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New Table UI (redesign/feedback needed)


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As we all know, the current table has a lot of bugs/issues - especially in the 9handed version. I allowed myself to make a few different variations in full-crowded 9-handed table.

What to look for:

- small slimming infobox
- new look for action at the table - version with and without background
- bounty in a place that does not collide with other elements, does not cover the avatar
- 'next break in' is now in top-right corner
- timebanks remain as today, although I prepared the progress bar versions (maybe this is also some direction)
- hero-actions:
1. slightly increased buttons for x0.5, x1, x2
2. The 'fold to any bet' is higher to avoid misscicks

We are waiting for your feedbacks
Yours sincerely,

Here we go ...




New suggestions


Action version without background


edit  - timebanks ideas deleted :Happy:


That's probably all ... if I forgot about something, we'll update it.:Thumbsup:

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@pinki My first reaction is that it looks like I didn't get any beauty sleep last night but at least you got my default action correct...............fold. 🤣 I'll comment later but first glance looking good. 👍

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I like all the suggested changes except the timebank progressbar(current design seems unique), altough i would like an option to see how much timebank i have on tables before it folds the hand(because I forgot I don`t have any timebank left at a specific table) or without waiting for it to be activated or at least 1-3 extra seconds before the timebank auto-activates a poppup to appear and show how much extra time would there be once its on.

Also my preference about the action version, i`d prefer the one without background(just because of the looks) but also i`d like both the name+chips left frame and the action frame there at :Action version without background" picture @ WakaWaka to be both the same(either both without background or without), like at @ Rushbie in the same picture if we change to the no background action version OR @ WakaWaka in previous picture but I think the one with background filled would be too distracting as it stands out too much.

I agree with the "what to look for" as the things that need an improvement, priority on my list would be the bigger info box in the left side, slightly increased buttons to avoid missclicks and bounty in place where it doesnt cover avatars+name+chips+action. Also dunno if it bothers some1 else but i ocasionally see the button at the wrong player postflop, maybe that could be a priority too :)

Well done @pinki !

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looks very good!

everything is in its place, nothing covers anything. the break sign in the upper right corner is a great idea. the background of the actions looks very good too, but it would be ideal to be able to enable/disable it.

@pinki great job!

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I quite like the new proposed layout.

big BIG fan of the color coded ladder stat in the infobox, and the implementation of it, just having a samll bubble with the number color coded rather than having the entire box background color coded like party did it which looks a bit ugly and harder to read. if there's payjumps I'd just keep the number in that color coded box instead of explicitly writing ITM and let the colors do the talking.

then infobox as a whole is really nicely positioned here, and doesn't require different layouts that end up covering stuff so that's super nice.

break icon under the clock at the top seems decent too, sets it apart from the others and if I'm not mistaken it's a layout other sites have chosen too, if possible I'd also add an icon there (to the left of the break icon, maybe with the R/A+ icon from the lobby) with the time in minutes till the end of rebuy / till the addon break starts, and that can be hidden after that period ends. IMO that is really nice and relevant information to have that is quite hard to discern currently, you have to look in the tournament lobby to see how many levels of rebuy, then you have to look at the blind levels, multiply and add breaks, it's a major hassle for such an important piece of info.

The text is soooooo much clearer in the pinki version than in the live UI when resizing to the minimum table size, it's like wearing glasses for the first time and finally seeing right. Obv an image will scale down far better than programatic text so that's not really a fair critique of the current UI but Relax should REEEEALLLY look into some methods to make the scaling of text be much clearer at the minimum table size (on the major popular rezolutions hd, fhd, wqhd,4k), please. Would also be extra sweet if resizing would be dynamic in a way, where the most important elements like stack size for example get scaled down less than less important stuff like avatars, but I realize that's probably beyond the scope of this and probably not really worth the dev hours and the headache of managing the resizing across devices. 

One more comment of the scaling, it seems like the 3.0 UI scales down more aggresively than the previous client version, as in, when the table is big the elements are bigger / more visible than they used to be (which is used as a selling point of the new UI), but when you scale the table down to the minimum they are the same size or maybe even smaller than in the old version, which contradicts that selling point. Maybe there's a reason for this and maybe it wouldn't look great but I feel like having stuff be bigger at the minimum table size is even more important than when the table is in full screen (mostly interested in text elements with relevant info). If you could please look into this @Relax that would be great 😃

Personally I prefer the current timebank UI around the entire border rather than the new pinki design for it.

I really like the bigger 1x 2x etc buttons, and the small spacing between the action buttons.

The stack size numbers could be a bit bigger, current UI has them bigger and stars UI has them even bigger than the current one. It's the most important piece of info on the table aftert the bets/action.

For the action labels, from the ones proposed I prefer the one where the FOLD has a gray background and red text rather than red background, as it's less of a call to action and makes the entire table less jarring. Generally the new action labels look nice, but worried about 2 things: 

1. the fact that they cover the cards might be confusing, maybe it's something that one can adjust super quickly to.

2. some people might complain about all the color, which they have in the past (while others would like it), as the current version is more subtle, just the text being colored. Maybe having an option to switch between a more popping version and a more subtle version could be a fix for that, but then the fact that the cards aren't visible when the action label is shown can become a major problem in the subtle version as it would be harder to see who's still in the hand. 


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More comments and new versions based on them will see the light of day 🆗

ps. tomorrow i'll post version without avatars and mobile/portrait mode version

ps. @FeelsBadMan I like reading your insights✊

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Hi again.
here are some new preflop views. Later I will add a few with showdown and visible cards, then i'll update the first post also ...
For now, feel free to comment on these ...


- new vision for infobox [proposal]
- enlarged fonts on the table
- gray fold action
- rebuy / addon widget - several combinations for the show
- I know that the Hero section needs some slight corrections, I don't like this long box - but it's a detail



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i was starting to say give me these and i name my fist childe pinki...but mby Stubbe makes it happen and as a correct gambler i have to do that and my gf will kill me....

but to point....can u add colours to actions like u first option was?


to bad coffee icon would be much it would be perfect to me

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@laifstaile wrote:

but to point....can u add colours to actions like u first option was?


to bad coffee icon would be much it would be perfect to me

@laifstaile   this option is still there, maybe @Stubbe-Unibet  will be pressing for such option in the settings - I think it shouldn't be a big problem:Cool:

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Can you add a different font for blinds in the bar at the top of the tables , so its easier to see them , i think you could use black instead of that gray , better contrast , with a bigger font it would be perfect . Besides that everything is perfect if you ask me .


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