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Cashgame sitout/leave table button vanishes

  • Priority: No Priority Status: Backlog candidate

This is a pretty unimportant bug, sometimes, when you play multiple tables of cashgames and you mess with the sitout states, for example you want to sitout on 3 of your 6 tables, but then a player joins so you change your mind on one, you can end up with one of your tables, usually a different one than the one you were messing with having the leave / sitout button vanish, when you click the sitout/leave button it vanishes and it only comes back when you resize the table or you press X and then no don't leave, and in that moment the sitout popup appears. So it seams that something in between the button disappearing and the popup appearing gets stuck somehow. I've checked the logs too, nothing seems out of the ordinary, "sitout mode changed" seems to trigger fine, sitoutmode seems to update fine, it's probably just an animation hiccup for which there are no logs in this build.

In the following video example you can see it happening, obviously I'm messing with the sitout states more to be able to trigger it within a few minutes of play, but it does happen naturally in the wild during normal use, without spamming, as it has happened to me in the past and was reported by @comanimaltoo in January (screenshot of his issue attached below, the banzai table) and reported by @GR1ZZL3R in november 2023 with multiple people confirming that they have also had it.

What is going on in the video at the bottom where it's cut off, left bottom I open the popup and unclick leave next bb at all tables, right bottom I just open the popup don't click anything, middle left I click to open the popup and it vanishes with no popup. I have done multiple sitout state changes before that though.

@comanimal screenshot




@GR1ZZL3R video



  • I have experienced this issue 1

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Small update, looks like I was wrong that it has something to do with the sitout states, and should have listened to the other reports that it's actually completely random, very weird but it is, can't seem to find any action or event that is triggering it. But on the bright side, it turns out that it's very reproducible having done it 10+ times within 100 flops, by just repeatedly pressing the sitout button and out, and it happened even when not spamming it and even at 1 table.

As far as I could tell doesn't seem to happen on Android.

Couldn't find the cause of it partly due to it being a bit hard to test every possibility, but was wondering, is there any reason to even hide the sitout/leave button (rlxPokerTableExitButton) when the popup opens? Not hiding it when opening the popup might just resolve the problem 🤷‍♂️





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