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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by Rushbie

  1. If you're in a job that allows you to use music from earplugs for example, can recommend using intensive, non-verbal soundtracks from movies or horror gaming. Stimulates the mind in a very productive way, making anything feel interesting Wish you well @Merenitsu
  2. 14.5.2022 1. TT2 DD freespins 2. deposit bonus 3. 5e eurovision freebet 4. lightning roulette -chip
  3. Just making this thread to quickly notify ALL fellow gamblers about possible freespins and freebets on site, and that it might be worthy to check it. Of course some countries has different offers, or none at all. Not for bugs and customer service issues.
  4. It's one of those lovely "features" of the client, that when you complete the mission to get the spins, they don't show in the little thumbnail of the target game without restarting the client. Doubt it loads the spins on it the same session either. Due to the yellow dot appearing next time, I was also gladly surprised earlier this month to open the slot from client, because already forgot why i needed to close the client in the first place when going for a beer and smoke back then
  5. Yeah, same as offering bets for "does anyone throw anything to the field" Man i wish the betting could get so openly corrupted here too sometimes
  6. Ah, apparently it's not on that particular game. Some has it if your stack is 0, those also would make it possible to take rebuy as an addition in the middle of rebuy-phase if stack less than starting stack.. Would be below the buyin bar. Edit. And it doesn't show if you hit the icon to rebuy, but in the menu that pops up after showdown, if your stack gets to 0.
  7. It's possible for everyone. If you bust your whole stack, and wait till the end without hitting rebuy-button straight from the table, it gives you the popup window with a slider in it you can choose from. Max 2. Feature, not a bug
  8. More than enough to get em Get 'em all boyy Make them pay! Make em pay hard for your chips
  9. On the early hours, the typical cancer of tableswitching sitouters were also quite present After about half an hour, was like yeah nah, FeelsTooNittyMan Needs some boost for sure, as a promo, imo.
  10. Hard to get juicy action going on, eh? How's it's like so far btw, if feels like splashing around?
  11. Lot's of pics from there, or didn't happen! GL, GL Take names and kick asses, man!
  12. ITM's 5/6, but only 3 above 20.. Meh, i'm cool with that Again next week with maybe some limits to rebuying, yeah 51pts total. 40pts on 1's, 11pts on 2's
  13. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365686/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  14. You do need some mental teeths towards the game and players, accepting taking wounds, licking those wounds to heal in a cave, and take the next game after it again to bite the opponents to survive with more experience and with a will to kill again. Why? Because every single baby wolfcub and eagle after waking up is gonna eat every thing they sense to live. The Kind Ones, are first in line. You choose. Tactical kindness exists, but getting suppressing feelings about it is only the problem of ones that wants to get eaten, damnit The misery of taking losing hits is a good example. It hurts. Feels bad. Yet that feeling is nothing but stupid brains creation to overcome shock and go on with whatever sensation is better than uncomfortly freezing impulse of doing nothing, basically There're no such things as selfpity or insecurity, only fear and laziness talking in the head to maintain current situation. Go get em, lion https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8606542-there-s-no-such-thing-as-problems-mr-green-only-situations
  15. Holding top sets on flop against all arrows, or sets at all, it's somewhat suicidally naive or selfharming in the longrun to not maxpot and maxpush the situation on cash.. Can't blame one. That's the beauty of time It's not always that simple either, but..most people only sees flop play when they're dealt good cards. Life starts at 200km/h. Or at Turn just about when it's all about to crash
  16. I don't know how they settle this kind of cases entirely, but how could they be sure the money you play with is really yours, not to mention making sure it's you playing when playing, and the money eventually goes to your own account? Yeah,GL. You'll get it back but after it doesn't go back at the bottom of the queue everytime something hits concerns..
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