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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by Andy-Relax

  1. Hi @rcmd, The home game email address is not manned 24/7 and it states at the top of the request form to allow 48 hours for the game to be set up. They are set up manually and are done in batches. It will be created today and you'll receive a confirmation email when it is ready.
  2. Hi @HitItBig / @OliD, You've both been credited bonus points to cover the buy-ins fr the tournaments you were in when the issues started.
  3. Hi @zirobert, Yes, all Unibet Opens for 2020 will be held online.
  4. Hi @Lucky7levin, I've refunded the buy-in for that SNG. Regards Andy
  5. HI @Frontwheel1919, The time has been updated for your home game.
  6. Hi @chris5, It's set to show in the lobby 8 hours before start time so I'd expect it to appear in the next 2 hours as there is a little delay between the time we set and when it actually appears.
  7. Hi @TPTFish, The completed tournaments are normally removed fairly quickly just to try and keep the lobby as clean as possible. I'll edit your template to show for longer so you have a chance tp get the results. As @ReCorpH mentioned, if you miss the results for any reason just send me a PM and I can get them from the back office.
  8. Hi @TPTFish, Do you need everyones results or just the players that cashed? The tournament is set to show for 9 hours after it starts. This is the standard time set for all home games.
  9. Hi @chris5, Your original home game request only asks for it to occur weekly up until the 28th of May which is why no tournament appeared today. I've created a one off tournament for tonight, which will appear roughly three hours before start time, and reactivated the weekly one to run until the end of September.
  10. Hi @jugg, Don't worry, if we end up having the UK tour event after the 2nd of December we'll make sure to extend the ticket. We have no intention of letting your package expire at any point :)
  11. Hi @jugg, We expect there to be another UK tour event after the one preliminarily scheduled for September so you will have more opportunities to use the ticket.
  12. Hi @Lucky7levin, It looks like customer support refunded you the money from the hand this morning
  13. Hi @Torspo, I've just checked and it looks like when we did the upload of results it has missed the player in first for each leaderboard. You did receive 7500 and 3000 BP on the 26th for your finishes in the High and Nano. Will get the remaining points credited ASAP. Apologies for the delay, we thought they had all uploaded sucessfully.
  14. Hi @Torspo, The bonus points for the UOS leaderboards were paid out last week. Which leaderboards do you think you were missed out on and I can double check for you.
  15. Hi @Rock_Romain, Just crossing the t's and dotting the i's on all the payouts. Should be in your account today or tomorrow morning at the latest.
  16. HI @TeddyKGB, Credited as requested. GL in the UO Online!
  17. HI @IsidorDunkan , fhe remaining ticket will have it's expiry extended until the end of 2020. IF we don't get to it in time, a new one will be issued.
  18. Hi @TeddyKGB, No, I'll be converting challenge packages to either ticket + points or just points up until this Friday for sure and possibly over the weekend right up until start of the UO Online. You'll get another 90k bonus points and a €1100 UO Online ticket. As the UO Online is re-entry you can use it as a second bullet if required or it'll just sit in your account ready for the next UO Online event.
  19. Hi @SHcrusher, Your case was looked at today and you should have received an email from custoemr support and compensation for the issue. Apologies for the delay in getting this resolved.
  20. Hi @TPTFish, welcome to the community! When your game is set up you'll receive an email from a member of the poker team telling you when it will be available in the lobby to register. The email account the requests are sent to gets cleared once or twice a day so as long as you've given 48 hours notice it will be set up.
  21. Hi @GhostyToasty, Apologies for the delay in getting your refund processed. I have now credited you BP to cover the affected MTT and cash hands. I could not find a SNG during the timeframe of the server issue that you were in.
  22. Hi @alexa3333, can you give me a rough date and time of when you had the issue please?
  23. Hi @portexik, you have been refunded in bonus points for the affected tournaments.
  24. Hi @JhonnyCash, your buy-in for the affected tournament has been refunded as bonus points.
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