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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Yeah you gotta have that beautiful gold background. It feels incredible to see that, or I assume it will do when I actually hit the 1000x. RIP, this might be one of those daydreams that is kind of good in theory but where the technology just isn't there yet. IDK, maybe in some random future update there will be a need for a perfect universal cards up replayer and it becomes possible. Solution: I will fire up OBS when I finally hit the 1000x multiplier and cast my own win.
  2. @bctrips Very good comment, I defer to you wrt 400NL as I'm sure you know more about the 400NL meta than me. Your point about games not just solely running around rec players is huge. I see on other sites games where a reg is sat on a table for ages with nobody else sitting, eventually a rec sits and 2 mins later the entire table is full of regs, then one the spot busts the game breaks almost instantly. This isn't just high stakes either, I have seen this at at stakes as low as 100NL on certain specific sites / dodgy app clubs. Unibet has done a really good job of making sure that this isn't the meta here. FWIW I wasn't suggesting simply canning bootcamps without a similar big promo, I agree that rewards are super important. You can see the difference between rewards vs no rewards sometimes when a site / club sometimes offers no rewards and then a month later has some kind of promo on. Its like night and day, suddenly when there is a prize for raking more then people want to battle not bumhunt. @Stubbe-Unibet Disclaimer: I am not hugely tech illiterate and also can only see a partial picture (I can see what users see not what Unibet management has access to). When I finish a hexapro I can open the replayer and watch every hand in order, seeing my own hole cards. I assumed there was an equivalent version for management with all the hole cards face up. I was apparently wrong xD. I have no clue how much of an effort it would be to create a cards up replayer that can work through an entire Hexa / FT hand by hand. As you said it already exists for the final hand in the game lab so IDK how much extra work it is to add the rest of the tournament. You might have to ask a full time developer, I genuinely have no idea if this would take 1 hour or 6 months of developer time. On the plus side this would have numerous uses, I assume it would be the most intuitive way to view tournaments / hexas / sngs internally. Eg. If I worked for Unibet and I was reviewing a final table for potential collusion / botting / cheating then viewing the hand histories in turn in a replayer would be the most intuitive way to look for anomalies. Viewing everything in raw text would be pretty challenging. When I suggested this I was imagining receiving either: 1) A video of the entire Hexa / FT with hole cards up. 2) A link to some kind of replayer of the event so I can click through the actions myself. Does Unibet have a cards up replayer for individual hands? If you have that then its doable. Its possible to play a HH in one window, then cut to playing the next HH in a fresh window, then the next HH in a third window and on and on. This would be kind of finnicky to do but it could be edited down in OBS or whatever video editor to make it smooth such that the transition from one hand finishing to the next starting is instantaneous, as if its just one long replay. The viewer of the final product wouldn't even know what had happened it would just look like eg. 25 hand histories that progress naturally. I realise that this would be quite slow to do, specifically the process of using editing software to cut the transition from one hand to another. It is completely doable though. I'm not sure if I understand this correctly / have explained this coherently so let me know if this makes any kind of sense. I never claim to be a tech expert xD.
  3. https://www.primedope.com/online-poker-rake-comparison-rake-calculator/ You can also message support and ask for your results and calculate it yourself, though the process for receiving results is extremely hit and miss (expect to send multiple emails until you get the data you want).
  4. @HardGain Great idea with the 'BRB'. Is 'BRB' somewhat well understood in Europe among non-native English speakers or are there equivalent acronyms in other languages? Someone help, I dropped out of French... @Stubbe-Unibet 1) You already know this but what I assume is happening (just based on how fast the counter moves) is not that many people play when the counter is at ~700, more people play at ~300 and then many people who never normally play them will mass multitable once its ~100 games left to attempt to 'snipe' the jackpot. The balance of how often it hits at higher multipliers doesn't necessarily impact how good it is for the guys sniping once its 100 games left to hit (it will reach 100 less often but once the snipers sit they are more likely to hit the jackpot faster). Though it does make things way better for recs who don't understand the meta in that they have more of a chance to win when they sit with a jackpot GTD in the next 700 games. The guys who just play 10 games when the jackpot is GTD within 700 games and then quit are donating massively EV wise vs the guys who sit later. For me personally I would be happy if the counter just went down to 100 and I mass tabled them, but I realise screwing over the randoms who ignore the jackpot counter meta is not ideal for the site xD. 5) Sick 7) Let me fire off Microsoft Paint and have a go... 10A) Interesting stuff, honestly I was not a fan of the bootcamps. I play a variety of stakes so I would very very rarely win anything from the bootcamps despite raking 3-6k a month and I think it made the games noticeably worse as there would be the same handful of nitregs playing every single table of 50NL and 100NL every single night. They purely reward high volume regs who play eg. 50NL and 100NL, or only 400NL, in high volume, every day. I cant imagine many recs are putting in like 6h a night every night of 100NL 100PLO to place in the low race. I mean there will be weak regs who b/e in game and win rewards but those guys tend to be nitty and terrible for the games (400NL I think is different there are some guys playing a ton who are very LAG, with varying levels of ability). 10B) Hexapros IDK about because I only really play them to spend my bonus points, its never been the main focus. What might be good is some kind of rebate for people having big losing stretches in them. If you run super good in hexas you dont really need a reward and if you run bad (reg or rec) then a rebate would be great. I dont really play hexas above 25s (even though I play 200NL every single day) because the hexa swings are just so massive and its so depressing just playing eg. 100 Euro hexas for an hour, play 25 games win 7 and be down 1.5k. Some kind of rebate promo where the people losing the most and running the worst in multipliers get some kind of rebate would be cool, lots of different ways to do this I guess. I realise this may be complicated to set up to avoid people gaming it and wrt responsible gaming issues. 10C) Cash game rewards are tough in that it is very very hard to create rewards that are meaningful both to low volume recs and high volume regs. Rewards that make the games better >>> rewards that make the games nittier. Intuitively I would want to offer more rewards for losing hands, losing big pots etc rather than stuff like the high hands that reward winning. Similarly the rewards for seeing flops > rewards for pure number of hands (including hands folded pre). Some kind of reward linked to high VPIP and aggression would be really cool because this incentivises action. Higher VPIP means higher RB????? This would be sick as it encourages action, punishes nits, rewards loose splashy players and make the games better. 11) Final bonus observation: it is quite common for sites to cast the major final tables and the giant jackpot sng multipliers. By this I mean a cards up replay on YouTube of the final tables / jackpot sngs with commentary. Sometimes with interviews with the winners as well. I can't see Unibet doing this anywhere (please correct me if I'm wrong). The marketing value from showing the big wins is fairly significant IMO. ATM when some lad wins 10k in a 100 Euro Hexa there is a tiny popup in the lobby and then it seems to just disappear into the void (there might be an archived final hand buried in the gamelab but its not exactly well promoted). A random punter can win 10 grand on Unibet and instead of this being a headline advertisement it is essentially hidden. Same for the big Sunday tournaments. There must be people who satty into the 250 supermoon, win, and then this sick story is kind of lost into the ether. This casting is also really easy content to produce because Unibet already has the full HHs. It isn't like a live poker set or something requiring a studio. Has Unibet considered casting the bigger final tables or Hexas? If you don't have anyone available for casting these regularly I would be interested in doing this. I play 100NL-200NL full time and have experience in creating content eg. coaching, blogging, vlogging, moderating a poker forum etc. I don't just post guff on the forums xD. Run good everyone.
  5. 1) The Takeoff Tuesday and Straospheric Saturday art is stunning, really nice. I'm very curious about the maths behind the Hexa Jackpot timers, does anyone know where I can see more info on this? Normally for slots and poker games there is a full breakdown somewhere of how exactly the maths works (in some jurisdictions it is actually a legal requirement to display RTP). What I mean by this is if the jackpot is GTD to hit within 800 or 500 or 150 or 50 games, what are the odds of it hitting in the next game? 2) I like the high hands, annoyingly I thought I won one with a King high straight flush at 100PLO the other day but it was after the promo ended for the night. Absolutely RIP. 3) Been missing the affiliate race, love to see that back. 4) 'Cancel Bonus' option is welcome, also saves Stubbe from responding to 5 messages on it a day. 5) Is there a community event with a UO package as a prize? I vaguely recall reading about that but can't see that here. 6) Shark avatar is cute. 7) The new table background would be great as a desktop background, IDK how people use these as a poker background with cards and chips and avatars in the mix. 6-tabling with a screen full of 'cluttered' backgrounds seems like a recipe for a sextuple dose of conjunctivitis. I assume the only users are guys playing 1 table of 4NL. Personally I cant use anything other than the blandest and simplest backgrounds. 8 )The command 'hack' to dodge the CAPTCHAs that some genius posted on the forums is no longer working for me every time. I am literally moving some of my volume elsewhere simply because every other site / app in existence has near instant log in, so I can open those and be playing 6 tables in the time it takes to fill in 4 of the 20 CAPTCHAs Unibet gatekeeps their site with. I might open Unibet as well but play less tables because I'm already sat in games elsewhere. People who are more capricious will just withdraw everything from Unibet and play elsewhere. Regs who played solely on Unibet will kind of put up with it a bit because they are used to the meta and are tied in for the loyalty scheme for a period. Recreational players will just quit, no rec (esp older less computer savvy ones) is putting up with 20 CAPTCHAs to log in. 9) Asked for poker stats this month 3 times, got two responses both wrong. Try again in June... 10) Idea: some kind of emoji to let people know you are coming back shortly and just on eg. a bathroom break. This would help prevent shorthanded games breaking. Atm if someone sits out HU or 3 handed the game very frequently breaks because nobody wants to sit for up to 8 minutes wondering if the player is returning. You also get games breaking because maybe in a 4 handed game one guy sits out, someone won't play 3 handed, someone else wont play HU and the entire game breaks. ATM you have no clue if the guy is gone for 15 seconds and will then return, or if he has no intention of returning and will just block the seat for 8 minutes until the software auto stands him. Curious what other people think of this, its less of an issue at lower stakes but some stakes like 200NL especially are very very fragile off peak and anything to keep games running has to be good. Lower stakes there's loads of volume and people doing whatever low stakes players do, 400NL regs are chasing rewards and are more comfortable battling, 200NL is recs and then 50 or 100 regs shot taking and they refuse to pay rake to play each other. 200NL is actually kind of a weird stake for a few reasons (eg. the bootcamps screw with 200 very very hard) but the ecology of 200NL is a topic for another post. GL everyone!
  6. You can see the odds here: https://cf-mt-cdn1.relaxg.com/chew/rules/com/en_GB/hexapro/ With respect, nobody at Unibet cares how you do in 10 Euro Hexapros. Unibet is a billion dollar company and poker is a tiny part of revenue ( the casino, sportsbook, slots etc each make massively more money ). Your 10 Euro games do not even register on the scale of gambling when there are guys betting 1k a hand on blackjack. 3 People play a 10 Euro Hexa and Unibet take > 2 Euros, that is more than enough revenue for Unibet to be happy. FWIW it is completely expected to have long stretches hitting low multipliers in the Hexapros. If you won a big prize last week and then no big multipliers for the next few hundred games you have probably still been incredibly lucky in the last 2 weeks. GL!
  7. NVM used it just in time
  8. Hi Can I please extend a 25 Euro 'Major' ticket that expires soon? I rarely have a problem using tickets in time but I entered a comp that failed to run and forgot about the ticket. SN: 'Wizard' Cheers
  9. 4NL and 4PLO have incredibly low rake, much much lower than any other site. Its about 20-25% of the rake of the major sites (GG, Stars, Party etc.). If you play 4NL you are not just paying less rake than other stakes in absolute terms (as in a few euros a day at 4NL vs hundreds a day at 400NL) you are paying less in BB/100. Unibet 4NL/PLO is insanely cheap, to the extent that it is by FAR the best nanostakes games anywhere online. Its so good that 2nl and 5nl on every other poker site shouldn't even run. Every single player on Pokerstars 2NL or Party 5NL or whatever should just play Unibet 4NL. The only reason they stay in rake traps on other sites is they don't realise the impact of the rake and Unibet hasn't marketed themselves enough. There is not a lot of money being raked at 4NL/4PLO to pay for promos. The entire stake rakes so little money and the guys there are getting so much back in freeroll / mission / promos already that its barely worth Unibet running. I'm not privy to the internal data but I reckon Unibet sees 4NL not so much as a revenue stream but as a marketing exercise to get new players to sign up to the site. Loads of the guys at 4NL probably are unprofitable for Unibet because Unibet has to sort out deposits / withdrawals (which cost the site money), regulatory stuff (costs money) and the promos / missions / freerolls. Further, allowing 4NL players in would almost kill the promo as they would win almost all the high hands. Not only are there loads more 4NL players, the games are very loose passive so loads of people see flops, turns and rivers (making it easier to hit high hands). Its not a very exciting giveaway for Unibet to advertise if they give away 10 high hand prizes a day and 9 of them go to 4NL / 4PLO because its a sea of tables where the average hand has 4 people seeing the river. So thats why 4NL/PLO doesn't get to take part in these promos, they already getting the best promo around. This isn't me trying to shit on 4NL players btw, I spent ages playing nanostakes and I will still sit 4NL every so often If I'm fiddling around with my table settings and trying out something new. 4NL is great and there are guys at 4NL today who will be crushing 400NL and beyond in the future.
  10. 1) 🙂 2) I would just stream what you fancy doing that night, its no fun streaming something you don't enjoy. I do rate the PLO, obviously PLO on Unibet is gonna be a smaller total audience than IDK, Fortnite but its also easier to be the king of the niche. Big fish in a small pond > small fish in the ocean. 3) You flexing here with a daughter AND A real 9-5 job 🤣 4) I might be wrong about the PLO games because I have no clue what those games are like but this is how I perceive the NLHE games. I will say that you definitely get recreational players including extremely recreational players at every stake. 5) TBF I have no clue how to play PLO so I'm not entirely sure you are competent LMAO. This might be a case of the blind leading the blind here xD. 30K hands isn't a ton so the next 30k hands might be quite different. IDK what the rake situation is like in these games but I have been told that low stakes PLO can be a bit of a rake trap. Having said that I am sure the PLO is significantly softer than the NLHE. Agree about position I think the blinds think its ok to call wide because they are already in for 0.5 or 1 bb but the positional disadvantage is extremely big, especially in SRPs when the SPR is huge. About 95% of my volume is 50NL-200NL, but when volume is low I might flick in some B20, 10-25 Hexas and Comps 10-250. PLO (50 or 100) is rare, I have months with zero 4 card pokering. I do not recall ever seeing your SNs but I mostly play quite late at night eg. midnight to 6am London time and very rarely play PLO so we probably just missing each other. SN: Wizard_ (I was too late for the SN: 'Wizard' 😞) WRT meta stuff eg. balance / exploit / GTO: put it this way, the only time I balance is when I mix between snap calling and timebank calling with the nuts vs a nitreg (If you slowroll every time it would be boring, once in a while is good). Some of my metagame thoughts might have to be a one to one convo🤫 6) My primary career plan is to just win the WSOPME and retire xD. Failing that, as poker gets increasingly tough to make a living from I definitely see working for a poker room as being the next logical career step. Thats a really kind offer, It would definitely be interesting to chat. I messaged you on FB (I'm semi surprised we haven't bumped into each other before as I live in North London and was fairly active in the live poker scene here pre covid). 7) Yeah I think this is probably better, might have to play around until you perfect it. Another option is 3 tables and then 25% of the screen for your face and chat. 8 ) 7 minutes 20 seconds Run good!
  11. Welcome back @Dpommo! A few thoughts after catching the stream: 1) This was very polished for a first stream, I liked it. 2) I really like the PLO cash stream format where we can see the cards and hear the thought process, this is completely lost when its in real time w hole cards hidden. I don't think I have ever seen a Unibet PLO stream before so this is great stuff. 3) Personally not interested in watching nanostakes community MTTs with hole cards hidden, but possibly this would be popular with the community (most of the community play nanostakes MTTs, very few play 100PLO). 4) WRT the differences between stakes, in my experience you get a lot of the same players in 50NL/PLO - 200NL/PLO especially at off peak times when there are limited games running. The big jump I notice is moving up to 400NL/PLO because a decent chunk of regs don't really want to play lower and they are also happier to reg battle shorthanded as they are chasing volume rewards. 5) I am a huge PLO fish so its really really nice seeing someone competent streaming PLO. The metagame on Unibet is not the same as eg. 100PLOz on other sites so content from the games I might actually play in is really helpful. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the meta game here. 6) Are you working for a free to play poker app now? What is that like? Can you elaborate on the transition from poker pro, to working for real money poker sites then to play money poker sites? Very curious how you made this journey as its a path I might take one day. 7) Personally I would prefer to be able to see more tables so you aren't jumping back and forth as much and I can follow action across more tables. ie the stream is tiled not stacked so all 4 tables are visible simultaneously. 8 ) Was the flat with T665 triple suited in CO vs 3.5bb open from MP a misclick? GL with the stream, I will definitely tune in (either in real time or watching the replays).
  12. @Purps You are a legend, thank you so much for this fix. I was struggling a bit with the cookies as my tech skills are even worse than my poker skills. Much love!
  13. @Ewelka @SShcherbyna MFW I didnt spot the edge of a bus taking up 1% of a grid square so Unibet thinks I'm a robot.
  14. Really good stuff, everything looks fab 1) Auto-reload is great, def something that saves a ton of time and clicks for players, also helps prevent multitablers accidentally playing for a while with a shortstack after they lose a few pots. I really like the settings, if people want to reload to eg 50bb or 69bb or whatever they can still auto-reload without it going to 100bb. Auto-reload also helps the games run more smoothly, if everyone tank reloads in banzai this slows the game down a LOT when someone gets stacked every other hand. 10/10 improvement Unibet, thank you! 2) I rate the blackbelt missions, it encourages a bit more battling over longer sessions and its nice to get a little reward for reaching the top level. Def prefer flips to a tournament you have to play and I think the casual banzai pool would agree. 3) Love the XP races and trying to play a bit more to climb the ranks, personally I strongly prefer these to the bootcamps as I can play various stakes and games and get credit. 4) High hands are fun, jolly stuff. 5) Good to see the affiliate race back, again that def pushes me to pump out a bit more volume. 6) New table background / felt things are gorgeous. 7) I'm having anywhere from 0-25 Captchas to log in on the desktop client right now, not sure how common this is but if anyone knows how to prevent it please let me know. Overall sick update, everything looks great. Much love to the development team for working out the autoreload, I realise that something relatively 'simple' probably takes a ton of effort. Run good everyone.
  15. Yeah took me >20 to log in just now, maddening. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? Literally no other poker site makes you go through this, a lot of rec players (or even regs) will just get bored and do something else when its such an effort to log in. I don't just log in once a day for a long session, I often want to log in just to see what tournament is running later, or look at a hand history, or see where i am on a leaderboard.
  16. Online businesses generally try and make everything as frictionless as possible so you just click one big button to instantly sign in / buy / deposit, meanwhile Unibet has these things that just make logging in take 10x the time it should. I had to do over 20 the other day to get in, its really tilting especially when there is one that's kind of unclear and if you get it wrong you need to do a bunch more. I have no clue why Unibet even has these, never seen this on other sites. Is this an incredibly awkward attempt to prevent botting? For people with poor eye sight / disabilities / language skills they are crazy frustrating. FWIW I play on desktop with a wired connection ( a physical cable, not wifi), dunno if this makes a difference.
  17. Agree w @yayaGamble There used to be a quarterly carry over for XP once you at a certain level, which prevents you from hitting a period end of the quarter when you know you cant hit the next level and the incentive to put in volume is low. With the current setup (especially with each level taking more volume to complete) it seems quite likely people take a break / switch sites or something for the last week or so if they know they cant hit the next level.
  18. Hey Stubbe, hope you are well and enjoying the kid. A few questions / thoughts: 1) If I read this correctly, Unibet is honouring the bonus point multiplier achieved in Q1 of 2023 based on the Q1 rewards scheme. eg. you rake 9005 Euros in Q1 and make level 7, you keep the 18% multiplier for all of Q2? If so I appreciate this, its the right thing to do given people have played all quarter based on the current reward scheme. 2) One of the bigger changes is the increased rake to reach level 7. Previously you needed to rake 9k to make Level 7 and achieve the 18% bonus multiplier carry through. Now its 14K! You have to play >50% more to get hit level 7, plus the multiplier is 16% not 18% carried forward. If you made Level 7 before but won't make it under the new loyalty scheme that's a hefty drop in rewards, I think it could be falling from something like 37% to 28% in rewards (the exact maths is very complicated). RIP everyone raking 9k-14k I guess? (Yes I realise this could be made up for in biweekly bonuses). 3) I like just giving cash rewards not points, bonuses, tickets or packages for achieving levels 5-1 onwards. Its just so much easier for everyone. 4) I rate the biweekly bonuses, definitely good to have a way to delete them yourself if you want to. I didn't realise they could go up to 35%, I'll be looking out for that xD. 5) Have there been changes to affiliate races in 2023? I think they went from monthly, to every 2nd month of the quarter, and now IDK what's happening. These very strongly incentivised a bit of extra volume at the end of the month to move up the leaderboard so I'm surprised that they disappeared. 6) There might be less complaints about the rewards at the lowest levels if you posted how much in RB some of the lowest stakes players are getting when you take community promos, missions etc into account. Unibet must be giving some nanostakes players 150% RB if they max out the missions. Run good everyone.
  19. Nanostakes are crazy soft on every site. Unibet is quite good at 4NL due to the really low rake tho.
  20. Hi there. Can I have my rake 4000 to get 400 bonus cancelled please? Many Thanks SN: Wizard_
  21. @AnakinsGone Can you just keep the 50 Euro ticket until a UK event comes up and try for that one? I think Unibet will extend your ticket if it expires. You might have to wait a while obviously.
  22. Every month I request my poker statistics from Unibet so I can see what's been happening. There are no HUDs / hand catchers on Unibet so this is the only way to track results. I really appreciate Unibet taking the time to send results, however its quite frustrating trying to get accurate results. I got the Jan 2023 results and its wrong again with: 1) Results that are clearly wrong. 2) Missing results (no breakdown across stakes which i specifically asked for). 3) Its password protected so I have to ring up / message Unibet and ask for the password (this isn't supposed to be what happens). This happens quite regularly. I once asked for a full breakdown across every stake last year and the CS rep told me they didn't do it because it would take a long time... Here is a crazy idea, and bear with me because I'm just spit balling at 4AM: Have one single competent CS rep who does the poker statistics and all the requests go to him/her through a special email address. This would save an unreal amount of time because they would be able to do it quickly and accurately. This would also save Unibet time / money because I'm not going back and forth with someone who has no clue how to send me the data I'm asking for and is spending ages struggling to work it out and doing it wrong. Just a thought... Run good everyone.
  23. 1) I like the range of events, looks like a good series. FWIW I primarily play cash, though I will certainly flick in a few events in the series. 2) IMO Prog. KO > regular KO. I'm not complaining about the inclusion of regular KOs tho (variety is the spice indeed). Prog. KO makes the bounties relevant throughout the event whereas in regular KOs they go from being incredible important early on to virtually meaningless deep in the comp. 3) I assume there are gonna be a ton of satellites running??? I very rarely directly buy into the bigger comps but I will cheerfully fire into a bunch of sattys. This means the comps will have more runners, softer fields and you have potential for a great story when some random spins up a 5 euro ticket into a huge score. 4) Magnus events are great and the variety of BI is well thought out. I would definitely make the most of the Magnus events and market it as heavily as possible eg. have him stream it if possible, have a special prize if you knock him out (IDK a signed chess board / deck of cards or something). ATM I think most people playing on the Unibet and most Chess fans don't even know Magnus is sponsored by Unibet. I reckon a lot of chess fans would have a go on Unibet if there was a chance to play w Magnus (in either poker or chess). GL everyone in the series.
  24. Nice chart 🙂 I won the 100 Euro this morning from my second gold token. I think this gives you a new avatar??? The moral of the story is keep flipping until you get there. GL Boyos
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