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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by pinki

  1. .... I suggest that you would have called with AK whatever his bounty was. One hand in isolation is not a conspiracy, play a lot more and gather tons of data before anyone will take you seriously. @GR1ZZL3R its 100% with the information he provided about this player. He had a smaller stack so it's not about bounty etc just another complaining AKo/s, AA, KK, QQ holder. As the title indicates, Unibet has more of these tricks. @prepa222 recover and keep playing There is a person here who thinks that 60 vs 40 is like 98 vs 2, baa even loosing with 3% advantage it is bad beat :geek: There is a thread related to the missing bounty in the bug section, so look for it and report your case with the spirit of the community. https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Bounty-not-showing-above-avatar-2-3-2/idi-p/77869
  2. @prepa222 are you so serious ? now illegal issues, earlier bots ... whats next? So hard to lose with AKo in hands against lower suited connectors?:wonder: here is some nice piece of music for you :rockon::peace:
  3. @prepa222 and? Everybody plays as they want, you want everyone to play according to the handbook? ps. Issue with no-bounty is known. Once I even played with my friend (and many times with community members)from the country and there was no bounty near his avatar. I assure you, he is not a bot I remember asking him on Skype, what bounty you have, when he was allin:cash: ps2. listen to @MadAdo , look at the numbers. The sooner you become resistant to such losses the game will be lighter
  4. @Livertool Recently, with variance, we are like a brother and sister 1/3 hexa for mission
  5. @Stubbe-Unibet or we have another higher math riddle @FeelsBadMan here you have 32players left, 11 paid places. 32/11 < 33.33% maybe this is it :Happyshy: + other facrtors like avg. stack, starting stack ps.or some lag as in my case with 'disabled/enabled register/unregister button' :Wonder:
  6. @4soul I often see it as field falls to a certain number of players. Maybe number of paid places, tournament speed, starting stack vs avg. stack affect it; really hard to say. another-Maybe @Stubbe-Unibet will throw some light on it
  7. @MrBandes https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Next-payout-not-shown-in-the-infobox-poker/idi-p/291779
  8. @GR1ZZL3R ehh I'm a bit confused now with two P's. My earlier declarations are probably changing in connection with PP. I have only one doubt but I'll ask @Patric-Unibet in a few days:happy: ps. I won't mess here anymore, it's time to reactivate my thread
  9. @DoktorAvalanche i must say that this one was without stress. I wish everyone such a satellite from start to finish, only one preflop allin and won, if I remember correctly. Zero steals with jamms
  10. @GR1ZZL3R I did it again :rockon:
  11. @successlaw even RELAX does not know where this issue came from. I would treat it as a God miracle, it's like a four-leaf clover :D I had it 2-3 times, I think.
  12. @Stubbe-Unibet I sent email, I don't know if it's worth creating a thread, your decision.
  13. @Stubbe-Unibet my last entry about 'disabled' register button is known? Is it a local issue or something else? at that time I was playing two tournaments and there was no problem, everything worked smoothly. ps. I have two videos and a log from that time. ps2. green/enabled register/unregister button came back as I came in again from the tournament lobby. Lag was terrible, I unregistered from one tournament 1min + before the start and the table started with the tournament.
  14. @MadAdo maybe the start time counts or 1;00CET is important here, many promos next day have after this hour,
  15. @GR1ZZL3R I'm slowly quitting my poker activity at Unibet. I decided to set up bankroll on PP [400€] after a few nice hits in the casino on other sites. I was going to set it up here, but unfortunately with so few satellites, getting € 5, € 10 or € 25(playing 1-2€ games we need bigger volume and we know how it looks here, 50-100€ gtd are not tempting at all) tickets is exhaustive and takes too much time. Always having a balance of 50,100,200 € and after a few days I finish at the casino or sports betting, so I will stick to sports betting and casinos as my main target on Unibet. I want to have fun at tournaments, unfortunately, playing one and later I have to wait 2h or 24h for the next one is not a solution for me. I think that proposing an increase in the number of satellites will have no effect, maybe this will happen naturally in the future, then we will think. Even UOS is not an attraction without regular satellites outside it. I think that with a solid construction of regular satellites, no special qualifiers are needed for it, except for main events or higher stakes. ps. @GR1ZZL3R try to get UK TOUR package, I'll give you my UK bullet (I think i can do it once):popeye: These are my changes in 2020
  16. I think, that we don't need any logs here
  17. @Petit_pertotal for sure you can, you can treat each package as an additional bullet. You probably need to notify the uk tour team. am i right @Stubbe-Unibet ?
  18. this one is super hyper clever
  19. @Pippo szere.lmi werset ke11 irni @WuDu [eng] you must write a love poem to @WuDu
  20. Zervuska haidis (om lima tu zierou) :Rofl::Rofl::Rofl::Rofl: @Livertool ne felejtsd el elolvasni a kommunista manifestust:Happy:
  21. missions, rewards in community competitions ...
  22. @Nestabear where are you?
  23. @GR1ZZL3R it was fun indeed, but with 5 players in the game, fun began to take a different form. Losing my hand with JJ devastated my brain for several seconds
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