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GR1ZZL3R'S Diary Of A Fun Punter


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Damn and blast, just failed to get the triple up 2 days in a row. :teardrop:

Still, 5/6 is a good enough start. 😀

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Boosted from 11/1 to 12/1. :Smile:



I fell off my chair riding it home after a nice gamble was landed and missed the screenshot. :Rofl:


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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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The poker has slowed down to almost non existent. I "played" the first 9 days of 2c flips for the Supermoon, 12 per day for an outlay of €2.16, returning 11 x 40c tickets, fair enough. I "flipped" these all together on Saturday and "won" 4 x €2 tickets so a decent enough return, better than expected. I saw a €2 10 x €10 tickets, jumped in that as my first tourney played but out with QQ v Ax. The plan now is play all the €2 6 x €10 tickets, looks like 2 per night, and have used BP's to buy some more €2 tickets. It would be nice to play in the first running at the start of May but I'm not desperate and may continue with the flips as well while running ahead. :atisfied:


The horseracing is going very well with a complete restart from the beginning of the month. I call it "Beat the Favourite" though this is not strictly true as I have backed a small number of favourites so far. I'm targetting small field races, 9 or fewer runners, and trying to do what the title suggests, so far running hot with a couple of nice outsiders coming in.



Twenty winners from 55 bets, returning £33 profit at level stakes, and as a comparison the fate of the favourites in those races down the right hand side. These show 15 wins from 55, returning a level stake loss of about £14, with the odds on favourites doing particularly badly. Averaging around 5 bets per day I would prefer to put my bets on and leave them, especially as they are well ahead at level stakes, and it's time consuming having to check in regularly if betting live, but for the time being I'll continue to watch and bet from race to race, slightly increasing stakes on a losing run, but with only slightly more profit due to the good strike rate anyway.


Taking a lead from some other blogs it's confession time. I went on tilt on a bad day and came close to destroying weeks and months of hard work, but it's not all doom and gloom. I did lose a big chunk on one day but sense prevailed in the end and I called it quits, returning later to try and repair the damage. It's hard when you're on a winning streak to believe you're ever going to lose, but lose you will and handling the downswings is all part of the process. I've slowed down the betting and done even more observing over the last few days and there is cause for some optimism with a recovery of sorts under way. Only time will tell.


Only £2.50 up on the month but, profit's profit so onwards and hopefully upwards. :Wonder:


I had a call to say I could book my second covid vaccination which I had on Thursday, so probably a family get together in a week or two. :Smile:

No sounds from the upstairs visitors for 4 nights now. :Wonder:

As always, run good and stay safe. :Thumbsup::Smile:







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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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A quick update before we go dark. 🤣


Nothing to report. 😞


Steady profits after a poor run, still ahead and slightly going up with level stakes. :atisfied:



The recovery is grinding exceedingly slow but is being clawed back. :Geek:

Run Good and Stay Safe. :Smile:


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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Still can't seem to get the hang of text then pictures then text, so a brief summary after yesterday's disappointment at missing some winners.

First one was favourite and won easily, second won after a battle and the third one I thought had just been beaten, couldn't have been closer. Bankroll back at a new high. 😀

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Yesterday was one of those days that come along all too rarely but give you the impetus to carry on when things have been a bit of a struggle.

The horses had been on a downturn, not too drastic but a slight worry after such a level run. A hat trick late in the afternoon brought things back on track and I left one bet on while playing in the community league. Checking in later that had won as well so new profit highs continued. 😃




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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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This messing about with screenshots is now becoming a bit tilting. I seem able to post one or two screenshots but then can't continue writing beneath. A few deep breaths and carry on.

The evening continued with a win in the first of the new community leagues, I got lucky after a struggle with a low stack and just seemed to hit the right hands at the right time.🤔


This indirectly gave boost number three as with my current balance my deposits and withdrawals are now in a plus after only just over three years on Unibet. 🥰


Happy fun punting indeed.🐎

Now the penny seems to have dropped and I'm getting the hang of this.😃 Posting and punting, a powerful combination.







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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Maybe I’m misreading the net deposit thingy but I think you are still €205 down. You have deposited more than what you’ve withdrawn. I’m still €730 down lol, I haven’t even withdrawn anything so far yet from Unibet since I came back last year 😅  /shocking

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@P0kerM0nkMy net deposits against withdrawals show a deficit of £204.71 but if I withdraw the £223.76 in my account I will show a plus of £19.05. 

I'm not a great one for withdrawing and depositing (usually there's not much to withdraw) but I'm looking on the positive side now with new found confidence will, towards the middle of next month, start a new 🐎 blog with the intention of making the profits stick. Good luck in your endeavours, a nice read. Let's stay ➕.

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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24 minutes ago, GR1ZZL3R said:

@P0kerM0nkMy net deposits against withdrawals show a deficit of £204.71 but if I withdraw the £223.76 in my account I will show a plus of £19.05. 

I'm not a great one for withdrawing and depositing (usually there's not much to withdraw) but I'm looking on the positive side now with new found confidence will, towards the middle of next month, start a new 🐎 blog with the intention of making the profits stick. Good luck in your endeavours, a nice read. Let's stay ➕.

now I understand that my dealings with bankroll management are not so bad 😀

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The horseracing is still proving profitable even though it has been a bit of a struggle after a decent start to the week. The longest run so far before a very small increase in profit took 25 races with only 6 winners, an actual level stakes loss of just over a pound but still coming out ahead after two decent winners.



I'm going to keep my focus on this and will start a new blog specifically following the horses in a couple of weeks, posting my selections before racing and updating daily.

As a result both poker and roulette have been pushed slightly into the background, although I have not given up on either.

The Supermoon will be my main objective but I'm only buying 2c tickets and will only play the satties from €10 up. I've spent €6 so far on 300 2c tickets and have put all my 40c and €2 tickets into flips today. I did play a few €2 satties, won €10 tickets in 4 of them, played 3 x €10 satties but no further progress, so flipping from now on while updating the cost and results from €10 upwards. No Supermoon for me tonight.😥 

I played the first round of €1 community tourneys, won one with a bit of good running so that's Tuesday nights taken care of for a few weeks. 😁

The roulette is proving difficult as always and after withdrawing £250 from my main account the profit there stands at £1,848.65 with £150.00 left in play, not bad for just over 3 years playing strictly as a part timer. 🤓 The enthusiasm is still there but of course tends to wane after some downturns and I've actually lost about £100 this month, and not wanting to put too much time and effort in to claw it back. If and when I get into a regular routine, which is coming, things will change (hopefully.) 


So that's it for now, back to the snooker, cricket, football and 🐎.

Run Good. 💂‍♂️


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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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  • 2 weeks later...


These are the betting patterns of the rec GR1ZZL3R. His one year mission, to explore strange new progressions. To seek out new patterns and new opportunities. To boldly bet where no gambler has bet before.

I may be overstating it there. 

Time for an update and yet another reset. The fact is I'm missing my dose of poker a little bit and have been having an odd session on the micro cash tables, some good and some bad, the horses have not been running quite as fast lately after a storming month long run good in March, and the roulette is stuttering up and down, but currently only £9 down this month. I want to set myself a challenge that keeps all three in balance, along with other life issues, and I've benn giving quite a bit of thought on what to do. Looking at all the other challenges ongoing I've decided to combine all three, in a sort of race, but how to make them equal was the challenge. 

 The problem.

The 2c-4c micro cash games start each time with 100bb max, and I have about €560 euros of bonus points. I'm betting the horses with £1 min stake at a time,  started with £100, currentl just over £70 up, and am still playing 50p a shot on the roulette with £157 in my current balance, so unbalanced stakes and bankrolls, how to combine them fairly seems to be the main challenge, in a sort of three runner handicap.

The solution.

Handicaps have different weight allowances anyway and there's no easy way to start off 3 challenges with the same stakes, but the bankrolls can be levelled somewhat. A €4 cash ticket is only one buy in with 100bb so why not go far  €40 ticket, 10 buy ins and 1,000bb. Taking that as the base, £100 for the horses would give 1,000 bets at 10p and £100 for the roulette gives 1,000 spins, also at 10p. It may not seem worth it to put bets on at 10p a time, or play roulette at 10p a spin, but we know variance at poker can be horrendous, likewise at roulette and racing, and the profit motive is not my sole reason for a project like this, but remains number one. I could start at higher stakes, but if the bankrolls were to dive I may lose motivation and the small stakes should keep me going for a fair while, why risk losing £1,000 on a tryout when I can get some results for far less cost and stress. This ties in with my risk averse nature as well so if it all ends in doom and gloom there's no severe damage, and of course each balance might grow. 

The schedule. 

The horses are picked out over the first cup of tea of the day. I'll post them daily but still haven't decided on how to manage any losses. Last month I was betting race to race and adjusting stakes as I went, but that does take up a lot of time and while I'm on micro stakes may be time not well spent, so it will be flat stakes each day, at least for the start. Judging from the past probably 3-5 per day, maybe 1,000-2,000 in the year, plenty of time to see where the bankroll's headed. Then it's into the casino for one roulette session, at the start until hopefully profit for the day, but with a stop loss, not decided yet. Then onto the madness of micro stakes poker, one table at a time but not setting any flop seen requirements or profit/loss parameters, just till I've had enough. My minor ambition in this one is to complete a cash ticket. 

The profit, if any, won't be much to talk about, at least at the start and until such time the stakes are in any way meaningful, but I feel this will give me a more structured day and more importantly some much needed motivation. 

The tourneys will take a back seat, I'll play these ongoing community ones and any future special events, and I'll continue the Supermoon but flips only unless I hit the €50 stage. 

I'm setting a year long mission, who knows how long I'll keep it up for. The horses will be updated as a matter of course daily, running totals for all three weekly. 

Live long and prosper.





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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Short update after more 🤔 Horses will be minimum £1, roulette is minimum 50p. 

Why mess around with meaningless 10p stakes, if I win I win, if I lose, too bad! It has to be fun, not a forever grind.  


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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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