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Group: Full House
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Everything posted by SShcherbyna

  1. @Marion-Unibet What do you play, Cash or MTT, what are the limits, achievements? What exactly is your path as a poker player? And do you want to play now? Judging from your first message, you must be much more experienced at this than Stubbe or Andy. Do you think this experience helps you work "on the other side"?
  2. I wanted to ask you about this, since your messages on Discord were also strange, but I didn't want to sound tactless. It turns out I was not wrong.
  3. Hi Marion and welcome to the community I have only one question for now, how do you feel about the ridiculous algorithm in online poker?
  4. @NestabearA good result to start with.
  5. no, it will not work to get hyped. Try again.
  6. In this community, there are always many people who are ready to help, 24 hours a day. That's why we will always be here
  7. @mugmaster200 The gameplay is slightly different on each site. Each site is more oriented to its market, in each market there are slightly different people who have a slightly different attitude to the game. Each site has its own promos and activities, leaderboards, etc., which can also contribute to the behavior of players at the tables and, accordingly, to the nature of the game. As for RNG, there may also be differences in theory. After all, even cosmic radiation can affect the results of electronics, not to mention other more important factors such as software. But it seems to me that all hands for all time in online poker are not enough to find any biases in one direction or another. Therefore, in theory, yes, on each site the RNG will work differently, but if someone says that they can notice the difference, then give him a captcha, he won't pass it Purely my imo, as I do not understand much about these things.
  8. Stubbe gaslighter, Jami argues only because he is forced to do so by work. The only thing left for you to do is expose Andy. No, that's not all, it's still desirable to have at least one argument for your theory.
  9. By the way, I doubt that the numbers are exactly like that, but I'm too lazy to count now. Maybe later.
  10. You accuse an entire industry of fraud without providing any proof and at the same time complain that you are not perceived the way you would like, seriously? Again, where is the evidence? In my opinion AA in KK occurs once every 6543 hands on average.
  11. I took out a calculator, what to do next? Is this your strongest argument for your claim that poker is rigged? I thought you'd better prepare, because "There are many proven anomalies in online poker". I'm a little disappointed You are already a bit confused yourself.
  12. @penguin50 is this your account? You are already a member of the Discord channel.
  13. @penguin50 https://discord.gg/JKYhwqKq But it shouldn't be like that, Discord seems to be open to everyone.
  14. Again, the main thing is to be able to use anomalies in poker to your advantage. There is a lot of evidence on the Internet that short stacks are lucky. Therefore, if you want to win the tournament, you must first do something stupid and lose almost the entire stack: Then be sure to wait until the stack becomes less than 3BB (otherwise the algorithm will not work!) and the "short stack destroys AA" function will be activated: Next, the main thing is to get to the TOP 3, do not touch the statistics button (who needs it, he knows) and wait for any pocket pair (the main thing is that it should be less than 99, with which I destroyed AA) and that's it, you won the tournament: But! Be sure to leave 30 euros in Banzai after 7 days, waiting for {0} (who needs it, he knows) times the pocket 66. Only then can you repeat the "short stack destroys AA" algorithm. Pay attention, I have everything with evidence!
  15. Proof please, otherwise it's blah blah blah. For years now I have been reading from various Sherlocks that there are a lot of anomalies in online poker, and then it turns out that their arguments are based on at best a few tens of thousands of hands.
  16. Nevertheless, the overall ROI is at a good level, so don't worry
  17. @Animaali Unfortunately, these tickets cannot be used anywhere except in the Community League, as was warned at the start of the season.
  18. This problem is known, but so far it has not been reproduced by any of the testers, I obsessively poke this button every night and everything works fine. It would be nice if you could provide some additional information about this problem, such as how many tables were running at the same time, or possibly any other things that you think could have contributed to this failure.
  19. In general, you should know this, because you agreed to this when registering: Terms and Conditions:
  20. @NaimradiHello and welcome to the community! This forum communicates in English, so you will have more chances to get help. But you can also contact the online chat in French: https://unibet-fr.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch
  21. I suspect you wanted to spot @Jami-Unibet
  22. Why are you typing manually when the mouse wheel works great for adjusting the rate in 0.5BB increments? upd. I understand, you need 2.3, 2.4 BB...
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