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Expanding a pinned MTT hides the last pinned tournament from the list

  • Priority: Status: New

This has happened ever since more than 2 pinned MTTs got added and it's not a particularly important bug. The last pinned MTT whether it's 3/3 4/4 5/5 ends up getting hidden when you expend one of the other pinned MTTs, and it's always the last one no matter what. Smells like some sort of indexing issue in whatever algorithm deals with sorting the pinned tournaments at the top.

The first video shows the bug. The second video shows an empty row appearing instead of the pinned tournament when sorted in reverse by time (can take a few tries to get). Maybe it's a clue.


  • I have experienced this issue 2

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Is there something else wrong with those pinned tournaments or something that i misunderstood (again)?

Ain't they pinned to be showcased on top of tourny list, not to be all over list? 



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Pinned tournaments are pinned at the top, but there's a lot more than 3 on the rotation, otherwise you would end up with finished tournaments at the top of the list or other useless pins.

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12 minutes ago, FeelsBadMan said:

Pinned tournaments are pinned at the top, but there's a lot more than 3 on the rotation, otherwise you would end up with finished tournaments at the top of the list or other useless pins.

Oukki. Still don't get why 3k stack ain't up there too?

Also checked out after posting am i missing something that i can figure out my own and then 7.5k title fight was unpinned, still in normal place of list and now it is pinned in pinned section. Confusing 😄 but not that important to me, never paid much attention to those. Just something i found out while checking the disapearance of the third pinned tourny.

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Something I somehow missed in the videos above, and only noticed after removing the expanded container, is that the last tournament doesn't get hidden, it gets replaced by the top unpinned tournament (respecting sorting). And sometimes it's replaced by a different tournament, which seems to be the same index as the pinned tournament would be but from the unpinned list. So in the attached below vid, the problem pinned mtt would be the 5th, and the unpinned mtt that replaces it sometimes but not always, is 5th out of the unpinned ones. Weird stuff.

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