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Posts posted by MetalWolf

  1. Haha @XY that was actually a good representation of what my kid did to my last laptop!

    Finally I have something to play on again and I’m getting back to the grind. And I need to be serious now. There’s a lot of poker related stuff I want to do towards the end of the year and getting the money for it all starts now!

    • Like 5
  2. I haven’t played poker in nearly a week and I’m itching to.

    its not my fault - my laptop broke at the start of the week.  It’s going into repair today.

    I can confirm that the cause of break was non-poker related.



    • Like 5
  3. Tournaments played: 1146 (648 sats) 

    ITM: 350 / 30.54%

    Total buyin: €5537.35

    Total Cashes: €7969.23

    UNIBET Tournament Profit: +€2431.88

    ROI: 43.92%

    Tournament wins: 11

    1x Galaxy Nano - 90 Runners

    1x 1k Dark Matter - 103 Runners

    3x Singularity - 87 / 128 / 37 Runners

    1x 1k Moonwalk - 119 Runners

    1x Deep Crazy Moon - 38 Runners

    1x Zenith - 73 Runners

    1x Shooting Star - 63 Runners

    2x Community Game (€25), (€1)


    1: Played 402 won 157= +€89.5

    2: Played 648 won 222 = -€48

    5: Played 254 won 98 = +57.5

    10: Played 2 won 1 = -€5

    50: Played 2 won 1 = -€25

    Hexapro Profit: +€69


    4NLH: 29 buyins +6.23 profit

    4PLO: 38 buyins +39.20 profit

    10NLH: 10 Buyins -17.27 profit

    10PLO: 27 Buyins +54.19 profit

    25PLO: 4 Buyin -32.67 Profit

    Cash Profit: +49.68

    Total Games Played: 2562

    Total Profit: +€2550.56 on Unibet + 165.97 from other sites

     = +€2716.53

    • Like 8
  4. Bit of bad run since the nova. Only to be expected I guess.

    It's challenging switching your mind to be able to deal with say €20 losses over a day playing in €1/2 tournaments to dealing with €100 losses playing €5/10. It's all relevant to bankroll but naturally induces more panic. 

    Will do a stat update later today so I can record the lovely looking profit increase before I manage to give it all back :haha:

    • Like 2
  5. Thanks @MadAdo 

    Years ago I had the roll and backing to play anything upto 220 with the occasional 500 live event thrown in. But these days with a family to look after, full time work, and without backing, I play at a much lower level. Still, my usual stakes would be around €25 buyin but this year especially I've just been working harder at the day job and withdrawing bankroll for life luxeries. My aim is now to get back up to that €25 mark by the end of the year and hopefully continue to build from there. 

    • Like 3
  6. Haha thanks @GR1ZZL3R great story yourself too. I’ve been caught out in the past by similar ‘misleading’ slots too but not to that extent and they didn’t have a happy ending either! Lol 

    Certainly don’t plan to blow it. Paid myself a ‘well done’ bonus and kept most in to carry on the grind at the next level up. I really want to stop using poker for extra little life funds and get back to a level where I can compete for more serious money. 

    • Like 5
  7. Right, picture the scene.

    Your kids are going for a bath before bed and the missus says she will sort them out. You got 10 mins to spare so you jump in a few hexapros to pass the time. You get a 5x, 3x and a 1.5x and quickly lose them all. Annoyed, you look up to see everyone still in the bathroom. A few more mins before you put the kids to bed. More than enough time for a few more hexapros.

    Not thinking anything of it you press register, but wait.... this isnt a hexapro table? And why has my balance just been depleted of €100???



    Cue the messages to @Brocky with some choice words and expletives about the software, responsible gaming and me just being a general idiot. 

    Ok Andy... Don't panic. So what your bankroll on Unibet is only comfortable enough to play at €5 level. You've cashed bigger tournaments than this, in higher pressure situations, in strange places - you can do this.

    Ah here we are first hand is AK. Just raise this up. Two callers, ok cool. Flop 6 J K, excellent. Bet, call. Turns a 3. Bet bigger... and the guy shoves. Wait, wut?


    Andddddd I fold. Scared money. Third of the stack gone. I've got no chance. What an idiot for misclicking the Supernova. What a waste of money.

    'Night Daddy' - Oh yeah 'Goodnight son. Whats that? No I'm not crying at all I have something in my eye. Get yourself off to bed mommy will read you a story'

    Back to the game. Head down. Concentrate on going into beast mode.

    Several hours pass. MetalWolf is still alive and well. He breezes past the bubble with some run good hands in quick succession and breathes a big sigh of relief. I decide on a safety first approach. Ridicule me for a missed opportunity in trying to play for the win. I get it. In another time period of course I would. But life has took over poker and the bankroll just isn't there to take high variance risks... but it could be with a more cautious approach.

    'Heh, knew I would make it. Never doubted me'.

    @Charl_xoxox throws me a sarcastic glance but I can't help that smug look in my eyes. 

    With the final 18 I start to go really card dead. I spend most of my time propping up the rest of the pile. But I stay disciplined. Patience personified. 

    With 13 left and I am dead last but absolutely laughing at myself at the 'non-costly' error I made.

    And still I continue to outlast people. A short stack ninja. Making those moves, using those spots, crushing those dreams. Letting whimsical poker flow through my mind and body.

    I make the final table. I am still last. I am always last. Right the way through to when they finally manage to get rid of me in 5th for €1200. A player sitting out causes an ICM nightmare which leaves me too vulnerable to compete and I finally succumb AJ to J5.


    It's 2.30am and I am congratulating myself on a masterclass of shortstack and disciplined play - even if its only this idiot that thinks so.

    Satisfied, I lay my head down to sleep knowing my bankroll now allows me to step up that bit more after spending the year using poker for extra life funds. Thanks to @Brocky for the great rail.

    'Daddyyyyy. Theres a monster in my room'.

    'Ok son, the MetalWolf is coming to get it'.

    Greatest. Misclick. Ever.

    • Like 18
  8. Ok break time... things gone ok. final table the moonwalk and just... wow... 

    I was picking up chips left right and center until taking a confidence knock QQ to A9 and then the invincibles appeared. 2 in particular. I mean, I’m thankful that there are players like this still in abundance that are happy to call flop bets with no hand, no draw, no plan and call raises out of position with 9 4, 10 5 and K 3 but damn does it leave such a sour taste in the mouth to stack off to them. AK to K3 in this case as I called river allin board Jx3Kx. Should of folded, meh.

    Problem with me is, I will stack off more often to them than I should out of pure ego. A leak in my mental game.

    • Like 4
  9. @pinki Yep I think you can fire 2 bullets each start day for total of 4, so package and seat only could both be used at one event. 

    @DoktorAvalanche I felt it did it just to mock me, especially because I paired the turn too! Ah well... calmer now. Congrats man. I got a lot of time before Manchester to get one. Hopefully have a few by then.

    • Like 1
  10. Finished the day €20 down after some minor (could of been major..) tilt, but did get a couple tickets to make up for it. Ran pretty horrible in sats overall. The amount of people calling off super wide in sats at the moment makes me wonder if Daras book is of much relevance to Unibet at all. Nether the less I got a shot at the Manchester package for Saturday night so would be nice to ship that first time of asking. 

    Might do a small session later. I have the bug for it.

    • Like 4
  11. Whole lotta work for a whole lotta nothing last night. Couple deep runs. Small final table or  two. Finished night slightly down and the trend continued this afternoon until I hit my first €2 Hexapro 25x and won it. Motivation is good to win some more tonight!

    • Like 6
  12. Good luck mate! 

    One thing to think about is to also play the generic €1 sats into €5 tickets. Reason being is there is a tournament each day (7.45GMT and not sure if there are any others) that is a €5 to a €50 ticket. It's 2 tix GTD and allows one re-entry rather than rebuy which is better. There are also rebuy versions with more tix gtd but obv potentially more expensive (although I'm sure they overlay a lot).

    This ticket can be used for the UK final or UO semi final. Better odds than 4-->50 if playing it as a freezeout and cheaper than if you had to spend a rebuy in the UK4 level!

  13. Thanks @GR1ZZL3R its good to be back! Managed to get 7th in the Dwarf Star and 4th in the Gargle Blaster and got into both of them from small sats so it's been a pretty good night. I don't think I should of been pushing in that sat in that spot but glad you made it through!

  14. So many peoples blogs to read since I last posted here...

    WHATS UP EVERYONE?! My new baby boy is a little over 2 weeks now and I'm so overtired I'm hyper. This means thats it's point reset day and I'm back to put in some volume and score some profit, a Manchester seat and hopefully a Paris seat too. Until I'm too tilted to carry on. So I should be good until at least about 8.27 tonight. 

    I've been playing a little here and and there over the last few weeks and things aint been too bad so let's take a look at the latest data and then increase it x10 by the end of the year.

    Tournaments played: 1070 (598 sats) 

    ITM: 326 / 30.47%

    Total buyin: €5107.35

    Total Cashes: €6406.38

    UNIBET Tournament Profit: +€1299.03

    ROI: 25.43%

    Tournament wins: 11

    1x Galaxy Nano - 90 Runners

    1x 1k Dark Matter - 103 Runners

    3x Singularity - 87 / 128 / 37 Runners

    1x 1k Moonwalk - 119 Runners

    1x Deep Crazy Moon - 38 Runners

    1x Zenith - 73 Runners

    1x Shooting Star - 63 Runners

    2x Community Game (€25), (€1)


    1: Played 383 won 131= +€79

    2: Played 533 won 185 = -€35

    5: Played 219 won 85 = -€22.5

    10: Played 2 won 1 = -€5

    50: Played 2 won 1 = -€25

    Hexapro Profit: -€8.5


    4NLH: 24 buyins +4.44 profit

    4PLO: 33 buyins +21.87 profit

    10NLH: 10 Buyins -17.27 profit

    10PLO: 27 Buyins +54.19 profit

    25PLO: 4 Buyin -32.67 Profit

    Cash Profit: +30.56

    Total Games Played: 2307

    Total Profit: +€1321.09 on Unibet + 165.97 from other sites

     = +€1487.06

    • Like 8
  15. @MoreTBC It's been my world for a few years now with the 4 year I have but I absolutely understand what you mean. Thanks for the advice its much appreciated. My son doesn't need the 24/7 attention of a newborn and is happy to sit next to me playing Roblox and chilling on a night time before he goes to bed but obviously it is still impossible to play for hours without him having extra supervision, for instance when Charl is at work. Might be able to get a few Unibet challanges done and that's it. You're right that MTT schedules are very difficult to plan and this year I have struggled overall with time among other things. The amount of times ive said I will do something and then it just hasn't been able to happen. Summer Series being the latest example. It saddens me to see everyone on heres twitter posts of deep runs and I simply can't be involved. That will only get worse with a new born but in terms of transitioning to other games I have no desire to do that. I hate cash with a passion and am a losing player. I COULD go into SNG's but I experimented with that 2 years ago and got bored. I suspect that over the next 6 months my play will be limited a lot and though that gives me more time to learn i'm sure I won't be happy with my profit graphs and new years resolutions by the end. 

    I should point out this is not moaning. I am absolutely thrilled to be having a baby, giving our son a little brother to play with and seeing them grow because as you say @MoreTBC they are amazing on a daily basis and when you're having a bad day nothing can make you smile more than them coming up and just saying something completely daft but so cute. If only I'd have been better at poker in the first place and didn't have to work!  

    Theres nothing like the thrill of making it deep in an mtt, familiar names around you looking to get one over on you, money creeping up and the joy of coming first or getting a significant pay day out of X amount of players. Last year I enjoyed that feeling a lot. Glasgow, Dublin, UOS leaderboard win etc. I just hope I can get out to a UO or at least UK Manchester by the end of the year.

    I don't find that I can ever move up levels either. It's a lifestyle choice I can't / won't break. I've always been sociable. I've always liked to travel. And love to do both of these things as much as possible. Even with kids we do this as a family a lot, which is an expensive game! I always find myself shaving off profits in poker and making that extra small withdrawal here and there just so we can have an 'extra day away' or 'upgrade to a better room / restaurant'. Throw in the fact I'm house hunting at the moment and there is no hope for testing myself at higher levels. I rarely play any main events because of this. It annoys me that this is what I'm like. I take my poker learning and 'reputation' really seriously. But I don't take bankroll management serious and without that good poker cannot exist. If I won the Supernova for example I would leave €500 in the account and withdraw the rest and go book a holiday. I suspect a lot of players would pay themself a small reward and otherwise keep the roll and move up in their respective games. I would love to do this, but then I also don't want to. 

    I'm about €1200 up this year and am really disappointed. I feel like I've just trudged along at a modest +ROI and literally made no impact on anything major I've played. Perhaps it is time to go back to the drawing board and work out what I actually want out of poker. I will certainly have the time to do so. 

    I wish every one the best during the Summer Series. I ain't going anywhere. You'll just see less of me at the tables, and not because I've changed my alias!

    • Like 5
  16. So I have played a total of 2 summer games this week and around 10 tournaments overall. 

    There is still no sign of baby but I am finding it incredibly hard to commit any time to poker at the moment.

    i might do more of a blog later or tomorrow on general thoughts about poker and the potential need for me to go back to the drawing board. 

    For now I’m sat at my work desk procrastinating about doing a driver assessment because apparently I’m classed as high risk... later I have lots of fun audits to do.

    and if that doesn’t make me want to get better at poker and leave it all behind nothing will.

    • Like 7
  17. Difficult for me to respond calmly in this when people argue the case against what @Brocky is proposing. 

    First off, it’s not anything to do with people who have problems not being able to deposit and just going elsewhere. That’s not unibets problem. It is about Unibet doing all they can to protect their players whilst they are enjoying their products and make sure they continue to enjoy their products. What people do when they leave the site is not their concern but while they are here they should look after them (I’m not saying they don’t already and are good at it, but I do think brocks proposal is a great one.)

    I don’t accept any argument against addiction. It is real, brain is wired different, I drank alcohol 15 years and never been addicted, some people are, brain is wired different.  I smoked for a while and quit just like that. No addiction but lots are. We’re all different. We all work different.

    In 15 years of gambling ive been addicted to roulette (never play now), blackjack (never play now), and slots (still play occasionally but self excluded on here). It took counselling and a whole life style change to beat the first two. But I do lots of other different types of betting at the same time and have never been addicted or chased losses. Football and horses for example.

    Ive never been addicted to poker but I have been known to tilt in cash if having a bad day. Personally I’d like to be able to restrict JUST that option to NL10 and lower like I can on Pokerstars. 

    It’s not about addiction, it’s about not making a snap silly decision.

    I also like the idea of a tilt button.


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