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Blog: How to be really good at being average..


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@MoreTBCΒ I had no idea you wanted to buy me a beer, where were you when I busted 1A and none of these "orderlies" wanted to drink? πŸ˜› Also have no idea how do I deserve hating of playing against me, since we only played a couple of hands in the community freeroll. Well, I admit it, it's always nice when you river the practical nuts and someone tries to make moves on you 😏 I forgive you in that case 😏 GL with shipping the Nova this Sunday! Cheers Man!

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  • 1 month later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - July 2018 **

  • +/- for the month: -€13.02 (BR Total: €523.52)
  • Days played: 14
  • Losing days: 9
  • Winning/Break Even days: 5
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 2, SNGs: 4, MTTs: 52
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: -29.67% ,Β SNGs: -11.82% ,Β MTTs: -40.88%

Another pretty miserable month as far as the numbers go. When I work out the winning/losing days I just look at the total for the day and see if it's +/- the day before. If my account could only be used for poker then I may have had 0 winning days this month. The UK tour seat rebate and plenty of World Cup (it seems so far away now) bets that worked out in my favour kept the BR almost break even for the month. Volume again has been terrible as the nightly schedule continues to not interest me. I had a look at HM2 and I had 240+ MTTs tracked in July compared to the 52 on Unibet. So much of my play is elsewhere just now because I prefer the schedules over theΒ constant 6-max rebuys on Unibet. Hopefully it'll change soon.

The UOS schedule has been released and I'll be honest, I've not even looked at it. I'm not going to have the time to grind properly for the leaderboards so I'll just log in the nights I'm free and play the events that are running. I don't plan to grind the ticket sats or anything like that either even though they'll be great value as always as I just don't have the desire or patience for them just now. To be honest, I'm struggling to open the client to complete the mission and moving on up at the moment and probably won't bother completing them this month. They just seem like too much effort for too little reward when I could use the time and screen space for things I enjoy more.

IRL, the flat move went really smoothly and the transition has been really easy. I've got a nice spot for my desk and a pretty good weekly schedule to keep things more balanced. MiniTBC is cooking away nicely as well and should be here next month as expected. I won one of the Unibet Open comps where you had to suggest questions to be asked to Molly Bloom. If you've seen the video, the first question on it was my one. I should be receiving a signed copy of her book at some point so I'll read that between the crying and pooping :)

Next update will probably be the end of the month as I don't expect there will be much action until then. I think I still have to finish my second review of my database so I'll maybe right that up as something to fill the time :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - August 2018 **

  • +/- for the month: -€280.13 (BR Total: €242.12)
  • Days played: 13
  • Losing days: 9
  • Winning/Break Even days: 4
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 7, SNGs: 10, MTTs: 32
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: 0.16% ,Β SNGs: 0% ,Β MTTs: -66.53%

Not much to report really. Played a handful of MTT sessions and bricked everything, bricked all the Nova sats and bricked all the UOS events I played :) I didn't complete all the mission, I didn't do Moving On Up every week and I made no effort to make anyΒ consistent results in the UOS.

Everything about the client annoys me just now. Here's a short list off the top of my head of things that have not been fixed for months:-

  • Opening the client and not getting the the login screen, just a grey or white window
  • Getting a blank grey screen after logging in.
  • MTT lobby crapping out and not updating correctly
  • R/A MTTs offering a rebuy only instead of an option for rebuy or addon.
  • Table balancing

Even things like the breaks starting before all hands are finished has now started to annoy me. If you're in the last hand before a break you can end up with a 3 minute break because the timer is running while preflop decisions are still being made. For anyone playing more than a single table this is incredibly annoying.

I'm sure part of this increased annoyance is due to not having a winning month in quite some time and you'd forgive them if you were making money but ultimately these are issues that have existed for much longer than my downswing there seems to be no real hurry to get them fixed. I'd like Unibet to grow to a size where they can have 500+ player tournaments nightly but these kind of things are the reason they're not reaching that IMO. The reason I don't play on some networks is purely because I don't like their software. I know the fields are soft and I could make money playng in them but I'd rather play on a site with better software where I'm in a harder field because it's a more enjoyable experience. I'm not here to milk every last bit of EV out of the internet, I want to have fun and enjoy my time button clicking :)

I've enjoyed dipping in and out of Iany's streams over the last few weeks as he battled in the UOS. In general, I think the streaming side of things has been tailing off recently which is a shame. I fully understand everyone has real life stuff to do but only having a single Ambassador stream the UOS regularly seems like a missed opportunity. Having said that, I think the UOS has already lost it's shine as a tournament series and wouldn't bring much in anyway.. but that's a rant for another day :)

Off site things have been going pretty well. I've made 2 WCOOP day 2's so far and have developed a strange ability to FT bubble MTTs on Party. I've also been doing a decent amount of work off the table to try and sure up my pre-flop play and making sure I play with as few distractions as possible. I've stopped watching streams when playing a big Sunday session and it's really been helping my focus and more importantly, results.

Quick September spoiler, I yolo'd the UOS ME day and tried to sat into the €100 and €25 main event with little success. I did get one €100 ticket but didn't get anything going. This means the bankroll is at a new low of around €40 and a rebuild will be required. I won't be attempting this until Powerfest/WCOOP is over and then I expect to be wrist deep in poop and sick so it might be the October missions before I play again properly..

As least it'll give this blog a little more content :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - September 2018 **

  • +/- for the month: -€202.87 (BR Total: 39.29)
  • Days played: 4
  • Losing days: 4
  • Winning/Break Even days: 0
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 1, SNGs: 0, MTTs: 12
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash:-100% ,Β SNGs: 0% ,Β MTTs: -61.54%

As I mentioned in my previous post the BR got torched in a few YOLO'd days at the start of September and then I didn't open the client for the rest of the month.Β Strangely at this point last year the BR was at a pretty low point (just under €100) so maybe there is a pattern to this and I should just take the summer off from now on 🀣

Off site I made my third Day-2 in a $5.50 WCOOP but as with the other ones it was an early start so I was at work and just blinded out. It felt like a pretty good series and I ended up bagging a few hundred dollars but not being able to properly play the day 2's really hurt.

Poker playing stopped a little after that..


After about 28 hours of labour this little delight entered the world on Wednesday Sept 19th at around 9:15am. Her mum had chosen the name Esmee months in advance as we knew she would be a girl so there was no arguments about names after she was born, it was just a nice simple wheel into recovery, I did the first feed and then went home to bed :)

You get told a lot of things about becoming a dad and how you'll never have any time and your'll always be tired and I've found this to be partially true. The sleep thing I can get behind, I'm constantly shattered and now I'm back to my day job it's even worse but the "no time" thing I have to question. Newborn babies sleep a lot so this gives you plenty of time to do other stuff in between the feeds. Take the first night for example.. due to Esmee taking more than 24 hours to appear hospital policy is to keep mum and baby in for a night to monitor for infection. This meant after I got 6-7 hours sleep I went back toΒ the hospital to do the night shift and let mum catch up on sleep. Hospitals are not very interesting so I armed myself with a tablet and got comfy. It's pretty easy to play 1 table of poker and look after a newborn baby in a hospital so I had plenty of time for internet cards. I cashed some $3 thing on Stars while changing a nappy and doing two feeds, it was a breeze :)

Unfortunately it doesn't work the same at home on a PC with multiple tables. I've quickly realised that you have to be prepared to sit out for anywhere between 15-60 minutes at any point of an MTT in order to deal with feeding and nappies. When I'm at home I like to try and do as much as possible regardingΒ the baby to give Shannon time to nap and chill out because I know she'll have to do it all week without me while I'm at work. This means poker has to be sacrificed to an extent. Gone are the long Sunday grinds, gone are the 8 tables on multiple sites and most importantly gone are MTTs of any decent buy-in level. I've screwed the filters down on Stars and Party to only show me the lowest buyins as I quickly found I just couldn't sit and play with no distractions and it was hurting my game and bankroll.

All is not lost though as it's actually lead me back to Unibet. When you know you only have 2-3 hours between feeds it makes firing up a massive field MTT on the big client seem a -EV spot. Completing a mission or two on Unibet on the other hand is perfect for this time frame. With this in mind I started opening the Unibet client again at the start of October with the plan to complete the missions and maybe win a little money in the process.

The plan has worked so far and I've completed all the missions, made about €10 (which is a 25% boost on the BR) and I've also enjoyed it. I won a few €5 tickets from Andrei's tennis comp so I've got some shots at boosting the roll a little more and getting it back to a level it once was. I've screwed my filters down to €1 only to try and follow some sort of BRM and even though I thought it would annoy me playing for such small prizepools it really hasn't. I've talked a few times about how the money is a secondary goal for me and this has really re-enforced it, I just love playing the game and battling for those trophies.

I've already come pretty close as well as I took 2nd in a €1 Shooting Star I played to complete a mission and I have a positive ROI on the cash tables so far this month too which is rare for me :)

When I created my results sheet for this month I was reminded that I'm still in the negative as far as deposits go. Any long time readers will know this was not actually poker deposits but a drunken slots playing night but it got me thinking that I've been in the positionΒ multiple times to wipe that deposit stain off the books and just play with pure profit and I've never taken it. I feel now is a good time to use that desire to get out of the red and into the green and finish what I ultimately started just over 2 years ago, being really good at being average. Being the break even guy, the slight winner maybe if we get lucky :)

I'm going to try and do it properly too. No wild shots at the Supernova, keeping the ABI in line with the roll and trying to collect as much free stuff as possible from comps and giveaways :) It's going to take a long time but I've done it before (twice I think) so I can do it again and then this blog can have some actual decent Unibet poker content :)

That's enough words for one post, onΒ the next exciting installment of the blog I'll tell you about my experiencesΒ testing the new Run It Once poker client with my new best buddy Phil Galfond :) That and hopefully more winning at the tables!

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  • 4 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - October 2018 **

  • +/- for the month: €15.76 (BR Total: €55.05)
  • Days played: 11
  • Losing days: 4
  • Winning/Break Even days: 7
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 16, SNGs: 7, MTTs: 15
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: 12.18% ,Β SNGs: 36.63% ,Β MTTs: -63.45%

Finally a month with a green number :) Not much to report really, played through the missions and the tickets I won and that's about it. Best MTT results was a 2nd in a €1 Shooting Star and direct bubbled a €5 ticket sat and a UO4 that I had a ticket for (I'm assuming from the mission).

Still nothing to make me want to play any kind of volume just now unfortunately so November will be another month of mission completion and that about it. Not played too much off the site either, it's just too hard to get a decent window to play in. I've had someΒ success on the cash zoom streets strangely, and at a buy-in I probably should not play but everyone seems so punty so I'm going to ride the wave while it lasts :)

I mentioned in the last post about wanting to talk about being in the Run It Once beta but it's been so long since the last one ran I forgot most of the interesting points. It's only 6-max cash and the software has plenty of bugs but it was great to feel like you were helping shape a product. The last time I felt like that was here when 2.0 came out or when I starting posting in the 2+2 thread. Knowing you can chat to the guy that owns RIO openly about the client, report bugs and give suggestions make you feel part of something and that you're helping create a better experience not just for yourself but others as well.

I used to get that here with the Unibet client but I feel thatΒ interaction has gone now. It feels like there is much less "Here is something we're planning to do, what's your opinion" and a lot more "We've done this and that's final". There are probably lots of factors to this and maybe it's aΒ necessary evil associated to the growth of the player pool but I personally feel more like 'just another customer' whereas before I felt like I was able to give my opinion (whether right or wrong) and feel like it was heard and considered.

Maybe it still is, maybe it isn't any more. I'm not around enough to a) notice and b) warrant it but either way I'll keep sticking my 2 cents in until someone tells me to stop :)

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DefinitelyΒ definitelyΒ don't stop. A very good read and interesting perspective on the pitfalls of small stakes grinding.Β 


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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%." Β  Β Β image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - November 2018 **

  • +/- for the month:Β -€7.29 (BR Total: €48.07)
  • Days played: 16
  • Losing days: 9
  • Winning/Break Even days: 7
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 14, SNGs: 11, MTTs: 10
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: -6.40% ,Β SNGs: 68.54% ,Β MTTs: -89.47%

November feels so long ago now. It was a month filled with short sessions to complete the various tasks for the monthly missions.. and not much else. Nearly everything I recorded in my results sheet has "mission" in the notes and there were no real big wins or losses. The biggest session I played had 1 SNG and 4 tables of cash, probably split into 2 and two because I stopped halfway through to do daddy things.

Off brand not much has changed either. I've just not got the time for long, massive field MTTs on the bigger sites so I just pottered around completing short Cash/Zoom missions and the odd SNG. I had a crack at trying to qualify for the Party Online millions but never made it past the $5 > $22 > $109 step.


Early December

The first Sunday of December turned out to be one of the best (and possibly the single best) Sundays of the year on Unibet. Completion of one of the November missions gave me a €10 MTT ticket and I decided to use it on one of the newer MTTs on the schedule, the Dark Matter. Unfortunately I could not get the gold trophy but the silver medal and €170 would result in a very profitable Sunday and multiplied the BR several times over. A min cash in one of the mission freerolls added a little extra ammo for the rest of the year and that was that.

The following Monday brought about the introduction of Hexapro. I was one of many players who were quick to dismiss this as Unibet being late to a party that had already finished. Almost every other network on theΒ Internet had this format in some variant and Unibets version didn't appear to offer anything new besides a tweaked format for prize distribution. Having said all that I still wanted to see what playing one was like so I fired up a €5 game... and got a 1.5x multiplier. According to the distribution you're going to get these just over halfΒ the time so it's basically a coin flip between 1.5x and something bigger. Nevertheless we took it down for a cool €7.50 in a couple of minutes. Seemed easy enough, I'll just play another.. and another.. and another. I ended up playing about 14 of them and made about €4 after a day saving 10x win in a €2 game.

They're strangely addictive and I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact they're so quick to play, which fits my baby formula and poop filled life perfectly. Maybe it's the complete disregard some players have for their money if it rolls in a 1.5x (and sometimes any multiplier) that makes beating them so easy. Maybe it's the dream of hitting the big multiplier and riding off into the sunset. Whatever it is I'veΒ found myself playing them whenever I get the chance. I've played about 90 total as of today and the ROI is coming up at around 30%. This will not be sustainable and I'm aware of that but I'm going to milk it while I can :) Biggest single winning day so far was +€80 playing 4x €5 at a time for about an hour and a half. I think they'll get tougher over time as more people start looking at optimal strat for these short stack, short handed games, as there has been plenty of work done on Spin'n'gos and these play roughly the same so it makes sense to get in now while the going is good.

The UOs is also running again but I'm not trying in any way to make a run on the leaderboards or anything like that. If I'm free on a night and I can reg them I'll fire the Nanos andΒ occasionally the Lows with the distant dream of making the top 100 in the Nano leaderboard. At one point that was working as I planned but I've since slipped out a paying position.

I've been doing my nut in trying to complete the Advent missions and have basically given up on getting 25 days completed already. I couldn't even flop 4 cards of the same suit in PLO! I like teh promotion though, it mixes up the play and offers instant rewards instead of freeroll tickets.

The plan for the rest of the rest of the month is basically more of the same. UOS events when I've got time, Hexapro when I've got less time. Once Leo finishes all the schedule/name changes I'll have a look and see if there is anything that will take my fancy as far as MTTs are concerned.

Off brand it's mostly been about completing Advent mission on other clients. These things work perfectly for me as they normally just involve doing something that doesn't take much time (raking a $1 for example) in order to get a reward. I'm hoping at some point between Christmas and New Year I can get a decent session in and fire some bigger tournaments but I'm not holding my breath.

Hopefully the next update I won't have been whacked by variance in Hexapro and we can book a decent month of profit!

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I think I did an end of year review last year so I'll probably do one again.


Results are just Unibet, tracking them all would be way too hard and since the blog is on the Unibet community forum I don't really want to actively promote other sites :) Unibet have been good to me so I try to be good to them.

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Yeah that makes sense. I appreciate all you guys who share on here. I've personally had almost zero time to play poker this year, so keeping up with others helps me stay somewhat connected. Hopefully have more time in the new year and get back on the horse with either Husng or 5 man's with some MTTs sprinkled in

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  • 3 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - December 2018 **

  • +/- for the month: €68.66 (BR Total: €116.73)
  • Days played: 17
  • Losing days:9
  • Winning/Break Even days: 8
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 7, SNGs: 119, MTTs: 46
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: -43.42% ,Β SNGs: 22.04% ,Β MTTs: -7.38%

Bit of a slow bleed to round the month (and the year off). Fired pretty big on the UOS main Sunday and came up back with nothing to show for it unfortunately. No other big wins of note either, just smallΒ winning days on Hexapro really. It's good to book a positive month to round off the year but it's not been one to remember on the poker front.

** End of Year Review **

Start BR (Jan 1st 2018): €1739.38

End BR (Dec 31st 2018): €116.57


2018 has been the complete opposite of 2017 on Unibet. I'll be honest and admit I don't really remember when or why the downfall started but there are a number of factors that probably assisted in creating the black run of a graph you see above.

Probably the best one was the introduction of Esmee aka BabyTBC into the world. Preparation for her arrival took time, money and energy (physical and mental) which meant sitting for 8-10 hours on a Sunday clicking buttonsΒ stopped being an option pretty quickly in 2018. A lot of the time I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to play and when I did, I was playing badly. It's taken me a long time to get into aΒ rhythm where I can play again at a level close to what I used to by adjusting when I play and for how long but I think things are starting to fall into place so that I can maybe get that graph heading upwards one more time in 2019

Another factor was the slow decline in my passion for the Unibet product. It's well documented here that I believe the product has changed for the worse in the last 12 months and when you don't like something you feel negative when you use it. I'm stillΒ having way more fun on other clients playing big MTTs and other game formats and really struggle to find a reason to open the Unibet client. I'm hoping the UO/UK Tour schedules get released fairly soon so I can plan at least one poker trip and spark some motivation to play again. The death of the ticket exchange has made the prospect of qualifying a little less appealing but I've always had the best times at Unibet live events so I'd like to continue supporting them in 2019.

The finalΒ factor is that I'm just not a winning player anymore. I may never have been a winning player and just ran well for a year or two, it''s very hard to tell. I know for sure that just now I'm way behind the curve and it'#s going to be incredibly difficult to catch up given how little free time I'll have in the next few years. Luckily I've already come to terms with this idea and it's stopped really phasing me. Over the last month or so I've gone into any MTT I play knowing that at any point I may just need to sit out and do real world things which are more important. It's -ev for sure but that's OK. Sometimes you'll come back and stillΒ have stacks, sometimes you'll be in 10bb push/fold mode but either way I'm still playing a game I enjoy and getting anythingΒ back financially is a bonus. So much of the focus in poker is on the money and I think sometimes people forget about enjoyment and fun. If you take golf for example, 99% of players are losing players, they make no money from it and actually lose lots of money in equipment and fees every year. They just play it because it's fun and they enjoy it. That'sΒ essentially how I see poker now.

Having said that I'm not going out there to punt in 2019 and breaking even/winning is still the ultimate goal. In any spare time I do have I'm still going to be trying to watchΒ training vids, reviewing hands and talking strat with the Discord boys. On UnibetΒ specifically I still want to get to a point where I could withdraw knowing I'd have withdrawn more than I deposited. That's around the €700 mark so I think it's completely doable in a year even without huge volume. I've got 2x cash tickets to play through and both are currently above starting stack so if I ever get through the flop requirements that will be a few bi in the MTTs. Other than that I'll just plod through the missions each month and play MTTs when I have time. Not sure how I'll play it BRM-wise as it's a mental struggle to play €1 MTTs again and have to dodge all the craziness but it might be a good test of discipline. I'm going to play it by ear based on promos and drive really.

I've got some money on most of the major sites and am just going to continue to bounce around playing wherever has a decent promo or MTT series running. I've been making several deep runs in the Winter Series on PS over the last few weeks, including one in an NL08 PKO which was a lot of fun, so I feel a little better in my gameΒ getting through fields of 20k+ players toΒ the last few hundred. There might be some hope yet, we'll see in 2019.

Before typing this out I had planned on finishing this post with the closure of the blog. It's been getting increasing harder to type these posts because of lack of content to talk about and lack of passion for doing it. I'm now on the fence. Looking back at what my BR used to be I'd really like to get it back. I have two tables of NL4 open while typing so I can work through the mission and cash tickets so there is some desire to work to a goal left :). I expect what will happen is I'll play on Unibet in between the MTT series running on other sites and see where it gets me. I'll be around for the UOS as well and hopefully another bounty promo if they do one.

If anyone has any honest feedback on the blog over the last few months or wants me to write about anything specific then let me know. I quite like writing stuff, I just need more subjects to write about :)

ThereΒ definitely be another post at some point, whether it's an update or a goodbye is a AKs vs QQ at this point :)


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Hey @MoreTBCΒ just been catching up on your year. Congrats on the new arrival!!

You're right that isn't the prettiest of graphs, but thank you for the openess and willingness to share! Your point about too much emphasis been out on money with regards to poker is correct, we should certainly play it because we enjoy it first and foremost.

Having said that, I get you in terms of wanting to build your roll back and get into profit on the site. It seems you have some gripes with Unibet, the majority are fair and warranted, having said that, every site has its faults. Look what the likes of stars have done over recent times, supernova elite for example.

I think you are more than capable of beating the games with a little work and determination. But I will also so that you very likely will not suvcesu without that determination and desire.

My advice, given your lifestyle would be to avoid MTTs, yes they're the most fun, offer the biggest returns and probably are the best value it is not going to work if you're walking away from the table etc. Plus the huge fields bring huge variance. Personally I would focus on STTs or cash, probably the latter, as you can come and go as you please, less short term variance and a nice heater could soon have your graph going the right way.

Whatever you decide, I'd love it (and I'm sure others too) if you continued to enjoy poker, play and keep the blog goimg.

Good luck mate!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

** END OF MONTH REVIEW - January 2019 **

  • +/- for the month: €5.36 (BR Total: €121.93)
  • Days played: 14
  • Losing days: 7
  • Winning/Break Even days: 7
  • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 2 (see below), SNGs: 103, MTTs: 37
  • ROIsΒ -Β Cash: N/A% (see below) ,Β SNGs: -6.8% ,Β MTTs: -11.22%

The blog is alive!

A positive month on Unibet (ignore the results for just now) on and off the felt hasΒ rejuvenated my desire to carry on detailing the world of the regular JoeΒ Internet poker player. I've always found this blog makes me accountable for my actions so that, for example, if I decide to completely ignore BRM and start firing the Supernova each week I have to write about the fact I did it, it didn't work and that BRM should really be followed if you want longevity in poker :). Having thatΒ accountability keeps me roughly on the straight and narrow and minimises the risk of full degen :)

I was also lifted by the comments of @UAC, @GR1ZZL3R and others that people actually still read this nonsense. When I started it, blogs on the community were few and far between so it was easy to get visibility of it. Today the listings are filled with quality writing, fun challenges and generally more proactive content creators than myself so it's nice to know this, now, monthly blog still has some legs. I'd love it to be as vivid as a blog like Daras or Lappins but I just don't have enough stories/knowledge to use as reference points and I think baby metaphors will wear thin pretty quickly.

I've always battled with the idea that the blog felt like I was just live reporting and didn't really have any meat to it but that might have been a side effect of how often I used to update it. Now we're on a monthly schedule it seems to work better in a recap form with highlights of the month and thoughts rather than day by day run downs. Anyway, let's see what's been going on in January.


Turns out I have not completely forgotten how to win poker tournaments. I played it to complete the "Play a singularity" mission and ended up shipping the thing. It was a long time ago now so IΒ remember very little about what happened but I know it felt good to get a trophy that early in the year. I followed it up with a rare profitable Sunday where I bagged a Nova ticket on the first attempt from tickets I bought with BP (didn't cash) and finished 2nd in a €2 PLO for just under €50.

After that I spend the rest of the month mostly losing while chasing those pesky Hexapro jackpots. The total month ROI on SNGs (which I class Hexapros as for results tracking) shows a small loss on them which makes sense considering how well I ran last month.. I was due some runbad. It just seems to take a few big multipliers not going your way to really hurt your bottom line. The field seems to be getting -slightly- tougher as well now as people get the jist of the format and more people come in to enjoy theΒ marshmallow pit.

One area that doesn't look good from the results but was actually really good was cash games. I had 2 cash tickets I'd been working through after getting them via Challenge points and Community promos and managed to get them completed during January. The biggest ticket cleared for €37 and the small one was €9 so that's a pretty good return on €0 invested. It doesn't work with the ROI calc (because it's trying to divide by 0) so there is no % total and I didn't record what days I played because the results would be 0 in, 0 out so cash sessions played is also wrong but I played enough to clear 300 flops :)

Off brand it's been a fun month as well...


Managed to satellite twice into a $215 PKO on the same day as the Singularity win and FT'd a $5 turbo the day before. I can't remember where I finishing in the turbo but it was worth about 10x buyin I think. Edit: Found a screenshot in Discord..


My other big FT was in the Hot $22. This is not a tournament I normally play and on a day/time I don't normally play (Saturday night) so it was an unexpected FT for sure. I think the GF had gone out on a night out so I was home alone with the baby. The Hot 22 starts around 9:30pm I think so the baby was sleeping through most of it, which always helps. I got in via a $3 16 player 4-max 2x shootout (say that 3 times fast) so by the time I reached the FT we were talking about many multiples of my investment up for grabs.


As you can see things were not goingΒ particular great as we headed into the FT but considering most of the table had 20bb or less you're just one flip away from being in a comfortable spot to get some decent ladders. It didn't take long for me to find myself in a position where I needed to win a flip. I had ATo in the SB and it had folded all the way around to the button who shoved with a stack that was marginally bigger than mine, and by marginal I mean there was maybe 500 chips different in it. It did not feel great at all but I felt I had to go with the hand I had and I called. BB folded and the button showed 22.

Flop comes down xxA, turn A.. river 2.


AΒ truly miserable way to bust in a spot I really wasn't comfortable or sure about. I Insta-opened ICMizer.


Maths said it was a fine call. It should have been a relief, but it wasn't. There was a player with 3bb at the table when the hand went down and I couldn't stop thinking about whether I should have folded and let a few more players bust. I don't know how to describe it but I had a feeling that I would have witnessed some ICM suicide if I had just folded and waited for another spot.

I posed the question of folding to the Discord group and got a pretty unanimous "call" response. Ultimately the goal is to win the tournament and you can't do that folding. For every 2 outer hit by the villain there are going to be more results where I win, double up and possibly make a decent run at a 4 figure score.Β 

Still hurts a little though :)

There seems to be plenty to do in February on Unibet. Bounty Badlands is back which is a promotion I love. It brings back fond memories of beating Ian Simpson in our first prop bet and him having to wear a silly outfit at the Glasgow stop of the UK tour. There are a new set of missions to complete and some stuff here on the community too. The Podium hunters promo seems like it would be fun to do and I'm going to try and remember to play the weekly series games when I can.

Maybe it's just me but it feels like everything is moving again at Unibet. Between all the new promos, more requests for player feedback on all products here on the community and the new 'player panel' (not sure what the official name is) it feels like things are getting back to the 'By the players, for the players' mentality that spoke to me as a customer when I signed up. Obviously I'm going to take full credit for it as my previous few blog posts, filled with negative comments, have been the catalyst for all the movement ;)

As far as poker goes I'm not sure what my plans are outside Unibet. There is always so much to choose from that it's easy to get overwhelmed. Right now there is the Turbo series on PS (although nearly all the buy-ins are too high for me), a PKO series and Irish Open sats on Party, Irish Open sats on Paddy, MPN live sat.. the list goes on. I've had some pretty miserable Sundays recently and I think it's partly down to wanting to be able to play everything and ending up with too many tables and just playing poorly on them all. I'm going to try and make aΒ conscious effort to limit table and play better. Whether this means picking one site a session to play on or picking one MTT from multiple sites to play at a time i'm not sure on yet but hopefully it'll mean better play and results either way. I also appear to be running below EV which isn't helping..


Not to worry though, we'll just power through it and continue to try and make the big bucks :Cash:






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