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Group: Straight
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Esir last won the day on May 14

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  1. Deleting the network folder from C:\Users[your username in windows]\AppData\Roaming\Unibet Poker\cef\Network should help with this issue, at least temporary until it gets fixed for good.
  2. Esir

    Same advice

    My question would be, is your phone more expensive than the poker buy-ins? Maybe a solid phone case would be a wise investment.
  3. As a general rule I'd recommend to have Unibet installed on another device in case issues like this happen. The transition from desktop to phone is smooth. Also no captcha on phone (for me atleast)
  4. For me it's working fine, I have an iPhone SE iOS - 17.5.1
  5. It was the same for me, I felt lucky, blessed I could say hearing peoples stories. Until the curse hit me the past 2 days. Sometimes I can login smoothly with no captcha, other times I find myself clicking on bicycles and hydrants for minutes until I give up and restart the client hoping the captcha beast is resting.
  6. Rate the app pop-up closes when clicking "Yes" instead of redirecting to the app store. This was tested only on iOS.
  7. Banzai has one of the biggest variances. I've lost 20+ all-ins in a row multiple times. Also, the bad beats happen so fast due to the nature of the format, it can really affect your mental game. So the best approach, in my opinion, is to accept that every time you choose to play it, you might get bad beats, lots of them, endlessly
  8. Apparently it's been happening for a while and mentioned in this report
  9. No problem, I'm glad that things got solved, and I also want to apologize if I sounded confrontational. I realized afterwards that you might have been emotionally charged from what was going on at the other table at the time you made the post. I ended my session thinking we had a great game with all the emotes going back and forth. It's quite an achievement for me. I was also playing from my phone. GGs and good luck! Also shoutout to nanaha, virtual handshakes.
  10. Lucky friday , I gave up when I saw Holdontight reach 3.5kk bb on another table with less then half an hour left. Thanks Stubbe for clearing this up and thanks ill-lukket for the report. See you at the tables.
  11. I would like to add that this issue also occurred on the Deep Stack Legend tables. Maybe it's related to the "Cash game themed backgrounds" option? dslub.mp4
  12. I was HexaJP and you spoiled the fun that me and nanaha were having playing heads up . From what I noticed MDOJ was on 2 different tables, it didn't look like anything suspicious to me but I didn't get to play that much vs him. You know you can play multiple tables with different aliases, right? Also after a while the tables start as heads-up and fill up later. Good luck in the next one
  13. If you enter your credentials on mobile and mistakenly press the "Forgotten password?" button instead of the "Log In" button, you're unable to return to the login screen and have to restart the app. This is because the interface moves up to make the credentials field unobscured by the keyboard, but it doesn't return to its initial position. Consider the attachment below for more details. loginub.mp4
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