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Posts posted by MetalWolf

  1. Ah don't worry @GR1ZZL3R I won't be burning myself out I'm taking a well earned break for the next few days. I won't start serious again til Thursday probably. You going to be playing much of the series? 

    I know mate it still hurts to talk about it. Hope we don't finish with a whimper now!

    Thanks and Good luck!

    • Like 1
  2. It feels like a while since I made an impact in poker. A lots changed in life since the good days of final tabling Glasgow and cashing Dublin and a few curve balls have certainly been thrown my way. I've even played poker in different arenas, different sites looking for some motivation but you all know that life and circumstance plays a huge role in every hobby that we love. Especially when you are a tournament player and can't just get up from the tables at a moments notice. However, things are going to change again. I have had a promotion at work, life is back on track and I am itching to get back to the sort of volume I was playing at the start of the year (1331 games in first 6 weeks as opposed to 284 in the next 6 weeks). 

    I'm ready to make an impact again and UOS is just around the corner. Life permitting I am going to play the full LOW and NANO schedule.

    The goal is to win a leaderboard. Anything else I will be rough on myself as a failure. 

    Let the prep begin!

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  3. I have hardly been seen playing poker recently for a number of reasons. The points reset, lack of motivation, busy life etc. In the first 6 weeks of the year I played 1331 games. In the next 7 weeks I played 284. It's not a particulary good time for me at the moment. I would love to play more poker but I just have other things to think about. Nevertheless here's the stats that I really hope i can start adding a lot more to very soon!

    Tournaments played: 733 (375 sats) 

    ITM: 220 / 30.01%

    Total buyin: €3537.05

    Total Cashes: €4291.92

    Tournament Profit: +€754.87

    ROI: 21.34%

    Tournament wins: 11

    1x Galaxy Nano - 90 Runners

    1x 1k Dark Matter - 103 Runners

    3x Singularity - 87 / 128 / 37 Runners

    1x 1k Moonwalk - 119 Runners

    1x Deep Crazy Moon - 38 Runners

    1x Zenith - 73 Runners

    1x Shooting Star - 63 Runners

    2x Community Game (€25), (€1)


    1: Played 218 won 99= +€76

    2: Played 414 won 143 = -€22

    5: Played 207 won 79 = -€32.5

    Hexapro Profit: +€21.5


    4NLH: 17 buyins +5.96 profit

    4PLO: 15 buyins +10.74 profit

    10NLH: 8 Buyins -16.89 profit

    10PLO: 10 Buyins -8.74 profit

    25PLO: 1 Buyin -25 Profit

    Cash Profit: -€33.93

    Total Games Played: 1623

    Total Yearly Profit: +€742.44

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