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Everything posted by FeelsBadMan

  1. With the help of @GR1ZZL3R's video I think with around 90% certainty we have figured out what is going on. Seems like the names and avatars get revealed the moment the SB is missing due to the person that was BB previously busting or sitting out or leaving the table as you can see in the bottom table of my video, and in @GR1ZZL3R's video and I had one more example where a 3 handed table turned into 2 handed which was likely the same scenario. Kinda smells like when the SB is missing it goes on a branch of the server code that either has not been updated to included the hidden avatars part of the code or just switches the boolean that deals with that for some reason. (100% it's server code because otherwise the client doesn't even receive any identifying information about the players) It's very likely that this has nothing to do with you sitting out or with the time you sitout, the sitting out just increases the probability of encountering the bug due to having the avatars hidden for longer. It also seems like a low prio bug because it can't be reproduced intentionally, it just happens as a result of specific table actions out of your control. Added logs in the hidden section with the unaffected tables filtered out, even though I don't think the logs reveal anything extra than what I have described. You can see at 14:14:38 the hidden players switching to visible players. cashgame revealed avatars.mp4
  2. To be clear, yes the page doesn't need to fully load, but it does need to make a connection and you can't know if it has until it does load, or by going to the website and checking if the connection has been disconnected 😄 In general though, I would expect most people to close the client after they received the "You're logged out" message, why would they ever click the checkmark, the checkmark doesn't close the software, so it's the obvious point where one would close it. Not sure why it even needs any human interaction and doesn't trigger the next step on its own instead of having this message.
  3. @Tekes Can confirm everything you said, about 8 years ago I have noticed the exact same thing, and then I started copying the winning strategies, just staking off preflop for hundreds of BB with T6, T2o , 32o, 72 any suit, and since then I've had a winstreak like I've never had before, 92 consecutive winning months, and the winnings have increased over time. So if you've also figured out this strategy, please go to another site, this is my site now, I do not want to share my winnings with other observant people that understand the algorithm. I guarantee you, I WILL HAVE a worse hand and I will win, if you try to replicate my strategy. 😡 On a more serious note, it is good advice, if you feel like something is not right and is affecting your mental health, move to another site, not worth the mental anguish. I was serious about the first part too but even more serious about this. 😉
  4. Have you played at all before you opened these tables? Are you sure you haven't played at the affected table recently (within the ratholing time interval, however much that is)? Cause if I join a table, play a hand, leave it, and then open a table, I get sat back at the same table and I can see all the players immediately (if someone didn't take my seat to fill up the table). Now technically you could exploit this, by playing an orbit at all the tables and then rejoin them from time to time to see if any target has joined. But ultimately the whole thing is kind of a gimmick anyway 🤷‍♂️
  5. Sounds like it not working was the bug, cause password managers are the recommended way to log in, ideally with a master password or some other authentication method. I assume Unibet only removed autologin stuff due to compliance issues, cause they get stored in a cookie in plain text, and there's a war on cookies, for good reason. But you can store your own password in any password manager you want, including google autofill 👍
  6. That's what I thought as well from the notifications, 2 tickets from 2 missions, mission 1 gets completed, you get the ticket, mission 2 starts, then after the next hand is finished mission 2 sees that you're black belt and also completes and gives you another ticket. It's just another scheduling mistake 😄 And it triggering also for Sensei is normal, always has been the case, and it's in the promo description too.
  7. Can confirm that the "You're logged out" message is a lie/misleading on both desktop and Android. The Auth token is not invalidated at that point, but only after the logout page fully loads after you get past this pointless intermediary screen. Ideally the Auth token would get invalidated by the server after a SEND: {"action":"logout"} gets sent and take it all out of your hands, but I don't think that's possible because of the separation between the Relax services and the Kindred auth service. So likely nothing will change with this, just press the checkmark and wait for it to load. To be fair, it's not a complete lie, you have been logged out from the relax services by that point, just the Kindred Auth token is still active.
  8. This bug has existed since the inception of favorites and has been reported by many people. Basically syncing settings, in particular "userFavoritesMTTList" from within the settings object, with the server storage is broken, and makes using the favorites feature between multiple devices almost unusable. It seems like when you add or remove a favorite MTT or change any setting, the server storage updates with your new preferences perfectly fine. When your client has settings (with favorites in them) in local storage, which is the case for the desktop and mobile clients, then the client first retrieves the local storage favorites, then it retrieves the server favorites, it detects a discrepancy between server (source) and client (destination) as evidenced by the following log "[CSettings::UpdateMap] source size: 766, destination size: 784", and then it logs "[CRlxNewTicketAwardService::StartService] Settings synced with the server storage". Now, what seems to be happening when your local settings get synced with the server storage is that it can only add or modify keys, but it can't remove keys from "userFavoritesMTTList" and probably same for anything else in the settings object so there might be a reason for it, but it breaks favorites. So what happens in the situation presented above, is that despite the server having only 766 favorites, the client will remain with 784. Now let's say the 766 favorites on the server contain 4 new favorites, now your client will be updated to 788 favorites, the 784 originally in local storage + the 4 new ones but it does not remove any of the ones that are no longer in server storage. In this scenario, as long as you change NOTHING on the client, no favorites, no settings, no table nudges, the server data will still contain the correct 766 and the other device where you have removed the MTTs will continue to be correct with 766. But the moment you change anything to the settings object in your client, including experiencing a table nudge out of your control, both the server and the other device get updated to 788, despite you removing a lot of MTTs on the other device. The fix is pretty obvious, but idk if it has any other problematic ramifications; when syncing the settings object and the local storage with the server storage, just remove the keys from "userFavoritesMTTList" that are no longer present in the server storage, which seems to work fine when updating the server storage. Alternatively, if removing keys causes other problems, just set the value of the key to false when removing, or true when adding, and only display the favorites that have a value of true. You might also ask yourself, why does this psycho have 766 favorited MTTs? Almost all of those are old templates that are impossible to remove as they are not displayed in the client. Surely there will be no issues with an ever expanding settings object with unremovable favorites and table nudges 🤔. It will all probably be fine. The Browser client, due to its lack of persistent local storage (or maybe it's just my browser that doesn't store stuff) is the only one that correctly updates from server storage, but obviously it will also experience similar issues when another device updates the server storage.
  9. When you logout or timeout on desktop or android you end up on this screen: And after a few seconds (or after clicking authentication) you just get redirected to the main website page:
  10. This is a super low priority bug that happens on every platform, desktop, mobile and browser. As you can see in the video, if hands are still being loaded the scroll bar and the contents snaps back to the top with every payload received (similar to the cashgame stakes bug happening now on mobile). And as the default ordering is by time and all the payloads are being placed at the bottom (when default sorted), the scroll bar and the contents should stay put to let the user look through the hands, probably by using an offset to scrollHeight that makes sure to keep the data somewhat in place, with maybe the 1st visible row as an anchor or the center visible row, or maybe you have some other easier method to not have it snap back. Keep in mind that if it's sorted by another column, rows will be added all over the place but IMO it should still stay anchored to the area you are viewing even though rows have been added before after and in the middle. Once the HH list is fully loaded it's no longer a problem, which is why it's super low priority. HH scroll bug.mp4 Also reported by @GR1ZZL3R a month and a half ago:
  11. This is a joint report with @Phlo23 who has been reporting this bug since the dawn of time. While this is a catastrophic bug that has been noticed by quite a few people recently, I wouldn't consider it top priority for the simple fact that you can avoid it during play by just never touching the HH Tab. This bug occurs in the same way on both Desktop app and Mobile app but it's nearly impossible to replicate in browser. What happens is, if go the the HH tab and try to load a date, and before it loads every single hand you decide to change the date or game type because you want to see something else it will completely freeze everything. The freeze also occurs if you open the Promotions tab before all hands loaded, if you go through the months in the calendar as can be seen in @Phlo23's video below, these 2 being less reliably reproduced, more likely on a freshly opened client. And according to @ValueHeavy it can also freeze when you try to load a specific hand before all hands have been received, although I have not been able to reproduce this one. There's probably other ways to trigger this freeze but these are the easiest to isolate and reproduce to include in this report. As you can see in the videos the lobby is fully frozen and can't even be closed, while at the table you can still click buttons and see timebanks running out, BUT there is no information being passed to and from the table (BTW this is the exact way it looked when freezes would happen during play without touching HH, fortunately haven't seen one in a while) However as you can see in the logs videos in the hidden section, the client is still sending and receiving all data just fine, including table actions (don't know about HH stuff as that is not logged, but the "HH received records: x" log never comes anymore so I assume that has successfully stopped). I just can't interact with anything, and can't close the client (Task manager to the rescue). Now you might think, this is only an issue if you play an enormous amount of hands, but that is incorrect, it is just the most reliable way to reproduce, because sometimes it takes a long time to retrieve even a few hands. As you can see in one of the videos it froze after retrieving only 11 hands, and even had a situation where it took 28 seconds to retrieve 0 hands. The time is not necessarily an issue as it's not critical here, but it leads to these freezes happening quite often. Also worth noting that in the 11 hand video all the hands were fully loaded when I tried to change the date, it's like it's doing something else or hangs for a while after loading them, that being a danger period too. I've also added videos of the browser version with devtools open, and as you can see it's nearly impossible to reproduce this bug. You will see the HH filters being frozen sometimes when it takes a particularly long time to receive even a few hands, but the client never freezes completely no matter what I do. The getHands requests get cancelled instantly and with them I assume the callbacks as well that probably cause the freezes in the desktop and mobile client. It's odd that on the non web versions whatever manager object that deals with the HH callbacks ends up freezing something else when it pauses it's own loop, while on web it's acting as it's completely self contained as it should be. Video of freeze happening when changing the date on desktop: Video of the freeze happening when checking promotions on desktop: Video of the freeze even after fully loading a whole 11 hands on desktop: @Phlo23 's freeze when going through the months in the calendar: Mobile freeze when changing the date, app isn't responding and can't be brought back to life like after the popup freeze that was fixed recently: Managed to reproduce Phlo's bug on mobile kind of by accident, once the HH filter buttons get unstuck I change the month without selecting a specific date and it froze:
  12. IMO this should be a pretty easy one to fix, as @Phlo23 already described, the rebuy component seems to be missing a trigger when trying to rebuy, to update that component with the current rebuy value, so it gets stuck in whatever state it was after the last update it might have had (which might have happened when buying into a table, or by resizing a table which refreshes everything etc). And since Traditional cash game tables already have the logic to deal with this, I assume you could just use the exact same logic here.
  13. Relax should change the link in the client to the new one mentioned by @Purps, should be super quick, and Kindred should change all the links that go to messages to the new one, instead of just relying on that 301 redirect, which right now is giving me 401 unauthorized. Also just so this doesn't cause a mistake, should probably just change the &redirect in the in client messages deeplink from &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmymessages to &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmydetails%2Fmymessages , maybe test it as well to see if it works 😅
  14. I'm talking about the phone back button or gesture. So you can't get stuck even if the page gets shifted.
  15. They should send you back to the main login screen when you press the back button or gesture while on the forgot password screen or on the select language screen , it currently does not do that even on android, 2 backs just asks you if you want to quit the app. Should be a really easy one to implement IMO.
  16. Pinned tournaments are pinned at the top, but there's a lot more than 3 on the rotation, otherwise you would end up with finished tournaments at the top of the list or other useless pins.
  17. I've tried to reproduce it a lot, intentionally trying to get it and haven't managed even once, by the time the chips reach the middle and haven't even started traveling to you, the fold to any bet button has already disappeared and clicking that area was doing nothing. I feel like it requires superhuman timing or a very laggy client to reproduce 🤷‍♂️
  18. This has happened ever since more than 2 pinned MTTs got added and it's not a particularly important bug. The last pinned MTT whether it's 3/3 4/4 5/5 ends up getting hidden when you expend one of the other pinned MTTs, and it's always the last one no matter what. Smells like some sort of indexing issue in whatever algorithm deals with sorting the pinned tournaments at the top. The first video shows the bug. The second video shows an empty row appearing instead of the pinned tournament when sorted in reverse by time (can take a few tries to get). Maybe it's a clue. pinned 1.mp4 pinned 2.mp4
  19. Can confirm I have the same issue with 2€ extreme, doesn't work for extreme just for traditional, but don't have the issue with 0.2€ extreme or 5€ extreme. Missing tag I guess. Might be more mistagged ones out there 🤷‍♂️
  20. I've recorded this bug 5 times in 2 days this week and last week, probably happened more times. The hero chips and parts of the villain are covered by the chip assets that are meant to be the blinds in front of the player, and not on top of the player, something is going wrong with the animation of the chips. Also as can be seen in one of the screenshots, someone making an action does not reset everything as it would for other bugs; the chip assets remain on top of the chip numbers. Steps to reproduce: Play hexapro Have chips covered Fold See that you actually had 0.3BB behind Cry I've attached logs for this bug, it turns out that the tupdate arrives after blinds or deal instead of arriving after the finished winner of the previous hand, every single time the bug occurs, and since these payloads don't come in the right order it doesn't animate it correctly anymore. Whichever solution is being used to deal with the asynchronicity of tupdate doesn't seem to place / execute them in the right order. In addition, spawning the blinds there and then moving them in front seems a bit dangerous, who's to say that even if the asynchronicity issue gets fixed there won't be another issue that will stop that animation from playing out, the location where the blinds spawn should probably be changed as well. Also this might be a coincidence, but in both days 4 out of the 5 occurrences have happened around 16:20 UTC with one happening at 19:40. Maybe worth checking if there was some sort of cronjob running at that time. Won't remove the need to fix the underlying issue, but maybe would fix it temporarily if there really is something there and it isn't just a complete coincidence. Had another one that wasn't in that time frame, so seems less likely now. Added logs, screenshots and a list of the hands that had issues with IDs. These were not the only ones just the ones that I managed to screenshot
  21. @Phlo23's steps to reproduce it are spot on, have reproduced it in classic cashgames so it's not just a banzai bug
  22. Reproduced it easily by doing what @Rushbie said, scrolling over the filters, also seems to do the same if you scroll over the footer icons like dashboard and promos and settings, sometimes it can take a while to reproduce and sometimes you can reproduce it 20 times in a row, so be patient while testing. Kinda smells like some onmouseover stuff might be causing issues or overscroll stuff. Looks like these kind of scroll issues are not uncommon for mobile development, but a lot of different possible solutions, GL 😅
  23. @XY you should post that in https://www.unibetcommunity.com/bugreports/ , if that's really how that works it's not good, they really should reset the state of that button at the start of every hand, shouldn't be terribly hard to do. Personally I've never experienced it but might try to reproduce it at some point.
  24. Added logs and a video combined with the logs and new observations to the original report.
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