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difference between pokersites.


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I want to say my opinion about paf, nordicbet poker sites.. I have now 3months played these twister sng:s in paf just to collect some information, and compared these games to partypoker same kind of games called "spins".. i have multiple times faced in paf twister games things, what is not matematicly even "possible".. is paf, nordicbet, coolbet rigged? i will collect proofs from that they are.. here is situation where i have been 2 times.. first i started playing 2 tables same time 2e stake, i won 10e from another and 20-25 from other...

then i kept playing same stakes and this happened: i was (100% truth) 75-80% favourite 1on1 after flop 8 or 9 times when i played a hand, everytime we went allin with the opponent who was 20-25% underdog and what happened to me? i lost every hand exept one from that, lets say 9hands there was where i was 75% favourite after flop.. i did some calculations and that is something like 0,002% chance from that what happened... i first won with 4e that lets say 35e, and lost it back the way what is not even possible.. your poker skills dont mean nothing in these sites like paf, and im only now talk about twisters.. you can go there just shove all in everyhand and decision is made for you already who win.. 😄 

I would like to hear some opinions about this.

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You should loosen up that tinfoil hat of yours. 


When Unibet had the Hexapro campaign I had close to 20 games loosing streak at worst. Longest winning streak was maybe 5 games and in total I think I made some profit of them. I only grinded for a few days because it's just super exhausting game to play 4-5 tables same time. 


But, even tho spins/Hexapro has been my least played game on any site I'd say that the variance has been the biggest compared to the volume. One bad beat on a table meens you're out, but getting lucky once doesn't give you the win when you're playing 3-way and stacks are so short from the beginning that anything can happen. 


These games are much more luck based than any other when there's more fun players jamming every K-high on PF. I suggest you to stop playing these or studying more this format before going in. 

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@Sparrow473 no i didnt say that, i said how many times this happened in a row and what are the chances of that. 

@Pionrj yes i should, i played this format maybe 6months and its true that it was more luck based game in stakes 1 and 3 (in partypoker).. but 5 and 10 was more "professional".. i played 3 or 4 at the same time, but 4 was sometimes exhausting like you said. but i concentrate now MTT:s more and learning hi-lo omaha on side..

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Hello everyone, I will tell you my esperience during yesterday night and also during this morning. 

I was playing hexapro 25/50€ and SNG 25/50/100€, i have been beaten by the most weirdest hands. Almost impossible to believe, i go 2x with QQ and my opponent gos all in with Q6, making a set 6 on the flop... AK 3x, opponent goes allin with 34paired to make an amazing fullhouse 43. AA 2x against A10 allin - straight.

Opponent 5/7 goes 2x against my J10, flop 5-10-J goes all in and finishes with a sett of 5... And lets not talk about AK/Q/J that goes down against low pairs...

And like this all morning... This is not possible... I just won around 15% of the games when i had the best hand in probably 70% of the times...

I have to ask myself, am I playing against boot or somenone as acces to privilege information. It's just not seriopus enough to believe.

Can someone suggest something?


Thanks for your time and best of luck

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Thanks for the answer Jami, but how can I justify this? I play because I like it and because I also want to win some money, but it is not possible to be playing like this, I simply see my money being offered to someone without the slightest sense of an answer, neither math nor logic. 

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33 minutes ago, Jami-Unibet said:

No you are not. Even we don't have access to real time cards. 🙂

So how can you explain me that someone goes all inn with Q6 unp, just like that, after i just double bet with a pair of queens??? I can understand AA vs A10 going to a straight in a all in, or KK beat by some low A, but not this... Q6 going to a sett of sixes... are we jocking?? Or, all in with J8s against a AK and the bord gives a flush, it was like this all the morning, the best hand always beated, and i dont bluff that much, around 10% of the hands, but every time i tried he was awered... What is your explanation, pure luck? Because for me that just doesn't justify it.

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The short answer on why people do what they do (because they can), longer answer (who knows).

Now, this is one of the reasons there are people that win in poker over the long turn, once everyone is GTO the game is dead.

Most people (myself included) know you can't win from slots or sports betting over the long run but still play. 🙈

Why do you think the is a small percent that has a lot of wealth and the rest have scraps, why do you think globally we dealt with the pandemic so poor, etc?

If you believe something is nefarious then you can always not play.

If you can't accept rationality/logic when Unibet has under 5% revenue from poker, hence if they rig the games they risk to lose all 100% of their revenue, why would a company do that? I can understand 1 Man 🐵 doing that, but a company is highly unlikely.


Edited by FreedoM
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Quite simply, :Qc: :6c: has a 11.31% chance of winning preflop against :Qd: :Qs: 

Whats also happening here quite often is that your brain is biased to only remember the hands were you lost with the better hand. You seem to be counting out the times you won with a better hand, or you won with the worse hand. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 6:07 PM, Altero said:

So how can you explain me that someone goes all inn with Q6 unp, just like that, after i just double bet with a pair of queens??? I can understand AA vs A10 going to a straight in a all in, or KK beat by some low A, but not this... Q6 going to a sett of sixes... are we jocking?? Or, all in with J8s against a AK and the bord gives a flush, it was like this all the morning, the best hand always beated, and i dont bluff that much, around 10% of the hands, but every time i tried he was awered... What is your explanation, pure luck? Because for me that just doesn't justify it.

This is probably the most talked subject of this forum. And you are asking wrong question like most of the players who faces bad beats. 


Right questions are; Are you playing enough games to hit the top of the variance? Or do you play with the right stakes compared to your bankroll? 


When you are questioning the math skills of your opponents, you should do some work to improve your knowledge too. It seems that you are getting it in with ev+ and that's basically enough. All you need is volume. And I guess you don't have it, when you have time to write of few bad beats. 

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Consider this if a site WERE to "rig" their games to for example let bots farm money vs you: why not deal u KK and bot AA? Why make a really "unfair"/"unlikely" occurence for the win? It is just math. Variance. This is why playing poker for living for example is VERY hard.

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Well it’s not logical when you speak in those suppositions and variance at the same time. You can be deal AA 10 times in a row and lose over then 50%? Yes you can! Nothing or no one can “predict” that. Now apply that to odds and percentages, what is your result? It will be more predictable you die in a plain crash or win the lottery. 
If you apply variance you can not apply unfair or unlucky, those do not go in the same hand! 
It is so simple as if you seat in a real table how many people go all in with this hands?? Yes, most of the times you have more time to think and read your opponents, so now with less time and not be able to read, how you justify that? 
Like a f*** that and if I win I win and if not it’s also okay? I can accept this in one way, but not in over 70% of the matches I play. When you are 9 to 1 what do you expect? Q6u it’s no way a hand to go all in, or is it? 

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@AlteroYou are right, Q6o very rarely is an pf all-in hand. You just don't give enough info to say, if the play was justifed on this case.


But you telling me that luck and variance are not related? Can't talk about those at the same time? 


Let's say that a cash player has ev 2/100bb and is usually a winning player, but has been running last 20 000 hands clearly under it. Something like -5/100bb. That's a downswing for sure but has nothing to do with luck? Is that what you are saying? 

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