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Free Champions League competition starting this Friday


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On Friday we're going to open up entries for a free Champions League competition - It'll be a group of questions about some of the matches in the upcoming quarter final round, with each correct answer earning one point and there'll be a small advantage the earlier you enter the competition on the Community Promotions Board :) 

We really like having these kinds of competitions, but unfortunately we currently don't have a way of running them with automatic registering of results and checking each set of answers individually takes a lot of time when there are hundreds of them. Therefore we'll be trying out a new partial self governence system to the promotion, meaning that you'll both have to post your answers ahead of the matches, as well as posting your score within the next 48 hours of the matches ending. We'll of course check all sets of answers manually where the posted score is in contention for a prize, but I don't think it's asking a lot for members to tally up their score and let us know of it as it'll be a great help for us when having to find the winners :)


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@MoreTBC wrote:

This sounds like something @MathrimC might be able to help you with @JeppeL. I think when he ran his Sheep competition he just set it up as forms in Google docs and it generated results from that in a spreadsheet.

Thanks for mentioning it @MoreTBC :) The thing is  that the questions, at least how they're written now, could be answered in different wording. Also, I think it favors the members who take the time to read the promotion - a thing we've seen a bit of in the past is lesser active members copy pasting a set of answers from another member as it gives an easy free possibility to win a prize without doing any research. The people who would something like that, I figure would have a high chance of not reading the full promotion description, so the self governance also sort of serve as a way to passively exclude participants who aren't serious about the competition in any way.

Am I being to harsh? :)

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No, makes sense. I thought the questions were going to have fixed options for answers (A. 12, B.14 etc) that could be made into a form or numbers/words that could be collated easily (Costa or 1-1). You'd have to click through each page of the form to complete it so you couldn't copy/paste.
Have you read my blog HERE... It's long isn't it :)
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  • 4 months later...


I`m trying to play on this bonus-competition, but all I can do is select scorings time on the R-madrid-Livpool. cant find anything to select player or even register. Why is that?? (and yes I have unibet-account for many years)

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