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App freezes completely whenever focus gets taken away from it by a popup

  • Priority: No Priority Status: Fixed

his is a joint report with @Phlo23 as we both done a bunch of tests trying to figure out what's causing this for both of us. 

This could have the same root cause as these 2 reports:


We've noticed while trying to record or share something while in the unibet app that the software would completely freeze, nothing is clickable until we force a disconnect and reconnect by minimizing the app and going back to it, after which it would work perfectly fine even while recording. What we've discovered that it's not the recording process, or any overlays that cause the freeze, but popouts, any popouts that probably take focus away from the app like in the screenshots below, for example, the start recording popup from below causes a freeze, the share to popup causes a freeze, for @Phlo23 there's a 3 2 1 popup when he starts recording that causes a freeze, AND when he disables it it does not cause a freeze any more. This freeze will probably happen with anything that can popup in front of your app which can be any number of apps and interactions. Which leads me to believe that maybe google autofill which has been found to be the cause of the freeze in the other reports might also have the same root cause. 

As you can see in the video below, once I receive the start recording popup everything is frozen, only becomes unfrozen after minimizing and reconnecting, then it works fine, tried to bring up the keyboard and that was fine too, then tried to share a screenshot and once the share dialog appeared the software froze again until minimizing. Did also some drawing on the screen to show that it's just unibet that is frozen and everything else works fine, and no the drawing does not cause any issues as can be seen in previous reports as it's an overlay and not a popup.

I also tested to see if this happens on Stars and there were 0 issues, @Phlo23 tested 888 and same there were no issues, so this does seem to be a unibet specific bug and not just a general android bug.

Video in spoiler:


Screenshots of the popups that cause the freezes:



@Phlo23's recordings of this freeze happening even while at the tables: 



  • I have experienced this issue 1

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Is it fixed? Yesterday i took some screenshots and everytime app got frozen. To me it seemed to freeze even more often after last update.

Edited by Livertool
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