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Everything posted by FeelsBadMan

  1. Relax should change the link in the client to the new one mentioned by @Purps, should be super quick, and Kindred should change all the links that go to messages to the new one, instead of just relying on that 301 redirect, which right now is giving me 401 unauthorized. Also just so this doesn't cause a mistake, should probably just change the &redirect in the in client messages deeplink from &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmymessages to &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmydetails%2Fmymessages , maybe test it as well to see if it works 😅
  2. I'm talking about the phone back button or gesture. So you can't get stuck even if the page gets shifted.
  3. They should send you back to the main login screen when you press the back button or gesture while on the forgot password screen or on the select language screen , it currently does not do that even on android, 2 backs just asks you if you want to quit the app. Should be a really easy one to implement IMO.
  4. Pinned tournaments are pinned at the top, but there's a lot more than 3 on the rotation, otherwise you would end up with finished tournaments at the top of the list or other useless pins.
  5. I've tried to reproduce it a lot, intentionally trying to get it and haven't managed even once, by the time the chips reach the middle and haven't even started traveling to you, the fold to any bet button has already disappeared and clicking that area was doing nothing. I feel like it requires superhuman timing or a very laggy client to reproduce 🤷‍♂️
  6. This has happened ever since more than 2 pinned MTTs got added and it's not a particularly important bug. The last pinned MTT whether it's 3/3 4/4 5/5 ends up getting hidden when you expend one of the other pinned MTTs, and it's always the last one no matter what. Smells like some sort of indexing issue in whatever algorithm deals with sorting the pinned tournaments at the top. The first video shows the bug. The second video shows an empty row appearing instead of the pinned tournament when sorted in reverse by time (can take a few tries to get). Maybe it's a clue. pinned 1.mp4 pinned 2.mp4
  7. Can confirm I have the same issue with 2€ extreme, doesn't work for extreme just for traditional, but don't have the issue with 0.2€ extreme or 5€ extreme. Missing tag I guess. Might be more mistagged ones out there 🤷‍♂️
  8. I've recorded this bug 5 times in 2 days this week and last week, probably happened more times. The hero chips and parts of the villain are covered by the chip assets that are meant to be the blinds in front of the player, and not on top of the player, something is going wrong with the animation of the chips. Also as can be seen in one of the screenshots, someone making an action does not reset everything as it would for other bugs; the chip assets remain on top of the chip numbers. Steps to reproduce: Play hexapro Have chips covered Fold See that you actually had 0.3BB behind Cry I've attached logs for this bug, it turns out that the tupdate arrives after blinds or deal instead of arriving after the finished winner of the previous hand, every single time the bug occurs, and since these payloads don't come in the right order it doesn't animate it correctly anymore. Whichever solution is being used to deal with the asynchronicity of tupdate doesn't seem to place / execute them in the right order. In addition, spawning the blinds there and then moving them in front seems a bit dangerous, who's to say that even if the asynchronicity issue gets fixed there won't be another issue that will stop that animation from playing out, the location where the blinds spawn should probably be changed as well. Also this might be a coincidence, but in both days 4 out of the 5 occurrences have happened around 16:20 UTC with one happening at 19:40. Maybe worth checking if there was some sort of cronjob running at that time. Won't remove the need to fix the underlying issue, but maybe would fix it temporarily if there really is something there and it isn't just a complete coincidence. Had another one that wasn't in that time frame, so seems less likely now. Added logs, screenshots and a list of the hands that had issues with IDs. These were not the only ones just the ones that I managed to screenshot
  9. @Phlo23's steps to reproduce it are spot on, have reproduced it in classic cashgames so it's not just a banzai bug
  10. Reproduced it easily by doing what @Rushbie said, scrolling over the filters, also seems to do the same if you scroll over the footer icons like dashboard and promos and settings, sometimes it can take a while to reproduce and sometimes you can reproduce it 20 times in a row, so be patient while testing. Kinda smells like some onmouseover stuff might be causing issues or overscroll stuff. Looks like these kind of scroll issues are not uncommon for mobile development, but a lot of different possible solutions, GL 😅
  11. @XY you should post that in https://www.unibetcommunity.com/bugreports/ , if that's really how that works it's not good, they really should reset the state of that button at the start of every hand, shouldn't be terribly hard to do. Personally I've never experienced it but might try to reproduce it at some point.
  12. Added logs and a video combined with the logs and new observations to the original report.
  13. Pretty sure this is just the rule in general, it's just really really unimaginably hard to have the exact same chips as another bustout in anything other than a flip, will still happen, but super rare. Also the idea that there's just a single pot winner and everyone else if same chip count is decided by another rule, like position or whatever, is also pretty common across other sites, which is weird cause it does cause confusion for no reason. Of course it's just a lottery, you register and you get a final result, so it shouldn't matter, just looks weird.
  14. still busted here, but works in local language
  15. Same here, no issues on desktop client and mobile. Just in case someone overfocuses on the infobox like I did, it's not just the infobox that is missing, everything is missing, buyin, blinds, number of players, top stacks, all the text is gone. And the buyin dialogue on the table And all the buttons Mobile Web as well:
  16. Not as much of a bug per se, more so an improvement. Usually when you receive any kind of reward you will get a notification that you won it and what you won, otherwise there isn't any real way to keep track of the rewards you receive other than keeping track of all your balances at all times. But for a while Cash rewards from the loyalty system don't get a notification anymore and they probably should, just to have less confused people not knowing if they got it and less support contacts. The money has been received, just no notification. loyalty cash reward.mp4 Also reported by @ScaryOne in september 2023 😅 and reported by @comanimal in october 2023
  17. his is a joint report with @Phlo23 as we both done a bunch of tests trying to figure out what's causing this for both of us. This could have the same root cause as these 2 reports: We've noticed while trying to record or share something while in the unibet app that the software would completely freeze, nothing is clickable until we force a disconnect and reconnect by minimizing the app and going back to it, after which it would work perfectly fine even while recording. What we've discovered that it's not the recording process, or any overlays that cause the freeze, but popouts, any popouts that probably take focus away from the app like in the screenshots below, for example, the start recording popup from below causes a freeze, the share to popup causes a freeze, for @Phlo23 there's a 3 2 1 popup when he starts recording that causes a freeze, AND when he disables it it does not cause a freeze any more. This freeze will probably happen with anything that can popup in front of your app which can be any number of apps and interactions. Which leads me to believe that maybe google autofill which has been found to be the cause of the freeze in the other reports might also have the same root cause. As you can see in the video below, once I receive the start recording popup everything is frozen, only becomes unfrozen after minimizing and reconnecting, then it works fine, tried to bring up the keyboard and that was fine too, then tried to share a screenshot and once the share dialog appeared the software froze again until minimizing. Did also some drawing on the screen to show that it's just unibet that is frozen and everything else works fine, and no the drawing does not cause any issues as can be seen in previous reports as it's an overlay and not a popup. I also tested to see if this happens on Stars and there were 0 issues, @Phlo23 tested 888 and same there were no issues, so this does seem to be a unibet specific bug and not just a general android bug. Video in spoiler: Screenshots of the popups that cause the freezes: @Phlo23's recordings of this freeze happening even while at the tables:
  18. Could this be due to the fact that you were being moved to another table? It's a strange situation where you're kind of in limbo, where does it even send the gif, the old table that was broken? The new table where you didn't even appear yet? Who can even see it? 😄 I feel like the bigger issue that is displayed here is the process of moving tables, which sometimes doesn't even show a notification as mentioned by another report, just a frozen table, it did show one now however, but I still think it would feel a lot less weird and frozen if it just displayed you at your new table as soon as it moves you for both the table and yourself, and not at the start of the next hand. Maybe it's too difficult of a thing to change, but feels so weird to have the table frozen, sometimes even for minutes, especially with the history of tables freezing for more buggy reasons.
  19. There it's even more important to have it load fast, as you usually only have a few seconds to see what you wanna see before another action pops up in front of it.
  20. When you play MTTs, and have a decision that is dependent on some information from the lobby, and you go to said lobby either from the table button or from the general tournament lobby, it can take a long time to load the information, while you're stalling to make the decision. It takes a long time to load is not an accurate description, more so I think the client requests the information from the server once every 30 or 60 seconds, so sometimes you'll end up waiting almost the entire amount, sometimes a small amount and mostly in the middle. I think every time you open a lobby and it's not populated with information it should instantly request that information once, and then continue using the polling once every 30 seconds strategy. lobby slow load.mp4 Edited on 03/04/2024: Added logs and a video combined with the logs in the hidden section of the post and new observations. As I mentioned in the steps, it is important to play an MTT to observe this bug. Without playing or at least spectating, this bug does not occur (which is funny cause it matters most when playing). As can be seen in the logs and at the beginning of the video (the hidden one that also has logs in the video not the one above), when you open the lobby without playing in the tournament it sends an "action":"detailes_subscribe" and immediately (a tiny bit of ugly delay but it's fine) receives trnupdate for status rules prizes and player to fully update the lobby. At second 23 in the video I register the tournament, sends an "action":"detailes_subscribe" without a lobby being open, which is likely very necessary for the infobox and probably other elements as well, receives trnupdate for status rules prizes and player as expected. Starting at second 45 I try to open the tournament lobby from the table and now you can see the bug occurring, information loading becomes super slow. You can see a "Subscribe to the tournament" at that moment, but no "action":"detailes_subscribe" because that has already happened when the tournament started, we are already subscribed there. The information gets loaded at second 57 when trnupdate prizes (13:02:49) for this tournament gets received, which is odd because the data loaded is from rules, not prizes. It's like it has already has all the data it needs, it just needs to receive any trnupdate to trigger refreshing the lobby with that data. And 14 out of the next 21 tests seem to line up perfectly with this hypothesis to the second, the other 7 have not received any trnupdate till the moment they loaded so something else might have triggered it there. Because players and prizes seem to load perfectly fine the moment you open the lobby, maybe you can do the same thing for rules and status probably too (idk if this one is needed but maybe). Or maybe just call the rest API once for results at that moment but the instant display like in the case of players and prizes is much more satisfying and less scuffed looking. Edited on 24/04/2024: Also when a tournament starts and you're registered, it won't receive any information until the tournament starts.
  21. This is a pretty unimportant bug, sometimes, when you play multiple tables of cashgames and you mess with the sitout states, for example you want to sitout on 3 of your 6 tables, but then a player joins so you change your mind on one, you can end up with one of your tables, usually a different one than the one you were messing with having the leave / sitout button vanish, and it only comes back when you resize the table or you press X and then no don't leave, and in that moment the sitout popup appears. So it seams that something in between the button disappearing and the popup appearing gets stuck somehow. I've checked the logs too, nothing seems out of the ordinary, "sitout mode changed" seems to trigger fine, sitoutmode seems to update fine, it's probably just an animation hiccup for which there are no logs in this build. In the following video example you can see it happening, obviously I'm messing with the sitout states more to be able to trigger it within a few minutes of play, but it does happen naturally in the wild during normal use, without spamming, as it has happened to me in the past and was reported by @comanimaltoo in January (screenshot of his issue attached below, the banzai table) and reported by @GR1ZZL3R in november 2023 with multiple people confirming that they have also had it. What is going on in the video at the bottom where it's cut off, left bottom I open the popup and unclick leave next bb at all tables, right bottom I just open the popup don't click anything, middle left I click to open the popup and it vanishes with no popup. I have done multiple sitout state changes before that though. sitout cash games vanish.mp4 @comanimal screenshot @GR1ZZL3R video grizzler report.mp4
  22. This tends to happen when playing multiple tables (in this case 4) and very rarely if ever when playing just 1 table. Replaying a hand and going through the hand with next next next, you eventually reach the end of the hand, no more nexts but the showdown hand (if it's non allin) does not get revealed, you need to go to a different hand and back to be able to see the showdown hand again. Sometimes you can just go back a move and replay to see it but sometimes that doesn't work either. Looks like the next button did go through all the moves and they just didn't get displayed, this became particularly obvious when I had to hit previous a few times for anything to change. Today in a 15 minute session of 4 tabling I had this bug for 3 different hands and multiple times per hand. It happens all the time, kinda random but pretty easy to replicate if you try a bunch and follow the steps. It's not a necessity to press next fast, maybe it happens more that way but even pressing it slowly has the same issue. Improvement suggestion: I've made this suggestion in the other HH bug thread but this is where this suggestion really helps because if showdown cards are never hidden during replay then this bug is mostly harmless. Would be nice if showdown hands would be shown for the entire duration of the hand and not hidden, There is no need to hide the cards on the table replayer because during play you want all information as fast as possible. So while replaying, it would be nice if you could see the showdown cards revealed preflop flop turn and river, and not just on the river, just like we can see the Hero cards for the entire duration of the hand. Video 1: First try the showdown cards don't appear, 2nd try they do after moving to a different hand and back. Video 2: First try the showdown cards don't appear, 2nd try they do after hitting previous action once and next again. Video 3: First try showdown cards appear, 2nd try same hand showdown cards do not appear anymore, 3rd try after moving to a different hand and back again they do not appear, 4th try it they still don't appear, 5th try they finally appear. No showdown 3.mp4 No showdown 2.mp4 No showdown 1.mp4
  23. Same here, this is new, the list used to stay where you left it. This is happening for the Texas hold'em cashgames too, not only the promo PLO games, and also in landscape mode. I assume it's jumping back every time an update to the cashgame list is received. Motorola, Android 12 Later Edit: Looks like it's not jumping back to the top on every update, it's jumping back to the stake you last had selected when you exited the app the previous time. Also this issue has made something obvious again, why does there have to be so much empty space with so much vertical screen realestate, while the list of stakes is mostly hidden. Could easily show the entire list, even in landscape but especially in portrait, and instead of the selection being what's centered, have the selection be what you click Just like on desktop. For cashgame and SNG. I assume it's not much more to change than changing SubPageGamesListView from wheelview to listview on both landscape and portrait, and just in Portrait increasing its layout_size height to 50vh or whatever fits for this view. Maybe also switching the framelayout parent of PageLogo to match_parent if need be 🤷‍♂️ Should look like the first image, maybe even capable of going even lower if the list is larger due to having more stakes. cash lobby bug.mp4
  24. When you delete the alias that you are currently using at a tournament table the infobox will no longer show your position, instead it will only show a "-" and the tournament lobby "eye" feature that puts your alias and chips at the top remains stuck in the state it was when the alias got deleted, no longer updating. This bug has appeared a few years ago, before that deleting an alias would not break any of this. Delete alias bug.webm
  25. If you click next quickly while replaying a hand, which is a necessity while still playing since there isn't time to take it super slow, then the action will look nonsensical because the bets and board cards are very desynced. This bug appeared right after the update that introduced Banzai 2.0, up until then it worked perfectly. The first video (in slow motion to properly see the wrong bets) shows how the action looks when clicking fast, preflop and flop bets both look like whey were done preflop, turn bet looks like it was done on the flop, and then turn and river just appear. The second video is how the action should look. Improvement suggestion: A big reason why it's necessary to spam the next button instead of pressing it slower or using the play button is because the preflop action takes forever due to the non-VPIP (voluntary put in pot) folds. It would be a significant improvement if all the PREFLOP non-VPIP folds (people that have not contributed to the pot anything other than antes) would not be done 1 per action but happen at the same time as the next VPIP action (bundled together) for both pressing next or previous and for the automatic play button. What I mean by that, if you look at the hand in the video, what happens now is the following: Click Next garlicbread folds > Click Next AtsN folds > Click Next Haikari folds > Click Next NieZnamSie folds > Click Next OldShark bets > Click Next ykyg folds > Click Next piff-puff folds > Click Next Julian Carax calls How I think it would be much better for preflop action is if every next would take you to the action of the next first player that has put money in the pot (other than antes) and all the folds before him would be done at the same time (or if that isn't possible to animate, just blur them at the same time that would be sufficient); folds after that person that folds has already put money in the pot like a bet/fold or a call/fold should still be a separate move because they have put money into the pot (other than antes). The action should go like this, as you can see 8 clicks turns into 2 clicks: Click Next garlicbread folds AtsN folds Haikari folds NieZnamSie folds OldShark bets (all at the same time) > Click Next ykyg folds piff-puff folds Julian Carax calls (all at the same time) Improvement suggestion 2: Kind of unrelated but if replayer work will be done, would be nice if showdown hands would be shown for the entire duration of the hand and not hidden, There is no need to hide the cards on the table replayer because during play you want all information as fast as possible. So while replaying, it would be nice if you could see the showdown cards revealed preflop flop turn and river, and not just on the river, just like we can see the Hero cards for the entire duration of the hand. HH desynced bug slowmo.webm HH desynched bug how it should look.webm
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