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Group: Flush
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Everything posted by fish8one

  1. Please cancel my " current bonus" to have place for my " upcoming", thank you very much in advance. regards,
  2. Hi, I put trust in You 😉 GL anyhow, im gonna follow this time as well
  3. GL for it! 🙂 Would you care/dare to share some disclouserable strategics to beat these games..?🤓 With what winrate would you be happy with at this volume? Do you think Wizard is ok for NL10 player population here, i tried the free version only so far, dunno to buy for micro to be honest.. Thanks, and GL again !
  4. With those rubbish hands, shoving pre.? Hoping to get called with worst hands than those?😀 I see what u mean but it felt to me that he was a drunk fish instead..and was very very lucky indeed, bad-beated every1..LOL Yeah, congratz to him, for being lucky😉
  5. Hi, How do you calculate EV at Unibet, please? thx!
  6. Hi, The luckiest must be me.. 🙂 "Only" 4% the equity, i saw Giasira posted before me the same "luck" But !, my full story is that i come home for a dinner on lunchbrake, opened a few cash game tables, than i saw Hexapro Extreme going on.. i opened 4 table and i hit the Jackpot.. .. on the 2nd hand was this when i played like a proper idiot, but Mr Walidd was using so many emojis whilst betting, that i put him off from AceS 🥴 Thanks UB, give back my hope the i am NOT the unluckiest playa here 🙂
  7. Just for curiosity,is there any number lets per 1 million hands, how many straight flush is still “ok”..? the odds says arund 15 (1:75k approx) So if i got 50 or 100 or 200 is still just luck? is there a max number per 1 mill, at all or it is to small sum? Is there any formula for it at all? thanks :)
  8. I like being a masochist, coz even if i dislikie something or someone, and still have some joy in it..🤣 But i try not dislike anyone for anything anymore...rather just excepting things and people as they are.. It is very hard to do sometimes.. I love to play poker too..., Unibet is the best for people like You and me, i quess..😎 P.S.: was just messing around.. 😉 peace 🙂
  9. Thanks,😎 I did, was told i have to live with it..🤷‍♂️ Its okay actually coz it feels goooood... 😜🕺
  10. Hi, U mean after U check on flop i think.. Pot odds.., yeah but realisticly as @psrquack wrote 70BB into 200.. so pre would be 60 in the pot already (30-30each playa),which “never” happens really in cash games. So in 2 handed pots u should fold by default😎 GL!
  11. Hi, I was going mad with this site about the rng many times..😎🥴😅 Read a few articles, even books about the menthal game, and our brain etc. My (hopefully final) peace came recently, but it was in front of me long time ago, just did not notice it🤪 Basicaly i have smtg in my daily life what is proven to be 70% vs 30%.. occuring 6-8 times per day 70 when is good for me, 30 when it’s not.. Aaaaaaand trust me i feel most of the time that it is ALWAYS the 30s outcome😊 So i made a comparison and a conclusion, that IS MY BRAIN FCS WITH ME ONLY, coz the outcome.. But the math is correct ALWAYS p.s.: Sorry for my english, i hope You get what i meant.
  12. Well done Sir, i must take my virtual hat off!😎 I got the “proof”😉
  13. @Estzen Could You please “opt-in” for Pokerstars aswell at Sharkscope plz? It takes a second.. I wanna be really envy 🤪 Peace
  14. Have You tried breathing exercise and cold shower/bath already? Can be done in mornings or evenings.. P.S.: It is far from a “shitpost”,honest recommendation, check out “wimhofmethod”,try it for few times,may work for You as well..🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Honestly i also did not want to write to you anymore, coz your hurt feelings 😎 But life is funny and i got tempted..😊 The reason for this that i saw you play in a few cash hands, where you where just a simple joke😅, behave like a child.., bragging when u win, getting angry and run away after playing shite and lose…sry for saying🙏 K4s is in your 3bet call range in tourneys as well in CO v Blinds?? But i read that your thing is tourneys so i thought i try.. So you sayin ppl go broke with any Kx,at very late stage in mtt ;than why dont u showe on flop with top2?? Btw Axs?? Really..?Do they bluffing F,T with Ax? 😎 Also 97 beates u on turn ( u need to make full house, have 4outs for it),so… SPR is very important(in cash games specialy)how about ICM? Your play ( when u 4th and villain covers u) is good u think by it? One more plz, how could be someone exploitable on Unibet,where anyone could be anonym and no trackers aloud? I am a fish, just asking.. Peace, GL!!
  16. Could not edit: “stack sizes”and bet sizes from all the way, if you could please.. Just to see the “full picture” thx p.s: what are those” so many combos u beat” ?
  17. @Estzen Sir, Could You show from flop please with stack size as well.. Am i wrong but i see You were 4th out of 12? What was villains range in your opinion when re-raised You on the flop and showe on turn? Cheers
  18. Im too old for having idols Pinocchio.. But he is right, and u a perfect example Mr FullTime 😎
  19. I asked nicely, you could call me dumb, looser, depositor etc, etc put many laughing out there.. Simply i asked that be specific mr Bullshit, and explain you big mouth.. 😉 And finaly u got hurt feelings coz my style.. u r a JOKE
  20. I asked u on Saturday, we dont had any respect loss then., you wasting your time for making excuses, but never for answering Im not beging, in real life conversation u would maybe already…
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