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Unibet random number generator


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Something is wrong whith random generator and should be verified, what is wrong whith my game when i have 60/40 equity at over 100k sample at allin preflop and i win only 52%? This is the problem, there is no point to play well when your opponent will bad beat you anyway? If you are allin preflop and you have 67% equiti you will only win some 53%.

Random number generator should be verified, because is frustrating a good part of your equity going on trash  on bad beats, i played on other sites whith high swing, but on Unibet  bad beats are exagerated many in number, and i think is a serious problem and RNG should be verified, i will stop playing on Unibet if this continues. 

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@Munkus  so, you have already played 100k sample with 60/40 equity so far ? If not, how to prove your 52% win-rate ? Taking you seriously, call moderators to check your "winning" ratio for your profile - if it can help you play better and win even more ;-) good luck

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@fish8one  wrote " How is it possible then, that certain players – myself included – deposit money once and just keep cashing out? I’m not even running that good."

If so, why you complain about RNG - just enjoy your winning and the game you are able to earn something with just investing your free time ...

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@MadAdo wrote:

@fish8one  wrote " How is it possible then, that certain players – myself included – deposit money once and just keep cashing out? I’m not even running that good."

If so, why you complain about RNG - just enjoy your winning and the game you are able to earn something with just investing your free time ...

That’s not his statement, it’s mine. He quoted me.

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@Munkus wrote:

Something is wrong whith random generator and should be verified, what is wrong whith my game when i have 60/40 equity at over 100k sample at allin preflop and i win only 52%?

You don’t have a 100k sample on 60/40 spots – that would require you to play millions of hands. Most likely, your sample is way too small to doubt the RNG. Statistically, it’s highly likely you will differ from the 60/40 until the long run hits. Some players will win 50% of these hands, others will win 70%. The next day, the guy who won 70% of these hands will only win 40% of them etc.

It’s hard to get a feeling for probabilities. They feel rather counter-intuitive.

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@GamesDean It's the same old same old again, if someone's got it in their head that something is wrong you will never be able to convince them otherwise. I keep telling myself not to answer such posts, it's an argument you cannot win, but somehow I can't help myself. Best of luck. 👍

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Hi @Munkus,

The Unibet Poker team is a group of former professional poker players and we all do realize how hard the game can sometimes be, especially when bad beats happen.

However, poker is a game where variance plays a key role short term, so in the long run you want to be called by worse hands because you will win this hand in xx% of the times.

Please understand that we would have no benefits whatsoever if we "rigged" the games. Poker players play against each other and not against us, so we have no benefits if a particular player wins or loses.

Every card in every poker game is randomly dealt from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Independent auditors regularly perform recognized statistical tests on the data files generated by our Random Number Generator to confirm that the cards are dealt randomly. The RNG is isolated from any game logic or player information in the system and an unlucky run is exactly that, an unlucky run.

As always, we stick to the highest standards of data protection - internally, in all transactions, and on our poker software.

It's very hard to define what long-term is, even 100k hands isn't enough of a sample size (which you haven't played), we have millions and millions of hands played and our RNG is what it says, random.

I hope that makes things a bit clearer and we hope that your luck turns around shortly.


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@fish8one wrote:


You are a constant winning reg here, playing 40hrs /month on average,mixing NL25/50/100( on NL50 at avr.) on 3.5 table (on average). Took money nearly every month, between 300-500 eur, started playing at Uni around 25-30 months ago with a first( and only) deposit for 150 Eur...?

Dude, I feel interrogated. Why do you ask me all these questions, and then follow that up by questioning my answers? That’s super weird. What’s your point here?

I think, I’m playing for longer than two years at Unibet, the forum didn’t exist from the beginning. But yeah, your other points might be correct, although I don’t think I cash out that much. I’m not keeping any records because I don’t know why I should. It’s not like I’m cashing out super serious money. It’s more like entertainment money to fund my other hobbies. Sometimes, I’m not playing for several weeks, due to being lazy. But sure, call me a winning regular.


Hello Sir, 

I am sorry if you felt that way.. I just wanted to " translate " your result in numbers ( roughly ) to see your winrate...

I was asking for yours and for that other player who also claimed that after first depo is just regular cash-outs (what for i am honestly happy for you guys )

To be honest the monthly volume in your " case " :), seems to me quite low for having monthly cash outs, but i do not want to argue about it with you, or doubt you at all.. Well done, good for you !

Do you make stream by any chance or any other way to see your play (even if is not free )...?

I had a few coach in my past, mental as well :) Unfortunately my " tilt issue " is keep coming back and i just becomIng a proper rigtard..:)

I played over a million cash-hands at Stars, and whenever i checked anything in my pt4 or hm2, ALWAYS was ok everything..

I remember that my" wonsd " was always around 57-58%...

But still this article which i was refering ( with the wonsd 50-50 ),triggers me time to time back to tilting on " da rigged games "..:)

Since april this year i am on Unibet( on that first depo still, 1 cash out only :) ),played approx 150-180k hands... there is nothing to check on ( hands , stats, anything)...sooo i think my accumulated tilt just got the best of me again :( Due to recent (3 months ) struggle on roll and limit...:)

But now i would like to say that thank you guys for the conversations, i hope the best for every one of us at the tables and in life..



PS: sorry about my english, it is not my first language

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Guys this is online poker u canno't even think it will work as a game in real and the ansvers are very easy.

1. u dont heve any information about the bankroll from another player's and its very important becouse if he got 100x more then u he may alow himself to check u A-A with ❤️♥️❤️ and even get luck to win it but honestly u i think u won more then losed with such hands.

2.No chance to read the emotions what is imortant at bluffs too becouse if u sitting in rl game at one table with same players u can for sure make a lot more cash this way if u know bankroll and how the guy/girl rushing.

3. And the most important think the cards are deald by program not an HUMAN!.

And about the answers i deposited 1k euros monthly and loosing with guy who deposited 30e are funny guy's with 1k if u would like to make cash dont play here go to the main event tournaments where u can ears f.... serious cash not online. Of course u can win an main event online or great prize but u dont heve so much chance as in real online counts 75% of luck and 25 of skill...Maybe im wrong but its my mind after playing poker online and real for 14 years.

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. Independent auditors regularly perform recognized statistical tests on the data files generated by our Random Number Generator to confirm that the cards are dealt randomly. 

What this means precilcely..?  Testing the exact hand history..????

" Please understand that we would have no benefits whatsoever if we "rigged" the games. Poker players play against each other and not against us, so we have no benefits if a particular player wins or loses."

R u sure..?!? LOOOL

Please answer only my first question : is  Unibet¨s hand history regurarly tested for statistical randomness...?

Thx , regards


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Hi @fish8one,

I'm not involved and therefore not exactly sure how the checks work, however I imagine they take statistics of millions of hands and compare the percentages with the actual. There will always be a slight difference but it should match it quite precise.

We have licenses in different gaming authorities, all making regular checks and once again, we have no benefits from rigging it, especially when poker makes a small percentage of our income (we are mostly a sportsbetting and casino provider).

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Slots have no winners at all and even lotto is -ev game by design. How do they run more than poker does? Live casinoes make more from slots than poker. Does your logic extend to live casino poker too? Or maybe most people do not follow your logic??

Those 10% pro players play according to certain assumptions. Having random nonpreferential deal factors hugely in poker theory and strategy. If the effect was anywhere meaningful then winning players from other sites would see how their strategy fails at the rigged site. The effect would have to be too small to be noticed by people who observe their game, yet at the same time produce meaningful effect for people who do not follow these things so closely. Any meaningful effect on the recs roll would be visible for good players when playing against them.

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Every card in every poker game is randomly dealt from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Independent auditors regularly perform recognized statistical tests on the data files generated by our Random Number Generator to confirm that the cards are dealt randomly. "

So, this ( your first post ) was based on what ground please...?

Could you please find out from someone ( who is involved ), a simple YES or NO answer for my question,

whic is : Do those agencies testing the actual hand history..??



I am 100% sure that nor you or anybody from any site would never  say yes or no ..:)


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