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April Community League - Battle of the biscuits


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We've decided to add an extra element to the community league of April. If you play in either today's or Thursday's tournament, you'll be put on a team with two other community members. You'll compete against the other teams for  3 * 4 Euro CL tickets to each member on the winning team (1 * 4 Euro CL tickets to the runners up). You'll earn points the same way as you do for the main leaderboard (three best results for each member count).

The teams will be picked randomly and posted on Friday. You earn points till the last tournament of the month is played.

More info about the community league can be seen here: https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/Unibet-Community-Poker-League-April/td-p/79791

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@MaGs, I've been off the last days and off the next week as well. I was planning to do it from home, but I need to connect to my computer at the office, and someone turned it off. I hope Jeppe can turn it back on today so I can post the teams and an updated leaderboard :)

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The teams are here! 34 teams in total, one team with only 2 members. Teams were made randomly in Excel, and I think they're pretty good. There're at least 20 teams that I think could win this one. Quite a few teams haven't performed as expected in the first 3 tournaments (team @MoreTBC and team @MathrimC, just to name a couple :)), and I think we'll see a very close leaderboard by the end of this week.




@xd1m4x@LittlestHobo, @hensiepensie



5@Strah, @DaVitsche, @Kirederf56


7@jel, @n_X@ryf198144

@kokas, @AlexandraIoana, @Remk_95

9@HandShanders, @Rushbie, @aclumajo39
10@vaisto, @Hammerfalls@radge136
11@9HiLikeABoss, @stefinel22, @Paul33
12@throwitallin, @GamesDean, @kristhys30
13@HeroNakamura, @Komondor99, @PlayNwitD30
14@Sally, @tableNOpopZZ, @BSPS27
15@tomek009966, @sG, @whereisrivaldo24
16@WuDu, @DenGodeBatman, @MoreTBC21
17@Sabali, @Support4, @ProMode9317
18@KenTouchMe, @qr, @sisorhead17
19@IXIXIXIXI, @coconuts, @OldBurf14
20@Play_Analyst, @HrFedtore, @pirahn13
21@BundleFjoy, @dclg11, @psycho1112
22@MathrimC, @bazrfc71, @StartlingGrope11
23@chester110, @herttaberlin, @Sangria1610
24@FreedoM, @nightshopper, @Michaelco10
25@DelProc, @KampelaFace, @KrustyTheClown6
26@Siltsu, @f1v3h34d, @MrMuskimol6
27@mugmaster200, @SMG, @Myllyjätkä6
28@DjKhalle, @onixx89, @MetalWolf5
29@Fredrik, @donYaro, @uniiiited5
30@ragequitnow, @Ja-z-Polszy, @MaGs5
31@MonocleMan, @bole1984, @Check_Norris5
32@reluni, @nat, @Trueplayer0
33@bizarre12, @Iceman, @ginogrecu0
34@grandturist, @andy10
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Had not noticed promo till today lol     I have played bad and run bad especially v Mathrym kk v 77 hand where had chance to take him out /7 spoiled that Defo adds extra edge to the community game and a few extra angles to /nice 1   I have fell dramatically from last months grace but will now kick on for the team, and the cash and fame also .Mathrym you be as well keeping beer money aside as getting Barry to buy one be like having  quads over quads .

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Updated leaderboard below. @Unruled7 gave his team a nice boost with 40 points for the win.

1@SIWYCZUBEK, @NMPfan, @Neilcaterham95
2@ibrul, @HAI_ROMANIA, @Unruled792
3@I_love_to_win, @WoodyWoodpecker, @CAPONEMO77
4@Markopolo, @BroederTuck, @Raegar72
5@xd1m4x, @LittlestHobo, @HensiePensie70
6@Strah, @DaVitsche, @Kirederf61
7@9HiLikeABoss, @stefinel22, @Paul58
8@jel, @n_X, @ryf198155
9@Sally, @tableNOpopZZ, @BSPS49
10@chester110, @herttaberlin, @Sangria1645
11@WuDu, @DenGodeBatman, @MoreTBC41
12@FreedoM, @nightshopper, @Michaelco40
13@kokas, @AlexandraIoana, @Remk_9540
14@HandShanders, @RushB, @aclumajo39
15@vaisto, @Hammerfalls, @radge136
16@throwitallin, @GamesDean, @kristhys30
17@HeroNakamura, @Komondor99, @PlayNwitD30
18@tomek009966, @sG, @whereisrivaldo29
19@BundleFjoy, @dclg11, @psycho1126
20@Sabali, @Support4, @ProMode9317
21@KenTouchMe, @qr, @sisorhead17
22@IXIXIXIXI, @coconuts, @OldBurf14
23@Play_Analyst, @HrFedtore, @pirahn13
24@mugmaster200, @SMG, @Myllyjätkä13
25@MathrimC, @bazrfc71, @StartlingGrope11
26@Fredrik, @donYaro, @uniiiited10
27@DelProc, @KampelaFace, @KrustyTheClown6
28@Siltsu, @f1v3h34d, @MrMuskimol6
29@reluni, @nat, @Trueplayer5
30@DjKhalle, @onixx89, @MetalWolf5
31@ragequitnow, @Ja-z-Polszy, @MaGs5
32@MonocleMan, @bole1984, @Check_Norris5
33@bizarre12, @Iceman, @ginogrecu0
34@grandturist, @andy10
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