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Group: Pair
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Everything posted by DoktorAvalanche

  1. After back to back weekends where i bubbled a package i had to take a sanity break. Took a shot last night but no good. Maybe next time as i supect this may be the way a few of these are played this year. Best of luck to @theMachine , @FreedoM and @GR1ZZL3R and any other forum regs in the game. TID.
  2. Those 3 plus Hurkacz paid 7.78-1. Cheers @AndreiBN :cash:
  3. @Utilizatorg If you register on the private forum which is running the private freeroll they will email you the private password i believe. Did i mention it was private?
  4. https://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/22362-daniel-negreanu-admits-to-back-to-back-losing-years-at-poker-tables
  5. You'd really rather argue the toss on here instead of typing some very obvious keywords in your internet browser?
  6. The forum isn't for sharing passwords to Private tournaments. But it took about 10 seconds on Google so don't be so idle.
  7. Congratulations on the continued progress. Please keep posting, your blog both entertains and amuses this ape. I wouldn't usually dare comment on the way someone else plays a hand (apart from the odd expletive laden rant) but i would be interested in your thoughts on the bet sizing after the turn on the first hand. Without context in terms of the way the villain is playing it's difficult to know if he really had the straight or flush or whether he felt that turn bet was a bit flimsy and encouraged a bluff. A bigger turn bet, maybe 2/3 of the pot or 3/4 might have got him to fold. Or it might have lost you more chips. Two things just became apparent to me as i typed that. 1. I really shouldn't comment on hands because my analytical skills are MIA. 2. It's obvious why/that i'm a rec. Sweet Electric Dreams.
  8. Wow. Another Tox looking for the freeroll. What a coincidence..
  9. I have an old xmas tree in my back garden. Can i please swap it for an Evel Knievel action figure or a Stretch Armstrong.
  10. Since the recent update this has happened both times I've tried to log in. I think that when I type my password and hit 'enter' on the keyboard i get the grey screen. However if I use the touchscreen to click on the 'log in' button the app loads up fine. I've not tried logging in on the laptop to see if this happens on the browser. When this was originally an issue it worked the same way on the browser too.
  11. I'm afraid there will be no bannisters involved @GR1ZZL3R The stage version of the routine is a bit more sedate thank goodness! Still a massive challenge for me though and something I'm really looking forward to having a go at.
  12. I bet @Livertool is dreaming having HJK vs Liverpool in his backyard I had the BVB almost literally in my backyard a little while back. Well, just over the wall. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/european/dortmund-train-at-non-league-marine-ahead-of-europa-league-quarter-final-against-liverpool-a6984166.html My house backs on to this ground, the opposite side to the houses in the picture. I remember seeing the bus parked in their car park.
  13. https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Error-on-closing-Android-app/idc-p/310034#M4739
  14. The meme fits. But simple answer. I like watching football. It doesn't have to be Real v ManU for it to be entertaining. Lower skill levels don't necessarily make less entertaining games. In a Champions Cup i'd rather watch a team that's the Champion of something. The reason games like Real v ManU are special is at least partly because they don't happen all the time. As Eldritch said...'Too much contact, no more feeling.' Now go find me a Statler and Waldorf meme.
  15. Oh please take as many digs at the RS as you want. :laugh:
  16. Benelux League = Mickey Mouse League. None of these merger ideas are worth a carrot. Just the 'bigger' teams trying to squeeze extra cash out. them. But then i preferred the Champions Cup to the 'Champions' League because a condition of entry was actually being the Champion of your country. :wow:
  17. Looking back through your posts this is pretty much all you do. Why not just join some dodgy sites which give out passwords or are you too lazy to even do that? You're obviously too lazy to even read back a few posts in this thread. The ranking system needs an overhaul if you can get to Level 10 just by repeatedly posting variations on 'Ticket please'.
  18. Great stuff @RayL . You've done a great job with the video, i bet they loved it. I used to play computer games a lot, particularly loved sports games. My thumbs complain if i do it much these days though.
  19. When i'm not playing poker or watching sport i like to spend time with my local Amateur Dramatic Society. I've been with them on and off since i was a kid and my mum was in the society. I started off backstage and was gradually persuaded to become a performer. I've been Lurch in the Addams Family musical and had parts in various other musicals, plays and pantomimes. We've just cast and are about to start rehearsals for Annie the musical which we're performing in July. I'm playing Miss Hannigan's dodgy brother Rooster. What do you lot like to do when you're not at the felt?
  20. @notgot1 sounds like a blag account to me...
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