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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by Pionrj

  1. Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong I just had to. All those things are just totally wrong. And it's a fact. There's thousands of pro players. Some play with smaller ROI, some studies and some are just super talented. And many pro players play (also) here. You'll naive if you really think that they won't take advantage of the soft(ish) and small fields.
  2. @Stubbe-Unibet One little nice add to MTT-results would be, if it would also show average BIN.
  3. And that was not unlucky, I don't like to sound like the one who gets angry from any beats. He was ahead PF and made the right play bc he got a call from my worse hand. That's just poker and I have to say, that the table was super soft. Very much limping and one guy probably regged that accidently when he meant to reg a freeroll. I'll give you some backup for that. First, he was sitting out 40 mins. Came in, raised every hand PF and min betted almost every flop. Lost couple of pots and his stack. Then he raised again and went all in with 3x pot bet on flop. And he was the J3 guy.
  4. Ffff. Just before the break. And I thought this 4 card flush was a Hexapro special? E. I'll share the play too. I would have never put this guy on KK here. He was pretty active on limps/flats whole hour. PF: FullclockSb Open 3x(240), ValueCabin Calls, I 3-bet 4,5x(1080) from button. ValueCabin 4-bet shoves 73bb. I snap called, when his only showdown hand before that was K7 and he cold called a 4-bet with that hand. Maybe he knew, that he was playing like a fish and used it to his advantage.
  5. @GR1ZZL3ROh, now I see. That's definitely a good thing. While playing CG you don't really need anything to distract you. Specially when you should know what kind of players you're playing with.
  6. What does that mean that you "concentrate on the play"? Is it just improving every thing of it or what? There's plenty of ways to study, but for me the best way has been that I just screenshot every big spot(call, raise, fold etc.) and then go through once or twice a week those hands. I have couple friends in group where we talk about our spots and try to find the right way to play it next time.
  7. @MerenitsuAre you going to stop playing that PLO4 too? And I like your plan. If you stick to it long enough, you'll have no problem with loosing every now and then.
  8. I've played (too) many Hexas already. It's way too fast and too big variance to be enjoyable. K9o is a call with 20bb and under. I don't even think it depends on anything when ranges are ~30% wider than in 6 handed SNGs. What would any decent player shove from BTN or Sb? 22-88? Any Ax? If it's an 2x open from BTN/Sb and a shove from BB it's even more clear call.
  9. @cris1285I'm not even close of a good Hexapro player but when I looked a bit in spins/hexa strategy I'm pretty sure that K9o was in a 20bb all in calling range there. K3s I cant remember but QJo definitely was in there too.
  10. Ty all. I'll do my best. Maybe after this vacation I've had my brain are able to work after 22.00 eest, which it usually don't. That's why I hardly ever play tourneys this late when I'm sober
  11. @Seb-UnibetI don't know why, but I had a feeling he had to be german. Gladly there was only two. Thank you! I'll be playing with my community name and probably busting before midnight on day 1
  12. I'll give another try when it was not forbidden: Sulley Muntari E. All for nothing LOL
  13. This is the most relaxing blog I know. Keep on punting! (Couldn't get a brighter pic from the screen. Fking sun)
  14. This evening view is for you to bring some run good
  15. This happened again @Jami-Unibet I was just sitting here looking at my phone.
  16. @martonv92I don't think there's any cash out available on e-sports at Unibet. Bet365 is unique on those that you can cash out any bet almost any time. Even combos.
  17. Badly executed (once again), not unfair.
  18. @OzzyholikIt won't. That can't be to hard to understand as it was said many hours before the game even started. I had the same pick originally but made a new pick when someone said that the matches were changed.
  19. I haven't played much tourneys either and this is a huge reason. At least half of the real money tourneys has a "connection issue" staller on the bubble. And they are so fking obvious when doing that. I've posted here some and have many more screenshots of them on my computer. I just haven't seen any reason to post all of them here when I get no reaction of the mods. It's not a huge issue tho. But it's an issue which any other site doesn't have so I'll rather play on those sites then there where the issue is too small to even talk about.
  20. Yeah. I got those spams too, saying I need to verify my account. Those came from Unibet and Casinohuone. But haven't received emails with any real info.
  21. How can I check if I'm opted in? I don't even get those emails from customer service which they've sent me according to them and you. I went through spam, marketing etc. then and all I had was emails from withdrawals and Twitter team. E. I think I'm, and was already, opted in.
  22. @GregggI don't even know how to say this that it would describe well enough what I think. Game lab is overall pretty useless atm. The effect it could havr on weaker players is minimal. No one will become a better player with looking at those stats Game lab has to offer. That being said, I really can't see hoe Unibet could improve it so much that it would be really helpfull for the fishy players. So, you're scared and uppset over nothing. If someone says that "you're calling too much re-raises PF" it really means nothing. It has simply zero worth if you don't know why. Let's just see how this grows before judging them of "helping bad players".
  23. @GregggI just have to give my opinion for this. If you're looking for fast wins, you're on the wrong site. You can never know who's the rec and who's the reg when you take a seat. Ok, some are using same alias/avatar all the time, but you can't see those before you're in the table. Telling that this game lab is a move on wrong direction, because fishes can become sharks is crazy. Now there's a few numbers telling how they are playing too loose or tight. And those numbers are based on nothing really. I played a couple hundred hands before I took a look on the game lab and it's basically saying, that my PF aggression is way too high. Well, if there would have been 5 good players this would be true. But there was 3 good/decent and 2 fish. What do you do then? Of course you're isolating those fishes as much as you can. My point is, that even tho it gives out some advices or percents, it won't make the fish any better when they don't even understand why they should adjust their game. If they become a bit tighter and learn how to fold 72o PF, it doesn't harm anyone. Not even bum hunters.
  24. @paul2I assume it was the new XXXtreme? Was a fun slot tho. I tried it out last week.
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