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So rigged


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I know the poker isn't rigged before you all jump on me but this site for poker is just unreal,or I am the unluckiest player ever,after having suck out after suck out yesterday I decided to write down all all ins and calls today,43 all ins and calling all ins,31 times I was ahead,I lost 33 of them to just ridiculous cards,you can literally call the card coming out 90 per cent of the time,aces cracked by 95,no problem,kings beaten by 10 4,light work,I could literally go on and on,so my question to you all is,how the fuck do you control your rage,the emojis don't help mind when you get some donk suck out on the river and then too his hat to you 🤮 

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Yesterday I was a chip leader in tournament with approx. 44 BB, middle phase, rest of the table had like 20-ish BB. I was busted in two hands, one after another. 

First one - with AK on the flop 10 7 K i called all-in from the guy on my right. He had QJ. Turn was 4 and then 10 hit the river, completing his open-ended. Ok, that was bad beat, i was tilted a little but still in play. 

Next hand i was dealt KK, i open raised 2,5x, 3-bet all-in from the other guy, i snapped called and he showed KJ. Well, back on track - was my first idea.

Flop came - A 5 10, turn was a 6, river was a Q. And that was it, from hero to zero in just two premium hands, like 2,5 hours of ABC play wasted.  

How i copped with tilt? Went all-in (35 BB) with A8 suited in the other tournament with 9 players and 6 tickets to win (very nit game in this phase). Was called by the guy with AK (42BB) and got one club on the flop, second on the turn and third one on the river. Went from 8th place to 1st and got my ticket 🙂

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Thats how poker is and everyone is this "unluckiest player ever". Im also pretty sure that everyone wrote down their all ins and suckouts at one point in their poker careers (I know I did). I dont even think you can really learn to "control your rage", just look how some top players with decades of experience still rage from time to time. 

You cant control the release of "rage hormones" in your body, but what you can learn with experience is to keep it outside your decision process. Once you reach poker enlightenment, you will be able to make a discipline fold while at the same time punching hole in wall with previous hand suckout anger. 

Another advice would be to not make threads like that in the future, or talk about your bad luck with your friends/family. Again, everyone did it as some point, but realize that its just useless spreading of complaining. Imagine reading someone elses post like yours right after you finished some disgusting downswing session yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/5/2022 at 10:12 PM, Yiddo44 said:

I know the poker isn't rigged before you all jump on me but this site for poker is just unreal,or I am the unluckiest player ever,after having suck out after suck out yesterday I decided to write down all all ins and calls today,43 all ins and calling all ins,31 times I was ahead,I lost 33 of them to just ridiculous cards,you can literally call the card coming out 90 per cent of the time,aces cracked by 95,no problem,kings beaten by 10 4,light work,I could literally go on and on,so my question to you all is,how the fuck do you control your rage,the emojis don't help mind when you get some donk suck out on the river and then too his hat to you 🤮 

 The technology is there and it's a multi-billion dollar industry so who really knows.

Look on the bright side. 25% of the time you were behind but you still managed to win 25% of them. The use of emojis is definitely having the desired effect.


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  • 8 months later...

its time to move on .......yes the poker its fuck as hell  😞  the magic here its insane 😛 try play 10k hex & pro  and u will see how random are the cards dealt 😞 action evry 2 hands 🙂  if u have 90% chance to win after flop almost always u will lose 😄 

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  • 6 months later...

Where should I start?! I played for many years on Unibet even before it went down. I had a lot of tickets and all gone after the site shut down. Now I'm back and had to start all over again. Now I see the same shit happen again. Some psychic players already know the outcome of the hand. It's strange how they play aggressive and how the hand is played it's like they know they are already gonna win the hand so they keep raising to make the pot as big as possible. This happens when you almost all of the times put it in with +EV. It happens at all the cash games limits. I had sleepless nights playing poker with some good nights and more bad nights. Working on my game, strategy, bet sizing, but nothing helps. There is 100% something wrong with some players in the rooms. I made screenshots and reviewed my hand history and I was saying to myself how can they play like this?! 1. Or they have too much money. 2. Or they know exactly what will come on the flop, turn and river. The more I play, the more I see it, but I was still wondering can they see my cards as well?! Well if they are psychic to know the outcome of the hand then I think they can see my hand as well. When I have a strong hand, but they can't beat it, the psychic player folds, but only when he knows he can beat me they will raise. This results into big loses and small wins. It's hard becoming a Pro Poker Player nowadays. Yes I think it's rigged and we are getting scammed by these psychic players.

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2 hours ago, ThaGambla said:

Where should I start?!


image.png.686842214ca5511bb52e121f06768fd8.png    or until everyone has fallen asleep.

3 hours ago, ThaGambla said:

The more I play, the more I see it,

3 hours ago, ThaGambla said:

Yes I think it's rigged and we are getting scammed by these psychic players.

image.png.24ee6920ebe5dcc30442e4f6abd38b16.png  Over how many hands?

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/21/2023 at 7:01 PM, ThaGambla said:

Where should I start?! I played for many years on Unibet even before it went down. I had a lot of tickets and all gone after the site shut down. Now I'm back and had to start all over again. Now I see the same shit happen again. Some psychic players already know the outcome of the hand. It's strange how they play aggressive and how the hand is played it's like they know they are already gonna win the hand so they keep raising to make the pot as big as possible. This happens when you almost all of the times put it in with +EV. It happens at all the cash games limits. I had sleepless nights playing poker with some good nights and more bad nights. Working on my game, strategy, bet sizing, but nothing helps. There is 100% something wrong with some players in the rooms. I made screenshots and reviewed my hand history and I was saying to myself how can they play like this?! 1. Or they have too much money. 2. Or they know exactly what will come on the flop, turn and river. The more I play, the more I see it, but I was still wondering can they see my cards as well?! Well if they are psychic to know the outcome of the hand then I think they can see my hand as well. When I have a strong hand, but they can't beat it, the psychic player folds, but only when he knows he can beat me they will raise. This results into big loses and small wins. It's hard becoming a Pro Poker Player nowadays. Yes I think it's rigged and we are getting scammed by these psychic players.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What crap is this 😀 games from some ubpoker.fun url? Rightio 🙄

Unibet doesn't have a playmoney pokersite, as far as i'm aware of, so whatever was the intention to link that, it's all your own mind cutting corners to desired outcome

Edited by Rushbie
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  • 7 months later...

Everything is rigged in Unibet specialy in casino slots and machines. 

You win a little in beginning after that the games change levels is totally crap I advise no to play this bs. 

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   Thank you for your fascinating insights and reasoned and logical conclusions based on no statistics whatsoever, I'll certainly stay away from those slots and machines! 🥴

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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On 28/06/2024 at 19:00, Opinion said:

Everything is rigged in Unibet specialy in casino slots and machines. 

You win a little in beginning after that the games change levels is totally crap I advise no to play this bs. 


That just your opinion (no pun intended :p). I can tell you that I have been lucky in slots where I increased my bet size to win back my previous losses and then hit bit. Of course, in the long run it's a guaranteed way to lose even more money, but that's what gambling does.

As for poker. The 'funny' thing is that when I'm convinced that someone will suck out in a particular way, they actually do it in exactly that way even when they had other outs that they could have hit. It's as if your mind controls what the RNG does :p. Of course it's all just psychological, and you just tend to remember all those suckouts and forget the times you won when ahead.

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