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Everything posted by FeelsBadMan

  1. ^ Just posting a short translation of the angry finnish message. We all probably agree that day 1 could have been shorter (less levels), ideally day 1 and day 2 would be roughly equal, so like for a 10 hour total runtime, 5 hour day 1 +5 hour day 2. This time the "new DSO" had half the stack size (great change IMO) and 2 extra levels of day 1, compared to the old DSO Personally, other than the weird day 1 day 2 split which seems like an honest mistake, and that doesn't really affect me, I quite enjoyed the structure. a bit too deep at the start but got past that by lateregging an hour in. Also it probably would make sense to have lower events a bit faster, like for the 1€ event, don't think almost anyone would complain if it were a 10 min day 1 12 min day 2, and for the 10€ maybe like 12min day 1 and 15 minute day 2. The prizes just aren't worth it for most, and these blind timers would still give a very good amount of play for the level of thournaments at those stakes, and it would make it easier to split day1s and day2s equally-ish across the board. I know I know, his angry message didn't seem like it said all this, but deep down it really did @Leo-Unibet
  2. I quite like the new proposed layout. big BIG fan of the color coded ladder stat in the infobox, and the implementation of it, just having a samll bubble with the number color coded rather than having the entire box background color coded like party did it which looks a bit ugly and harder to read. if there's payjumps I'd just keep the number in that color coded box instead of explicitly writing ITM and let the colors do the talking. then infobox as a whole is really nicely positioned here, and doesn't require different layouts that end up covering stuff so that's super nice. break icon under the clock at the top seems decent too, sets it apart from the others and if I'm not mistaken it's a layout other sites have chosen too, if possible I'd also add an icon there (to the left of the break icon, maybe with the R/A+ icon from the lobby) with the time in minutes till the end of rebuy / till the addon break starts, and that can be hidden after that period ends. IMO that is really nice and relevant information to have that is quite hard to discern currently, you have to look in the tournament lobby to see how many levels of rebuy, then you have to look at the blind levels, multiply and add breaks, it's a major hassle for such an important piece of info. The text is soooooo much clearer in the pinki version than in the live UI when resizing to the minimum table size, it's like wearing glasses for the first time and finally seeing right. Obv an image will scale down far better than programatic text so that's not really a fair critique of the current UI but Relax should REEEEALLLY look into some methods to make the scaling of text be much clearer at the minimum table size (on the major popular rezolutions hd, fhd, wqhd,4k), please. Would also be extra sweet if resizing would be dynamic in a way, where the most important elements like stack size for example get scaled down less than less important stuff like avatars, but I realize that's probably beyond the scope of this and probably not really worth the dev hours and the headache of managing the resizing across devices. One more comment of the scaling, it seems like the 3.0 UI scales down more aggresively than the previous client version, as in, when the table is big the elements are bigger / more visible than they used to be (which is used as a selling point of the new UI), but when you scale the table down to the minimum they are the same size or maybe even smaller than in the old version, which contradicts that selling point. Maybe there's a reason for this and maybe it wouldn't look great but I feel like having stuff be bigger at the minimum table size is even more important than when the table is in full screen (mostly interested in text elements with relevant info). If you could please look into this @Relax that would be great Personally I prefer the current timebank UI around the entire border rather than the new pinki design for it. I really like the bigger 1x 2x etc buttons, and the small spacing between the action buttons. The stack size numbers could be a bit bigger, current UI has them bigger and stars UI has them even bigger than the current one. It's the most important piece of info on the table aftert the bets/action. For the action labels, from the ones proposed I prefer the one where the FOLD has a gray background and red text rather than red background, as it's less of a call to action and makes the entire table less jarring. Generally the new action labels look nice, but worried about 2 things: 1. the fact that they cover the cards might be confusing, maybe it's something that one can adjust super quickly to. 2. some people might complain about all the color, which they have in the past (while others would like it), as the current version is more subtle, just the text being colored. Maybe having an option to switch between a more popping version and a more subtle version could be a fix for that, but then the fact that the cards aren't visible when the action label is shown can become a major problem in the subtle version as it would be harder to see who's still in the hand.
  3. @4kev tickets got rounded up, so anyone between 1 and 25 games got 1 full ticket, 95 games played got 4 tickets , not 3. and they gave away 1.5x the guarantee in adition to giving the guarantee a bit late (nvm I thought it actually popped eventually) so that seems pretty generous, not a big fan of doing it as a freeroll in general, but considering that they set it up within a day, with all the other stuff going on, is pretty cool.
  4. @staneyyy read thy message again for thou answer cometh within
  5. Well, with 1 ticket for every 25 games played, rounded up, the players that played the most have a major handicap compared to people that only played a couple of games already. The top player should have had 2000+ tickets if it were distributed evenly and fair, but they did think of giving the little guys a bit more of a chance already. Nobody is getting any free jackpot, probabilities are still probabilities and it's only fair that the ones that played and contributed the most have the highest chance to win. Single digit ticket gang here
  6. Everyone: "The perfect stacksize does not exist" Me:
  7. @P0kerM0nk nope, it's a fixed period, pretty sure it's 90 days from the moment it's "in use", but I might be wrong and it might be 60. I was getting pretty close to the expiration date on my last bonus.
  8. All the bonus shop bonuses have 5 equal segments, so the 500€ one will have 5x 100€ segments with 90 days expiration on it, if after 90 days you didn't manage to release some of those segments you lose them, so only buy a bonus this big if you know you can generate that much rake (2500€ in rake, which for mtts would be more than 25k turnover, hexapro more than 36k, and sng more than 50k, over the span of 90 days)
  9. @Karl google sheets is very very similar to microsoft excel, same formulas, same basic stuff, probably missing some of the very advanced things but I doubt you need those. For having the total in a specific cell, instead of "moving" the last cell , why don't you go to the target cell and type =SUM( and then select the entire profit column without the header, go as far down as you want, that should give you a fixed total cell that updates every time you add a new tournament. So in this case I guess it would be =SUM(F6:F1000) that you would put in the I6 cell
  10. Another option for showing it on OBS without the crazy hackerman stuff is by using google sheets. Keep track in a googlesheets spreadheet, make sure to make it public (share button top right, change button bottom left, make sure it's set on "anyone with a link" , hit done) . Then on your spreadsheet, go to the cell that has your total bankroll, right click it, and "Get link to cell". Now that link should be in your clipboard. In OBS sources ADD > Browser > Name it excel or whatever and hit ok > at URL paste the link you just copied from google sheets and hit ok. Now you have your online excell sheet on your screen. Then just right click that Source that you just created in Sources > click Filters > bottom left click on the + > Crop/Pad > OK > and then just mess around with the Left Top Right Bottom cropping numbers until you have just your cell on screen. Now any time that total gets updated in your sheet it gets updated on your screen too. Yes this is pretty complex too, but if you follow the directions it shouldn't be too hard (assuming that you have OBS studio) LE: you can use this method to have anything on your stream, maybe graphs that update if you'll learn how to do that, for example, without the need to have it open on your other screen and captured, with this method you don't even need the spreadsheet open as it's all online.
  11. I believe the rule you quoted is referring only to in play sharing. Like hey friend I have aces, or hey friend you should fold this hand cause I'll play, or hey friend I see you're thinking hard on this decision with your current hand, you should do this. These are all not allowed, and the first 2 are somewhat easy to detect if they happen a lot. Sharing databases has been a touchy subject on other sites but I don't see how stopping it could ever be enforced. I'm assuming since it has such a smaller impact on unibet due to non automated tools and changing aliases it wouldn't be much of a problem sharing some notes or info, but it would still be kinda rude to post a 5 page manifesto on the forum of how a certain player plays, unless it's @IanSimpson An official answer would obviously clear things up more, but on the sharing notes things it seems like such a gray area to have an official statement, like ah this guy is a nit, or I've seen this guy fold this hand, or icm suicider and other throwaway comments are probably very acceptable, but sharing a repository of hundreds of hands and large amounts of notes and stats compiled to ave a clear image of his game quickly becomes somewhat unethical.
  12. This all seems quite unacceptable, and unibet should step up and take every single complaint in this thread seriously, and refund every single one of them that only plays bounties on the site, and then permaban all the ones that don't exclusively play bounties
  13. oh, whoops, yeah you're right, I should make more final tables to get in that situation
  14. @Patsgnome the first post links to this thread https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/Technical-poker-issue-on-the-15th-of-April-2020-and-continuing/td-p/323492 Scroll down to "Tournament Cancellation Policy" and the way refunds are done is explained there, it's not pure ICM. Support unfortunately isn't very well trained on poker issues since it's just 2% of the company.
  15. @RogueWitch That's specifically a multibuyin tournament problem, idk why those still exist cause they're a pretty bad format, out of everything in the schedule there's only a handful left, all of them being in the 1 and 2€ unibet open satties. You won't have that issue with normal tournaments that don't have this silly multi-buyin option. They could fix this by finally getting rid of the multi-buyin option from these few tournaments that are left, and just keep it for multi ticket promos. What you can do to use that specific ticket is what we all used to do back in the day when you weren't able to click on a ticket, use all your other tickets on tournaments starting in the future until you're left with the ticket you want to use, use that ticket to register your soon starting tournament and immediately unregister everything else. Obviously this is a very annoying process and as I said they should just remove the multi-buyin format to get rid of any isse like this, but until then, this is an option. LE: I see you already got a response but I didn't refresh the page recently, whoops :happyshy:
  16. @Roflpain I completely 100% agree with @Livertool on this one. You as a customer have the option to play wherever you want and if a site treats you badly you have the option, and should, move your 20€ of rake a month to another site that can appreciate that 20€ more. Employees don't have the option to choose their customers and kinda have to take it, but you have no such obligation and can choose where you play, and the most effective way to protest is with your wallet IMO. As for the profitability of the company, yes in the long run creating a more even spread among stakes is meant to help the game grow more and eventually make more profit, which incidentally growing the game more also helps us as players to make more profit. I can understand that 10NL can be a scary beast that will be very hard to beat, but I believe in you, as a profitable 4NL player, that you will be able to overcome it, especially as the changes also help 10NL players move up to make more profits at 25nl. Wherever you will decide to pay your 20€ of rake I wish you the best of luck and patience, and I'm sure you'll do great
  17. I play in that 9-12 range of tables, and when I played the bulk of my tickets I had even more tables, and it was fine, but yeah I agree that for rebuys in particular it's a bit annoying, still doable. I'd say the rebuy pop-up during the addon break is far far more annoying, although I got used to x that one away every single time, but that one impacts a far less niche part of the population. Pretty sure that one is on the list of many fairly important improvements/fixes that are prioritized for this year.
  18. I've used thousands of tickets, when I need to switch I just click on the ticket in that dropdown and it works most of the time, don't really see how it's such a huge issue for you. As a new player experience it's for sure not great and should be improved, BUT, I think it would be even worse if they didn't put the soonest expiring ticket first, since a person could see a ticket expiring in a day and try to play a tournament of that value, and end up with the ticket expiring cause a specific event ticket got used. I feel like that's a far more likely scenario for a noob. Not really sure what the best design choice would be to both prioritize specific event tickets and avoid the latter issue. And if it even matters much, like how many people even have multiple types of tickets that would be seriously impacted by using one or the other, and of those how many actually struggle with it? Personally I just find it slightly annoying but hardly ever an issue. Later edit: maybe a better design choice would be to pop-up that dropdown when you click the ticket button, and maybe have something that expires very soon marked in red, that might help with preventing errors, but I'd probably be very annoyed with having to do an extra click when I don't need it most of the time :happyshy:
  19. Hi @haselnut the number of chips and the amount you got back in a post earlier sound about right just from my estimation, idk the exact numbers. Maybe you're confusing the part in the rules that says they refund the fee, fee means the rake, so they refund the 0.5, then split the prizepool, gives you an equal part, and then the other half based on your chips.
  20. @Livertool you know what hits my nerve? When people don't treat staff like humans, whether it's gambling staff, witnesses, room service, clerks, cashiers, whatever. And this is not necessarily targeted at you as your requests for stuff to be correct are fairly reasonable, the trolling less so, just contributes to the mob mentailty. Just a general gripe of mine I have with people. Similarly to how you started a whole crusade from what initially was me pointing out where people can look in the client to get accurate information
  21. @Livertool what the heck are you on about? you think people see a ticket in their balance and they're like let me look for a T&C somewhere online, let me read it, let's see, oh 2500 players maximum, then do the math okay so I will have time okay so I have up until 3 hours and 25 minutes to register to the tournament before it fills up and then instantly closes the client? absolute troll For a promotion like the bootcamp or the uos, yes I think they should try to rectify their T&C as soon as possible while it's on, which they have done, preferably it would be perfect before, preferably even freerolls would be perfect but who dafq cares, nobody loses anything when it comes to a freeroll with no conditions, as I said the T&C does not impact their ability to register in any way, people are just clinging to it in the hopes that they'll get something for free out of it. As for me applying for a unibet job, don't worry, I don't play this game for peanuts, I'm quite fine not having to do that . As for my approach if I were in that position, I'd probably quadruple check everything, cause that's just how I do things , can't expect everyone to be like me, and can't expect the promo that I like to be the center of their existence when there's so much else going on, and yes I've had issues with promos for actual money before and I survived. And regardless of all these other discussions my point still stands, if you want to know something about a tournament, look at the setup fields, it's the safest place to get the correct information. For any tournament.
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