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Group: Flush
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Everything posted by Pickleman

  1. wow - that came and went quickly. There was no lobby for that when I checked.
  2. gonna expire in 18h but can't reg until 1st March anyone know what's going on?
  3. Hi @Andy-Unibet First of all, thanks for exchanging the ticket again. Second, having received the generic ticket, I tested what was happening again. When I clicked through to the lobby from (e.g.) a list of 10e UO tickets, and then attempt to register, the pop up window is standard, but above the "register" button is a drop down (it's a down arrow icon, not presented in green and not presented as a button) from which you can chose which of your tickets you wish to use to register. The generic ticket is seemingly defaulted to the top of the list, above the UO tickets, hence my (repeated) mistake. So either the "ticket" label on the button needs to explicitly say which ticket you're using before you press it, or the UI should only offer you tickets of the kind you clicked through from - it shouldn't offer you the choice and therefore the opportunity to mix them up. cheers.
  4. @Stubbe-Unibet Wise decision. This thread was beginning to become a waste of my life, but like most car crashes, it's difficult to drive past without rubber-necking. It was an interesting exercise in human psychology, I guess. What's interesting is how the "rigged" posts have evolved over the years. I've probably been reading rants like these for over fifteen years on various forums - Hendon Mob, 2+2, you name it, but back in the day when bots didn't exist, it wasn't bots that were to blame. RNGs did exist then of course, but oddly enough people didn't blame manipulation of the RNGs for their bad beats. I guess there's always something to blame. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose . . .
  5. @Andy-Unibet Hi Andy just bumping this as I didn't get a reply to my latest post. Many thanks.
  6. If I have an MTT ticket which expires in 10 days, can I register now for a tournament beyond 10 days time and it still be valid? In other words, does the expiry date apply for when you use it to register for a tournament, or for when the tournament actually starts?
  7. Ditto - this is happening to me as well. I'm guessing lack of auto-rebuy is a policy decision? It would certainly be welcomed by me.
  8. Welcome @Mr__D I think the primary place is here, but there are also a few Twitch channels - Unibet's own, Ian Simpson's Twitch which runs on certain nights of the week. Plus a few other forum members do too. There's a blog section to the community, and also Community Leagues run periodically - check out the forum post for that. Outside of the Pandemic, there is of course the live poker meets - for those lucky enough to get to the Unibet Open, there's a fair amount of socialising then 🤣 and there are also various national live circuit events - depends where you live.
  9. @Andy-Unibet I'm really sorry Andy, but I've done it again. HOWEVER there is something to report this time. Obviously having thought I screwed it up the first time, I made sure this time that I pressed the right button. So from my tickets, I press the UO 10e ticket, go to the list of tournaments available, press on lobby, register using the ticket option - and somehow (can't say if I had options for UO ticket AND generic MTT ticket, but I doubt it), it's used my generic ticket rather than my UO ticket. So this is obviously a problem - there needs to be some kind of default here where the box "remembers" where you clicked through from and uses the "correct" ticket - i.e. the one you were originally searching under. So please can you swap one of my UO tickets again for a 10e generic ticket but also flag this up as an issue. Many thanks.
  10. Thank you. Excellent, speedy, no-fuss response as always.
  11. @Andy-Unibet Hi Andy, I've just now entered a 10e UO satellite and just noticed that I've accidentally entered it using my only generic 10e MTT ticket (which I'd like to save for the UOS), not one of my 5 UO tickets. You can see that this is a genuine mistake as I've got plenty of specific UO tickets, just clicked the wrong box in the lobby obviously. Please would you mind swapping one of my UO tickets back to a generic ticket. Many thanks.
  12. Forgot to say - Only PLO is required. Thanks.
  13. Can I have my cash game results for the whole of 2019, separated by stake please.
  14. well, I don't know - all I know is, I knew where it was on the old system and I can't find it now. I'm guessing it was with the update, because now there's no longer a tab on the history page where you can select for challenges. Any sneak peek of what's in stall for the new loyalty system? I'm guessing challenges won't be involved then!
  15. @Stubbe-Unibet for the record, it just did it again today in tournament ID22857569. Same scenario as last time - tournament started off on one table, then expanded to two. When it did, HfH kicked in. This time it stopped after around ten hands - when a player busted I think
  16. @Stubbe-Unibet before the latest updates, you could view your completed minor/major challenges on the History tab. I can't find that any more. Is it gone?
  17. Hi @Stubbe-Unibet , Well, the problem reported above - i.e. HfH kicking in early in a tournament before late reg has even finished and we're miles from the money - is actually quite rare. But while we're on the subject, do you know that the "hand for hand has ended" message quite often comes one bust *after* the money/final table bubble has burst? In that scenario, the software isn't enacting HfH any more, but the message "waiting for other tables to finish" still appears every hand (like, even in the case where there are no other tables 😃) That still happens quite a lot.
  18. I'm currenly in a 10e UO (ID 22816506) and even though there are 13 players left and three prizes available, we're in Hand for Hand Seen this problem before - I think it sometimes kicks in when the tournament expands from one table to two - but that was quite a while ago. Needless to say, it's not a bug you guys should leave unfixed.
  19. Please can I have my MTT results for all of 2020. Thanks.
  20. @Stubbe-Unibet yes even though I was the beneficiary of this, I agree with @MicroBeard that the points system should be like before - counting up from min cash to winner in single points. That way you get more points if you win a bigger tournament, but you don't win too big from coming first, and don't win even bigger from coming first in a bigger tournament. The point is if you come first, you're already winning big, whereas the point of a leaderboard is to reward consistency over a series - and for that you need to recognise lots of small cashes. If it's any consolation @MicroBeard a had another cash which didn't count because I didn't have my community nick
  21. Ooh that was close. 8th and 1st, but one flip away from being massive chip leader in the one I came 8th.
  22. If you have @Stubbe-Unibet saying it's random that means it's random. Let's put it this way - if you were as successful a business as Unibet, based on just offering an RNG and by openly stating what your cut was, why would you try to lie to shave off an extra percentage point, given the amount of effort and energy it would take to cover your tracks? And why would you take the risk of being discovered? I mean that's your entire business model - killing the golden goose - for the sake of an extra tiny bit of profit.
  23. @HardGain last flip promo I kept all my flips till the end. Was playing 25e cash and had over 50 silver flips by the end. Managed to win 2000 bonus points which I believe is 5 silver flips in a row? I have to say it's much easier to keep dispassionately flipping till you get your target if you have a bunch of flips in the bank.
  24. . . . and just to be sure that was "winning" continuous present tense, rather than "winning" future tense. No amount of chips is ever a sure thing in a PLO tournament (apart from all of them!)
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