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Baby steps

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Roughly two weeks in for the blog, haven't kept any stats so can't do any detailed update and while play has included slots/betting too and i have received bonuspoints from bug hunting it is bit hard to say how i've done solely on poker.. maybe best measure overall is deposits (1110) and withdraws (1310) since start of blog, level 3 reached aka freeroll privilege acquired, 4 levels of missions done so i got double stack for 1500€ april mission froll and one ticket to 5000€ mission froll. Other than that all balances at 0 so new rise needed. I'll probly concentrate on community league for rest of month, try to finish rest of missions and hopefully get some balance booster on them and following freerolls. (Including bug froll, hint hint to @Stubbe-Unibet 😄 )

Overall can't complain, hexa mission just wasn't my cup of tea. Managed to complete it with profit first week and even won 50€ hexa ticket from flip, sadly didn't win with it so i am glad that it was only 1.5x multiplier, positive thinking 😄

That is pretty much all in nutshell for now, TBC...

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  • 2 weeks later...

No answers in discord so lets check out if community is wiser:

Anyone know what is going on here with last 3 amounts being buy in, cash out and profit/loss? Don't make any sense to me and now brain hurts for trying to figure it out. Other cash stats are normally displayed, just something weird with these two. Only thing i can come up with is conspiracy theory of  being too good player and Unibet had to fiddle my results to put me down 😄 as i don't understand how numbers could be wrong otherwise???


Anyhow, at first it was instant regret when i received my pokerstats of this month and from start of 2023 and my illusion of crushing the tables in all formats came crumbling down. All except cash games were negative 😭 After i recovered from shock it was time to do conclusions like my fav cartoon as kid Nick Knatterton taught me. So good bye missions and other formats, this month will be dedicated to cash games to see if May days turn to paydays. Well, i'll be playing frolls and community ones but other than that not planning to play much else besides cash. 

Community league last month went pretty much down the drain as i was quite busy for whole 2nd week and hence motivation to play  3rd week was pretty slim. In the end don't mind cause few seem to run like masters and  probly couldn't get to prices anyhow.

Besides Unibet fiddling my results, one other conspiracy theory came to mind now that i mentioned Mr Knatterton. For sure watching that as kid turned me into straight pervert with ability to think so i am pretty sure rainbow coloured my little ponys and teletubbies had affect of modern teens with them not knowing what gender or species they are, living on feelings in fantasy land instead reality. Social experiment which later got cancelled for damage it caused to kids cause haven't seen teletubbies for ages in tv? Who knows, truth is out there...

If some don't know what Nick Knatterton was, here is peek. Enjoy 😄



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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Livertool said:

No answers in discord so lets check out if community is wiser:

Anyone know what is going on here with last 3 amounts being buy in, cash out and profit/loss? Don't make any sense to me and now brain hurts for trying to figure it out. Other cash stats are normally displayed, just something weird with these two. Only thing i can come up with is conspiracy theory of  being too good player and Unibet had to fiddle my results to put me down 😄 as i don't understand how numbers could be wrong otherwise???



Could it be the day change ?

If you enter the table today before midnight UTC with €100 and leave the table after midnight with the same amount, will it show you down a hundo for today and up a hundo for tomorrow?

I don't know if it works like that, but it might 🤔


Not sure if it still would make sense. Way too early morning for anything this complicated :classic_blink:

Edited by Purps
Wrong timezone ( CEST -> UTC )
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^^That seems correct^^

I find it hard to keep track of my progress too so I just got off of Net deposits. It's not as good for a blog since ppl love graphs but atleast it's accurate.

I tried playing the community tournaments a few times but lost motivation for it, it is way too sweaty for a community thing. Everyone tryharding and nitting it up, no gambling. No fun allowed. I just wanna go all in and emote spam but at the same time, I don't want to give my money away to nits.

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1 hour ago, Purps said:

Could it be the day change ?

Can't say that it ain't especially when that session was during night but if that is the case, is the profit/loss zone correct regardless what buy in and cash out sections say 🤔 

If profit/loss is incorrect too it mess up whole period that i asked results from but if it is correct then it ain't that relevant what buyin/cashout says.

54 minutes ago, Samba said:

Everyone tryharding and nitting it up, no gambling. No fun allowed. I just wanna go all in and emote spam but at the same time, I don't want to give my money away to nits.

Your tables seem to be very different from mine, big portion of time chips are flying 😄

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And fair dude for not doing it everyday. If i removed 1.5M a year from poker which i could easily do, traffic would slow down, most of poker team sacked or moved to more boring jobs, community terminated etc. Good for all that i ain't greedy, just taking my fair share 🤑 


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Posted (edited)

Brag time: invested whole 5€ to try to complete banzai black belt mission at 5€ banzai. Ran hotter than Beverly Hills ninja, mission completed with almost 20x return. More and more looking that none can beat me at cash games 💪 





Edited by Livertool
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Beginning to like this black belt promo. Last night won 10€ from flip, 20€ night earlier and today 2 tickets achieved again with healthy profit.


No worries for jealous ones, i am 99% sure that next update will be how i hate it 😄

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I hope you're not hating already! 😉 I also jumped into the Banzai field days ago to see if I can buld a stack and get some flip ticket. It went the other way, but might try again 🤞

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1 hour ago, HardGain said:

I hope you're not hating already! 😉 I also jumped into the Banzai field days ago to see if I can buld a stack and get some flip ticket. It went the other way, but might try again 🤞

We have love/hate relationship with banzai, if it loves me i love it and vice versa 😄

My tips would be to only use 3-4 buy ins per try, if it ain't happening with those then better just leave and try later again. Can't follow that rule myself sometimes thou i should, yesterday after losing 4 buy ins got tilted and used another 6 just jamming every hand.  Luckily it was 1€ buy in so got money back and then some from 5€ one.

2nd tip would be to time your play when traffic is minimal so most likely it is easier to be sensei and get ticket to flip.

Thought about should i give that 2nd tip or am i just shooting myself to leg but lets face it, only handful probly reading this blog sort of thingy so why not 😄 If it helps regular community users, great. If seagulls didn't figure out themselves and i helped them, not so great.

On other news, plan to stick with just cash tables has failed miserably and money buried especially on mtts yesterday 😞 THINK LiVERTOOL, THINK!!!!

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well, I already took it for granted the Sensei status will do the trick 😄 Specially, because red belt was the higher I got. Maybe i'll risk few € in the evening, when the traffic is better - don't want to be caught few steps away and see the table break 😉

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14 minutes ago, HardGain said:

Maybe i'll risk few € in the evening, when the traffic is better - don't want to be caught few steps away and see the table break 😉

I meant just other way around. At least for my experience sensei is lot easier to achieve than black belt so early morning would be time to attack. If you manage to get close to 50 bb and table breaks it ain't such big deal if you are on profit already versus using buy ins just to upgrade on belts with hope that tables are less likely to break. Is it the ultimate truth? Who knows but just how my brain works 😄

Also have thought about tactics of leaving table when other player is close to sensei or black belt just to deny flip ticket for it. Problem is others might not act the same and even if they would they could do it against me too... I know, i have too much time to think 🤣

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Not much happening at poker, have played some and first 1000 bp approaching on road to level 4 but that is about how exciting it has been. More happening in real life so few words about that just to keep blog alive.

As we are most likely going on licence system with gambling too next year and i don't expect it to be positive for players, i started to look at jobs early this year. Pretty fast i found one that i could imagine doing for longer period and as it was steady job with acceptable wage, i sent application and last week i got call that i am in 🥳 Honestly i didn't even think i get to interview not to mention getting the job when employement is quite high, i am heading towards 50 and haven't been on payroll for 7-8 years so it was huge and pleasant surprise. In addition gambling is quite anti-social and stressful thing so on top of getting monthly paycheck i look forward if it spice up my social life. Remains to be seen but looking forward to it anyhow. Will be starting the job late June so don't expect my already low poker activity to increase after that especially when i expect first few weeks to be rough return to reality when i've lived liked retired sleepy for so many years 😄 But surely when i get used to it again i'll find time, energy and interest to play again.

Enough words, thanks to tip from @Rushbie and wonders of AI,  i could squeeze all of above in two 2 minute trash song. Enjoy, i know i did for 2 hours of making it 🤣 



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Anyone here know how to get in touch to that Official receiver at Malta....?

Only thing i found was this but there is no send button to my message 🤣 




We are only talking about few tens here, didn't even remember that i had this going on until i received email as originally complained about this approx 3 years ago, fast actions 🤯 

But now that we are at this point, i could follow this all the way through just out of curiosity how it ends. What ever outcome may be, MGA has lot of improvement to do what comes to getting things settled faster and easier but i don't think they care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May days.

Summer came really early this year, spent lot of time outdoors (paleface is red as tomato, partly due sun and other part probly cause trying to keep myself hydrated 😆 ) and so haven't played that much, even first step of level 3 for 1000 bp still undone. Sure some freerolling and random hexa, banzai and mtt goofing (which i was suppose to stop) but no cash tables. For some reason only motivation would be playing high stakes, what comes to cash tables, but as i don't know yet should i buy car to get to soon starting work or take long time per day to travel with public transport, i had to be quite stingy with my playing overall. On the other hand i could spend that long travelling time to same things as i would at home, scroll through internet, do some betting/casino/poker etc as i have no use for car otherwise and rather use that money elsewhere but to spend about 2 hours per day just to get to work and home ain't that tempting either. We'll see, i'll try public transport first and see if i am up to it.

Like said, weather has been really great so took some boat trips with old man. Just like him, boat is old and slow which has actually been refreshing in this hectic world, even if you wanted to speed things up you couldn't as you can imagine 😄


But anyhow checked deposits and withdraws at unibet from 1st of may until now and to my surprise i was 200€ up for month so thou no big success, + is always good. Positive result must have been mostly on one good offer in casino as i don't remember much poker success but who cares where it comes from.

We'll see what this month brings, if weather remains the same probly not much playing coming this month either but things can change...

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We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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