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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by Rushbie

  1. Yeah, the Magic of Lappin is so strong, all the universum would benefit from it πŸ˜„ Thats ya boi right there, an angelic creature that cant be dropped. Nor mocked.
  2. Hah, no promo ban or anything the slightest.. The people getting those poker promos for example, are all raking a ton. Dont quote me here, but 200€+ a month rake produced, maybe 1k systematically. And from that sum the AI algorithm makes assumptions, which the proper bonus could be for the persona, based on its raking profile. That's not always what it should be. That's why ppl sometimes cancels it. It's a carrot. Not a bounty already had. Haven't got one yet either πŸ˜„
  3. The title says it all. If you never get out of your comfort zone, you'll never learn anything what's beyond it. GL, @GR1ZZL3R. Life is short. Make it count, in emotions at least
  4. Yeah at least so far getting through with VPN has been OK, if only the starting point is from same country you're registered to, idk. Don't wanna open any wounds here, but certainly surfing online and listening music via net radios while playing does not meet the criteria of an online creep, lol πŸ˜„ If it would, well, I guess we'd all be fucked then πŸ™„
  5. Oh you lucky sons of guns πŸ˜„ Mission 50 free beasts, didn't too much damage to the casino πŸ˜†
  6. Where are you from? Got the max too still here from Finland, and surely wouldn't want it to disappear like some stats were recently πŸ˜“ @Gareth Daily
  7. Looking pretty solid progress so far πŸ‘ HBD, man! Party hard πŸ₯³πŸ˜Ž
  8. But surely it's all good and just the device messing the graphs like they sometimes can do quite badly. People at times can go to great lenghts when trying to get free prizes unfortunately, so a bad habit of checking things through a magnifying glass when somethings off a little πŸ™„ Apologies for that. And GL at finishing the competition! πŸ™‚πŸ‘ @Irishrover
  9. Hey @Irishrover, Have you really photohopped these pics, or why are they so messed up with lots of little graphics errors in them?? πŸ€” Also have you checked the requirement for the pics to be on different days? Congrats for hitting the exact minute of the hour to take a screenshot too. Might be wrong, sry for that, but just looks so fishy 🀨 Like these here are like being glued on top of some other pic:
  10. 3/3 Alright, pretty brutely forced lastrounds to push it through the goal line without risking the table to break on the last yards of the race πŸ˜… (10x buyin might be too tempting point to reset/rathole profits for some, causing a dominoeffect, idk) In overall, was full of fun moments and cool pots, even after booking some low 2-fig losses in the end πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ˜„
  11. If the Saving Private Ryan and American Sniper were too much sugary propaganda, which they pretty much were, there's something for ya πŸ‘πŸ‘ Some SJW's could learn a thing or two after the end credits. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0995832/
  12. 1/3 Dayum got stack to 23 buyins already, but tha bastard on the right got it down luckboxing the same way i got it up πŸ˜‚ +2-3bin/about 45min πŸ‘Œ Edit. And oh, the avatar really has a huge update delay on the progress bars above when changing to black belt. Lasts several hands at leastπŸ€” @Stubbe-Unibet
  13. How many cents did you lose?πŸ€”
  14. Rushbie

    RIP Pele

    Not ridiculing the final ride of a furry familymember. Those are kinda easy to get attached to quite a bit too in life πŸ™
  15. Oh, and forgot to say, you admitting the need of professional mental help is not a sign of manly weakness either. On the contrary. Telling about that publicly is a sign of you being capable of facing facts, and dealing with them. Unlike here at Fi after wars was a trend, which led to decades and decades to a culture of silence and buried pain with all the unwanted side effects πŸ™„ Happy new year, and shoot a big rocket to the russian bear's ass! It's the only thing it understands afterall on it's way back home πŸ˜„
  16. Man the grabbling power behind those big fists of your daughter are going to put second thoughts on the potential attackers plans in the future πŸ˜„πŸ’ͺ All the best for you and the family, stay strong.
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