squeeze-jam spot so if he had something reasonable and made a tight fold, then this is a horrible fold. If just chickened by very speculative specially some suited connectors then its understandable .. but yeah I was just a bit surprised call-folding there by SB. image.thumb.png.fea5faef376faca1856a64247cee9770.png

And here we go the Queen and Jack clearly out of love for us. But maybe the love comes after making posts. image.thumb.png.f5e5d8b74fb17eb078b61de2ff251975.png

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20.06.2020 Anniversary day

Yesterday was very nice gaming day. This series seems to be very good, I was also doing pretty well, but ended up down something like 100 or due to some rebuys. Also put Neptune up, but wasnt able to make it this time. 

6K Deep Anniversary event:

Ended up 43th when I had pretty short in the end, and I had pretty good bounty so I was very happy to jam my KK, but ended up AA. 




So yeah, nothing we can do here 😕 

4K Anniversary event: 

This one I actually thought that I had more bounties at first, but no compared to yesterdays this one didnt go as well. 

This one was going on pretty good, until I just had to get KO'd in a spot against Maarcelus and ended up 75th with 5.88 lol. image.thumb.png.388a7ad6e4ffa8fa1208dd39c5510cfd.png


Pretty normal squeeze spot, but not loving it so much. Ended up having vs JJ spiking an Ace and running it down to a J On the River with a good vomit xD. 


Now, 2k Anniversary Deep Hyper:

If they wouldnt be as volatile, these are gold, because really people suck at shortstack. Its just crazy the mistakes that are made in these, and specially if more aware of PKO. Ended up having at least 2 crazy multiway allins which I won both, so with PKOs and those Hypers, the volatility just skirockets, but if you run good you make it crazy hits. 

Was nice to get FT, but my added value was so high that there almost with 0 fold equity anyway 😄 


I think with 2 stacks covering in FT there, I feel that A3s ICM wise is a bit loose of an open there, but maybe if people passive and not gonna take advantage of that its fine - not sure - I had huge goods-on my head so certainly reasonable in the 1v1 sense its almost anytwo in vacum lol. But the problem is, if pot lost, hes gonna lose the covering stack size pretty much, so a risky spot abit. But ended up well for him with my €66 bounty.. 


Seeing the runout I was already "mkay so many outs to dodge, pretty much cooked here"



Even tho Neptune didnt go ITM this time, I saved one nice moment from the Four of a Kind:


At Neptune was 18th, with a pretty sliver 30BB jam call, which in theory is fold sometimes... but at that time im kinda insta clicked there, and since people are much tighter than theory suggest I just got doomed:


Auto-piloting isnt a good place always, with vs a tighter guy really a stupid call there in terms of exploits.. 

So yeah, that was my day . We will have a blast today too! Keeping it going to Anniversary. Pretty good place on Anniversary leaderboard too, so this €250 supermoon is coming for!

Cheers to everyone!

Edited by Estzen
the wording was wrong in the place
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Quick update:

Im on a bus right now, heading to an non-poker event. So I will make a longer screenshots included post later.

Yesterday, with some other stuff combined, lost like €200, thats not the the worst in terms of my daily swings its actually very common. But I was watching Youtube on the side yesterday and that also wasnt the best-of-best ideas, as I ended up making some stupid jams, which I didnt like later on. However, in terms of bluffs, I really just got into bluffing into the nuts very many times, specially when one had A8s and I had some Kox that I had defended with a spade and was jamming into. SO games went very unfortunate, and not only that - I also made some very bad decisions later on. So 0 cashes and some rebuys. 😄 I remember - 1 bounty was probably which I managed to get IN TOTAL ---- LOL . I basically closed everything later and just went to sleep. Im not sure the quality I can get today, as I would be playng Anniversary during a lecture ... Its not totally locked in my head yet, to do it like that or not, but - I ll probably end up doing so.... whatever. In terms of yesterday really cant blame much of anything but myself for not focusing properly and even if some setups ended up really bad luck it was not just that. 

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23 minutes ago, Estzen said:

Im not sure the quality I can get today, as I would be playng Anniversary during a lecture ... Its not totally locked in my head yet, to do it like that or not, but - I ll probably end up doing so.... whatever. In terms of yesterday really cant blame much of anything but myself for not focusing properly and even if some setups ended up really bad luck it was not just that. 

You can't blame anything but yourself for not focussing properly yet you will probably do it again today. 🙄

If you think some other action is affecting your results then stop it.....................NOW!!!😠

"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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7 minutes ago, GR1ZZL3R said:

You can't blame anything but yourself for not focussing properly yet you will probably do it again today. 🙄

If you think some other action is affecting your results then stop it.....................NOW!!!😠

Well , It might and it may not, as Ive been doing this for long time, so it really can be too fold, yesterday was just too distraced. I didnt also get as good of a sleep than I did today. Im self-aware enough that, I for sure made some horrible lines. Playng 1 table is easy. But when the 2nd game starts and Im multitabling via tab. Then its a bit harder. Can go either way 😄 

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5 hours ago, Livertool said:


Dr Phil on fire again 👍

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office

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We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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On 6/22/2022 at 4:32 PM, Estzen said:

Get better results than I do, and then talk. 

What are those? Maybe i've missed them??? Feel free to share 🙂

What i've seen thou is "deep analysis" from you, based on watching Dr Phil, that Hellmuth is narcissist cause dnegs said so, @cris1285 has problems in his life cause he was tilted with bad beats yet your lame excuse for poor results was just that you didn't sleep well. And you are even selfaware of it yet you play tired and use that as an excuse later???

It was 90's when i last had good sleep so take that if you feel my poker results ain't top of line 🤣

But carry on, i'm amused 😉

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The last community member who really pushed the "I'm a pro, I know everything and I'm better than you peasants"-angle was our good friend Brocky...🤔

Maybe he's a narcissist, maybe he's a sociopath, however Hellmuth so obviously has a screw loose that even if you only watched Dr Phil, you're still overqualified to diagnose him!


Edited by WuDu
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We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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1 hour ago, WuDu said:

The last community member who really pushed the "I'm a pro, I know everything and I'm better than you peasants"

Was he the last? Sure he was one but i think last one was @IanSimpson  Ditching him was decision that i can agree with unibet 😁 Better luck with 888

1 hour ago, WuDu said:

however Hellmuth so obviously has a screw loose

Or just his style? Really hard to say just from youtube clips which i think you are basing your view. Based on those i would say he even can't play but got to give respect for results. I got hunch how he got this far but i keep it to myself cause it is also Dr Phil style psychology 🤣

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Before starting to write my 3 days of results I ll take a little cake to talk about Phil Hellmuth and what I think about him. 

Just like Livertool said, gotta respect the results - in terms of results I think sure he is really good, BUT he for sure is not as good as he thinks about himself. And the point of Narcissim by Negreanu and many others, I think is a valid one. And not just trait lines, but here its probably a real personality disorder. If anyone wants to get a glimpse, what real(and not some PR article talks about NPD) I would recommend Dr. Todd Grande's channel on Youtube.(check-it out) Its a very valid channel interms of Clinical Psychology with a good depth. In terms of NPD, what really stands out, is that people like that are not just arrogant, but it really doesnt make sense to them - why people wouldnt like them. And the grandiosity of thought in their internal speech, is a skyhigh one... super-unrealistic. 

So when someone with NPD gets high archievements which from time time is still possible of course, the real downside is that it validates their own delusion for themselves even more. 

And that really is a big part of PH. Hes a lucky guy, that is wife is a psychologist, cuz it would be really hard to live with one in a long-marrige, because Personality Disorders are not something that would change, if someone really wants he can adjust with awareness - somewhat, but their certainly never gonna turn these around. Borderline Personality Disorder cases are a good example, how painful Persoanlity D-s really get... and if someone would deny their diagnose, its even more. 

In terms of PH and Poker, Im pretty much thinking pretty much the same as Negranu is thinking about it. PH is a good player, but he certainly isnt the current BEST ONE. He is not beating the 10k and the nosebleeds, he is not in ther high up kicking everyones butt... hes just a ego-trip guy with his good game-selections where he is winning <- but he is still a valid high stakes player. But is he even a top 50? Probably no. 

So what to think about his HU matches? Well, for sure he understands how SNG type works, but he overweights his small results. Its like a player who wins against you lets say 40% he can win against you and you win 60% ... and a guy wins 4 games in a row,.... then he says that "See I kicked you and showed how shit you really are" ; While in reality... if you'd play hundereds of games.... in the real world of things, he can never be +EV against you . And his few games cloud his thoughts that back on his back. 

At the same time, I guess just like Esfandiari - there are sure people undervalue PH at times, but in the longrun their mostly right I think - but sure its a much more balanced situation than black-n-white. 

If PH would play Dnegs just like Dnegs played Polk... I think PH would cry, but the thing is hes never gonna do it. 😄 

As a conclusion: PH is a valid high-stakes player with the greatest results of WSOP titles and so on. Which have gotten also from when player fields were SMALLER. He is for sure A HALL OF FAME player "forever" . But he should and probably is unaware how much work he should add to his resume, to have that "Im the best right now" floor "RIGHT NOW". 

Thats kinda how I see that topic. 

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Anniversary results 21-23

So, the 21 was crazy - wasnt a happy day, but hey - we have to take both sides of the results:

The 6k was really poor, but I forgot to change alias so I wont go to that one. 

4k Anniversary 22th June:


With PKOs, there ranges get really crazy at times and due to that we also have a pretty high varience lines. Emotionally sure feels shit to have to hit the rebuy(thankfully people are rebuyng enough so that the usually theres still enough people to make it okay to rebuy, but most of the time - we actually SHOULDNT REBUY in PKOs. Thankfully, the fields have remained relatively the same as the start for a long time in these Anniversary ones. However, I pushed that day probably a bit over and made at least 2 invalid rebuys when it comes to optimal theory.. 2 is probably an understatement too.. runs sucked and what can you do 😄 . image.thumb.png.35ac745cad187683e57b69da07b8ce1e.png

So just like the Quick update said: I think I got like 1 bounty in full that day 😄 - and at the same time, I was like leaderboard 3rd or smth lol. 

22. June

This day I was in another town and on the day before, I wasnt really sure if Im really gonna play the whole games in a tablet while listening a live event and stayng with my 2 friends whom also grabed 1 from their town, so its 4 of us. I played these games all at the tablet at same time and ended later when we were at the old towns restaurant and just chatting about psychology and philosophy. Shes a psychology-grad and totally was a great night of valueble discussion and multi-tablling, was able to FT two of these, but not 1st places. 

Game 1, Anniversary 6k


Game 2. Anniversary 4k


I dont remember what was the hand so I just out of curiosity check it out: 

So this one and he had JJ. so just UL there. The fact that he can open superwide against me really makes its a really good to go, but not this time. 


2K Anniversary:


With that day, remained 4th in the Leaderboard, but its not really that a thing since 1st place doesnt get anything better. Its just a matter of 25. For me, the Leaderboard is just an added benefit, everything will work out already because if PKOs have been studied, you do understand the range diffrences in the situations and some -EV calls that are pure -EV calls in any normal game, will be +EV must calls in these games from time to time. It will skyrocket the varience, but it makes money and its the correct way of playng these, in the long run, PKOs make more money than Normals so in that terms its even better that Anniversary has picked PKO as a pure format. 

The hard part is that sometimes, the range can be over-widened where its actually not so good in the long-run and probably -EV , while in a certain tables, its not so bad from time to time. Anyway PKOs are fun and PKOs are crazy games. The fact that most of the people play them like normals, is just a pure added benfit for us. 



23th June, another not as bad as the 21st was, but not a happy day. But I didnt cry xD

Game 1, Anniversary 6k:


That went probably like 3 rebuys? I dont remember exactly right now , wasnt a good one tho. 

Game 2 Anniversary 4k:


I think it was here that I had INSANE hand with AQs against 2 bounties with 2 shorties against a guy who covers me and called it off with A3- since he covers it kinda a bit licence him to do it here I guess, but im not entirely sure... my range sure could be pretty wide with that iso her so thats probably why he called it off there too. In a normal this would be pure insane. Since I had AQs it could be said that just raising would be a thing too, but jamming is never bad so and im percieved so wide and since im covered jam makes sense even more. could go both ways tho.

And 4flush came my reaction at time was that I burst laughting so hard that it was hard to hold myself for some time.. 



just no diamond please lol 😄 

Game 3: Anniversary 2k: 

I have no recollection what happened here, but I assume some jam by default that made it:


Lets checki it out: 



There we go - so I ended up sleeping too long today... its past midday now a lot, I have drank my 2 coffees and elaborated this thing here a bit. ... I ll head out to eating and then will study sess for some time and then we play some Anniversaries again 😄 . Leaderboard 7th still. Since for the trip I took like 200 out, so if I count that back (I have played some other games too ofc, but I post Festival events to this board, otherwise I would have to post everyday and it would be crazy. Im down few hundred in total I guess. If Anniversary alone counted, Im probably also down a some. 25s are great games tho, I really like it all . I min cashed Mercury Blue yesterday too, but its not relevant to this blog, even tho I played with same alias. I welcome all the talkers to play every event and smash those tables. Have a good grind fellow community! Love to you all!



Edited by Estzen
wrong pic in
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Quick update, not much - zero normal cashes from Anniversary events. 9 bountis in total it seems. The 1st one was very good and promising, but KQ seems to have the better odds against us today. 2 games, it was always AK vs KQ where KQ had the better of me - so all the Merenitsu outs where apparently working there. 😄 Tomorrow will have the screens 😉 

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12 minutes ago, Estzen said:

I understand that for you its funny

Yes it is 😘

13 minutes ago, Estzen said:

but to me its just childish

That is fine. 


19 minutes ago, Estzen said:

respond with this: 


Yeah those were too long for me to watch. But good if you have analysed your idol and got confirmation with youtube 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Livertool said:

Yes it is 😘

That is fine. 


Yeah those were too long for me to watch. But good if you have analysed your idol and got confirmation with youtube 🙂

Its intresting that all you are capable is some fluff, really nothing with depth to say. Typical degenerate bullies who have zero value in life and feel a need to make at least something into their misery. You want to downgrade youtube, but actually there is very good academic channels too. But of course their all too long for your braincells, for you . F U, is short enough for you, thats your depth. 

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10 hours ago, Estzen said:

but to me its just childish

Sorry, but I'm not sorry. I've read too many these kind of rants of you and can't just take it anymore.


You are making deep analyzes of people in this forum basing on a few sentences you've read. Like ffs? If you'd really have any kind of competence in the field of psychology you'd know that that is just stupid. 


You seem to think you are very mature yourself? Unfortunately someone had deleted your message for Cris which very much showed how mature you are. But here's a few brain fart's as you might describe it.



You started a dispute with Cris. You started talking him down, trying to lift yourself up. That didn't go too well and it ended on this. Very mature. 


You ranted on my in the chat because I made a mom joke on Stubbe. A joke. You made your deep analyzes again there, telling me what kind of person I am. And you are yourself doing this. Very mature.





Could you please do the math here?


You seem like a real HS crusher. Probably a poker millionaire?



Now. Go on. Do your thing and analyze me again. I'm not married so don't waste your time on my wife, because even I don't know her. After you've done that, FU.

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I wasnt going to think, that I get something like this when I open Unibet Community. 

So, you can check out the whole discussion on and no, its not started by me. Its was all about Cris not being able to take a comment over 12 hexa losses. Then going ham on and starting the irony. NOT ME. 

Then yes, I really did make the title an Empty Blog because for me, it was just laughable. 

And now, if you count the comments which are the off-topic ones, their not mine. Their from these same stalkers. 😄 

(The wife comment btw was a reacted comment against the irony that was put out before.) 

Sure, everything write out could be just a "persona" , but if someone is getting so pissed over these things, we can make some conclusion, are they clincal? No. Can we speculate? Yes. And no its not stupid to make these assumptions, because their is valid research on for instance "news commenting population" etc and people who tend to do these kinda of stuff. Does it 100% mean that my assumption is right? Of course not. Can I make the assumption with it also being corret? Yes. I think I still have my speech validation just like anyone else. Specially if someone uses irony and then is so much taken back by it when it was used against him too. 

If you think "shitposting" to peoples blogs is mature, then fine you can go and believe it.

In terms of my sharkscopes, its great that you are able to pull these up and look my mostly inactive noob accounts, + the fact that Im a major bankroll nit and split my rolls. Im not some high stakes reg, but I'd do have online midstakes results with beating the games. And for instance, this Unibet account has been opened with a single 10 euro deposit which for long time was pretty much the only deposit I had made to it. Later on there are some added deposits for bonuses that I have made, but basically this roll has been built up from that 10 euro and admins can confirm it to you if you really want to.. And today Im playng actively 25s and 50s daily here... So I really dont need your confirmation for my games, I see them myself. And you can come and play these with your own open blog too if you so much want to. 

I guess posting pig pictures for some people is very mature... 


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One side note more, its cool when some people (but not you Pionrj) , are criticizing me when even from these smaller accounts are all in profit, yet they cannot even be +EV in these. 

And I have nothing to hide in that sense, that from the old Microgaming graph you can also see, kinda the line when things started to get better for me... the whole losing part there shows very nicely the turning point, even tho it doesnt get into profit because I didnt took the time back then to put it my main focus of place. But here is also an old graph from OnGame network from older times:  games consisting mainly MTTs $5,  - and compared to today, I would say that actually my game sucked back then, but it was enough for the these fields... that is in somewhere 2015ish


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