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Release notes 2.30 and server downtime


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Features and changes:

Stack in Big Blind for tournaments:


Final table and themed tournament table background functionality. Allows us to create tournament themes and set different background(s) once the final table is reached. Below the final table blurred out - you'll have to make it to a final table in one of the select few tournaments where it's enabled, to see the great design :)



Bugs fixed:

  1. Fix for tournament monitor to adhere to new protocol for large fields - the incorrect information being shown in on-table MTT info box and in MTT lobby should be fixed by this change. This is not enabled for all customers yet but will first be tested by the community UAT group. - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Messed-up-lobby/idi-p/173573
  2. Table balance issue where final table isn't merged before another player busts - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/6-seats-6-players-but-tables-don-t-merge-until-the...
  3. Non-Latin characters are now all uppercase
  4. Same challenge shown multiple times in history - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/History-of-Challenges/idi-p/218581
  5. Flopcards in the wrong order in the hand replayer - Real flop https://www.twitch.tv/videos/386508312?t=04h30m49s, Replayer flop https://www.twitch.tv/videos/386508312?t=04h31m51s
  6. Current position not shown in MTT on-table info box when active alias isn't table alias
  7. Alias highlight in tournament lobby only working with active alias - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Player-alias-not-highlighted-in-MTT-lobby/idi-p/235161
  8. Addon/rebuy on mobile not working with ticket - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/ADD-ON-TICKET-NOT-WORKING/idi-p/240600 
  9. When no blinds posted, check is possible preflop - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/You-get-a-free-flop-You-get-a-free-flop-Everybody-get...
  10. Incorrect tournament finishing position when more than 100 players (shown as 101) - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Poker-Software-Tournament-ranking-issue/idi-p/171362
  11. Grey screen on login (some issues were solved last month, but there were still a few cases where you'd get the grey screen on login) - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/Grey-screen-upon-login-experienced-it-before/m-p/21...
  12. Reconnect resulting in issues with current/next hand(s) - https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=54945304&postcount=25629
  13. Missing fold button after disconnect - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Hilarious-bug-No-FOLD-button/idi-p/195232
  14. Empty tournament schedule upon login - https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/No-tourny-schedule/idc-p/227988

For #12 and 13 we've done a possible fix, but our QA couldn't simulate the situation, so we haven't been able to test if the fix is working. # 14 is related to issue # 1, so we expect the issue to at least by mitigated and possibly fixed. Especially for these last 3 we'd love to hear from you, if you experience them again!


Las Vegas Summer Series

June Missions

Server downtime:

We are updating Unibet Poker server side on Tuesday 2019-05-21 04:00-05:00 UTC.

Games will be paused during update.
New SNG tournament creation disabled 1 hour before update.

Update may be finished earlier.

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Awesome update, wish the stacks in BB would be also implemented in cash games (as it is optional) maybe you can reconsider this. 

Gonna play some tournaments to have a chance to see that misterious background and enjoy this feature.

Better to be lucky than good.
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I am super digging the possibility to see the stacks and bets in Big Blinds. I have one suggestion for improvement:

The  text "BB" appears after every stack size and bet. It is a bit overwhelming and certainly redundant. I would keep it for stack sizes but remove from bet sizes.  This would add a lot of clarity IMO. At least it would be great to have an option to remove the "BB" text.

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@Elukka12 wrote:

I am super digging the possibility to see the stacks and bets in Big Blinds. I have one suggestion for improvement:

The  text "BB" appears after every stack size and bet. It is a bit overwhelming and certainly redundant. I would keep it for stack sizes but remove from bet sizes.  This would add a lot of clarity IMO. At least it would be great to have an option to remove the "BB" text.



Would be surprised if the option to remove/add that is ever going to be possible, but the idea of not having it at all in the bet is probs another thing.. Idk, @Stubbe-Unibet has done miracles before recently :laugh:



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@Elukka12, happy that you like it :) A setting to remove the text will not be added, but I've passed on your feedback, and I do agree it could be removed from the bet sizes without any issues.


I just want to add that there are some display issues when play in BB is enabled. When going allin it'll for instance show you've got 0.1BB left. We're aware of these but I don't have any estimate on a fix just yet.

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@radge1 wrote:

Anyone else getting kicked totally out of the client unexpectedly when exiting cash games or after a tourney? :geek:

Similar story...been "kicked-out" today. :dissatisfied:

After playing for about 1h under connection/game lag,experienced that "system drop".Tables disappeared,and then reappeared but lobby was "shutted down".


Was able to play,though,but info tabs (in a game) were in a mess...


When I pressed tourn.lobby,only black screen showed up...


Pretty weird!

On a break,I closed the client and reopen it again.Tabels went on,but after a while system dropped again...info tabs in a mess...lobby down.

After second attempt lobby stayed stable...

Not to mention that I bubbled those two tournies 😠


Also,why 50€ UO started at 19:05 CET instead of 20:05 CET ? 



I am really tired of all ongoing issues...

Slikovni rezultat za check please gif


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@Stubbe-Unibet wrote:

@XYsorry to hear about this issue. Any chance I can get the log file? Will be difficult to do any investigation without it

I am doing this for my children,if they decide to play on Unibet...in about 10-15 years. 😃

If Unibet does stay active that long,which I doubt. 🤣

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