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Group: Pair
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Everything posted by DoktorAvalanche

  1. Netherlands FTW. Not because they're particularly good. Got them in the sweep though. Always been a massive VVD fan..
  2. I hate the emojis. The world needs less, not more. Very happy you give us the option to remove them completely.
  3. I'm just wondering why no-one has ever asked these questions on a poker forum before, like ever. What's that you say? They have? Oh well maybe i'll google that instead of....
  4. American owners will never understand European's relationship with their teams.
  5. I noticed the bonus points appear and wondered what the heck was going on. Only to find this thread which explains it all. I should probably pop in more. It's a shame to see the back of the UK Tour, i was lucky enough to get to two of the live events and they were a lot of fun. I've played these satties more than anything else on Unibet, using them to satisfy my need for a little poker while not risking any actual funds. I'll have to get used to the rhythm of the new tourney, when to play satties etc. But i can see why it's been done given uncertainty over travelling. That said, i'm also glad the Unibet Open will still be a live event (eventually) as it gives something sweet to aim for. Malta was amazing and i'd love to go back again or get to another oversees event. It would be good if the UK Tour returned once things are more settled.
  6. Thanks for the ticket @Andy-Unibet . Pity you couldn't do anything about the nasty suckout that lost me the hexapro when i played it.
  7. Hi, I got the email too. Obviously no ticket though. Cheers
  8. When i get lucky = Not rigged. When i don't get lucky = Rigged. Tinfoil hat is in the post.
  9. I've had enough of bubbling to dickheads calling off half their stack with . With the ridiculous beats and set ups. With the general lack of fun involved with runbad. I've hardly played lately and every time i dip a toe back in i'm reminded why. Bad play rewarded with great flops. So long and thanks for all the fish. Oh and the trip to Malta. :) Good luck.
  10. He's still using it today. Capital N though. Currently registered in the UK tour satellite. Game ID is 21072661
  11. On holiday with the family and I think I spotted the mother ship @elron66
  12. Hi @James1305 It's a foul tip and is considered the same as a strike.
  13. 26. Tattersalls Rule 4 When a selection is withdrawn prior to the start of an event, remaining selections may be subject to this Rule 4. The following table lists the rate of deduction dependent on the price of the withdrawn selection. The Rule 4 will be determined by the price of the withdrawn selection at the time that the bet was placed unless superseded by an individual rule for that sport. Price at time of withdrawal Amount deducted from winnings 1/9orshorter90p in the £2/11to2/1785p in the £1/4to1/580p in the £3/10to2/775p in the £2/5to1/370p in the £8/15to4/965p in the £8/13to4/760p in the £4/5to4/655p in the £20/21to5/650p in the £evensto6/545p in the £5/4to6/440p in the £13/8to7/435p in the £15/8to9/430p in the £5/2to3/125p in the £10/3to4/120p in the £9/2to11/215p in the £6/1to9/110p in the £10/1to14/1*we do not apply rule 4's of 5p in the £.If over 14/1 then no deduction. In the event of more than one selection priced between 10/1 and 14/1 being withdrawn prior to the start of an event, remaining selections will be subject to the relevant Rule 4.
  14. This is a great example of Customer service. Probably undeserved for the way it was asked but still.
  15. I didn't get one today @ReCorpH . I logged in just before the second game but didn't have one.
  16. @ReCorpH It's under the privates :wonder: Ewwwwwwwwwwww.
  17. Hi @beluga I think @Stubbe-Unibet answered in this thread. https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/when-next-UOS-start/m-p/342854#M50867 :Smile:
  18. I prefer 9max personally but i'll probably only play occasionally so pay more attention to the views of the guys who always play.
  19. Good call @Livertool It was only ever going to be a faster version but the cards might make it interesting. I can't see LiverGrizz ever taking off, or Citizen Tool, the company name needs working on. Gets my vote
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