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Bankroll Challenge 100€ - 1000€


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Hello hello ladies and gentlemen, ✋

I started my bankroll challenge at the end of December 2016 but I didn't post anything here because I wasn't feeling very confident about it. I started with a deposit of €100 and I played on the NL4 tables. So far I managed to take that amount up to €200.

My plan is to use a 20 buy in rule to move up a limit with a shot of 4 buy ins at that limit. If I loose the 4 buy ins I'll move back to the lower limit and try it again and again... Now I've reach the point where I will take my NL10 shot. (fingers crossed) 👍

Below is my youtube channel where I posted so far almost all of my session from UNIBET poker:It's a very simple plan to follow, I just hope to make it to the end of it. 😛


I plan to twitch my sessions in the near future here:


I'll try to update this thread as much as possible.

Good luck all! 

Bye! :Lovekiss:

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Nice Challenge.

One comment tough. Do you really think it's necessary to have 5 different aliasses on NL4 if you play multiple tables? :p

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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Thank you all for the GLs! 😃  (I really need it)

It will take a while until I'll be able to stream on twitch but I'll let you know as soon as it happens.

@VikigsAF it is just a habbit to allow villains to have as little info about me as possible. I am changing my avatars daily too for that reason especially now that I am at NL10.

BTW, I just finished my first session at NL10. I played only for around 45 minutes and mostly 4 handed and 5 handed which is odd since the player pool was of around 130 players or so. I'll post the video with my hole session on youtube this evening so if you want to take a look feel free to do it.

At least I didn't loose on my first minutes at NL10... made around 8 euros profit. 😏

Good luck all!


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For feedback it's maybe great to point out some highlights in the videos. 

So we know we're there were critical points and we can give feedback on it :) 

50 minutes is too long for me to watch trough :) sorry

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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Minute 31:25 is i teresting.

The most interesting spot happened in the same time on the upper tables when I had JJ on the left one and KQo on the right one against the same villain. I think that I should have 4beted on both tables and go with the hand preflop in which I had JJ.

What do you think?


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Overall a solid play and a good session as you made profit :cash::cash::cash:

I liked that you didn't C-bet all the time and you folded a few times when the price wasn't right 👍 , I also liked a few of your 3-bets: 45s from BB, KJ from the button... a few nice bluffs on the river too 🆒

What I think you should do more often is trap your opponents when you have a really strong hand (didn't love the 2 hands you played when you had AA and each time had sets... your bets were too big), maybe you should go more for smaller bets and give your opponents a chance to bluff you, check-call or check-raise is also an option. 

GG 👍

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind...
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@Balonas wrote:


Minute 31:25 is i teresting.

The most interesting spot happened in the same time on the upper tables when I had JJ on the left one and KQo on the right one against the same villain. I think that I should have 4beted on both tables and go with the hand preflop in which I had JJ.

What do you think?


I would have check-raised my JJ on that T-high flop but might have been a wrong move... good fold after that turn, KQo 4-bet was kinda loose but still ok- good fold to his all-in 👍

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind...
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I don't know how the villain plays normally. Is he agressive or not. Does he normally play more tight?

On the JJ table your pre-flop action was good :) You shouldn't have 4-bet imo and defenitly not shoved. JJ is for me one of the hardest pairs to play. Any A, K or Q on the board actually 'kills' you.

He shows some kind of strength pre-flop where I would give him any high pair, Tens to Aces. If it is Tens, then he beats you with the set, any of the other beats you right away. So calling here was really good. Then there comes the flop and he attacks again.

3 situations come to mind here:
- He has a high suited pair in (I would have abandoned my hand here)
- He does have a pair higher than the T himself (I would once again abandon)
- He is bluffing or has 2 overcards (Here I wouldn't really know because I don't 'know' the player)

So things that I would have done differently.
JJ wasn't that strong to slowplay with (if that was what you were doing). With that board on the flop I would have started betting myself. That way you can see how he reacts to you taking action. You made it really hard for yourself against a bluf.

It was a good fold on the turn tough :)

For the KQo I would have just called preflop. The hand isn't strong enough to 3-bet, and there is no reason for outbluffing your oponent preflop already. Calling would have given you a cheap flop (Where hitting a Q or K would give you an advantage.)

But after all it depends on how villain played the rest of the hands. 

I sometimes get against players which I really don't like playing against, because they play too crazy for me, and then I just fold anything when I see them going in to a hand. This is ofcourse not the right way to play, because that way you would get a lot less chances to play, but it's just some kind of security :)

Maybe the panda guy was like this, a crazy player. 

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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I've watched the first 15 minutes. Here are my remarks. I'm not a pro, so could be wrong about a lot of this. So consider these thoughts just as much as an attempt learn myself and get corrections on my thought process.

  • 2:25: I don't like the small cbet with 76s on that QJJ flop, and then not betting OOP on the turn. Your inviting a bet from him and can't call. If you bet the flop, you need to bet the turn as well I think, because the player calling in position has a lot of weak hands in his range (gutshot + overcard, low pocket pair, straight draw, ...) with which he can call the flop in position but has to fold on the turn. Or you don't bet the flop at all, because of the many draws or weak hands which will call, so it's not a good board to make a small one-street semibluff in a 3-way pot.
  • 5:38: I would check back on the K84 flop with K7. Board is very dry, so very likely missed the opponent. The majority of the hands that will call, are better kings that have you dominated. I would check to invite him to bluff on the turn, or hope he catches a lower pair on the turn.
  • 5:53: I would bet and double barrel with 22 in position on the 639 board. That kind of board is perfect to bluff at in position. When he calls, and the turn comes an overcard (which it does) you can bet again and at that point he's very likely to fold his overcards, third pairs, weak pocket pairs, etc.
  • 7:23: I wouldn't raise my set on the JT3 rainbow board against the button. The board is not that dangerous, and there are so many missed or weak hands in his  range, that I think you should give him another chance to barrel.
  • 10:00: SB opens, you call with 89s in the bb. Flop is 4JJ and gives you a flush draw. Sb cbets, you call, turn is A, SB checks. I think you should bet the turn here. A lot of the times this just means he's giving up, and you have a perfect hand to semibluff with. You bluffed the river instead, but that's just giving your opponent an additional chance to make a pair, and more confidence to call your bet with a weak value hand (like a weak ace or a pocket pair).
  • In general you seem to have very wide ranges in late position. I see you open K4o on the button, QTo from the cut-off, Q5o from the small-blind, 53s from the small blind. All of those hands aren't my ranges although I already have an 24% opening range from the CO, 47% from the button and 36% from the small-blind. Do you always open these, or do you tighten up is the blinds 3bet a lot? Because I often seem to end up on tables where the blinds 3bet like crazy.
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Thank you for your thoughts and opinions! 😃

2:25 with the 76s hand on QJJ board having a flush draw: I really don't like to check on that flop and take a passive line here. I just thought that I should bet here to see the regulars reaction since the last to act would be the fish if I cbet here. The size of the net it really doesn't matter unless you overbet or something strange like that. When the reg calls with the fish behind on that flop I'm done with the hand unless I turn the flush.

5:38: with K7o on flop K84r: in my opinion that guy is the fish from the table. When I hit top pair against him, for me it is bet, bet, bet until he shwos agression. 

5:53: with 22 in position on the 639r board: I just wanted to get to the river the cheapest way possible. I might have bet on turn if he didn't stab to protect my hand a little bit.

7:23: with set of 3s on JT3 rainbow board against the button: that guy seemed agressive so far so being OOP I decided to raise on that flop. I just made my raise 3x to get at least a call since the board could hit him very hard, with lots of straight draws, pairs etc. It didn't work this time. I don't say it's ok what I did, this is how I thought that hand.

10:00: SB opens, you call with 89s in the bb. Flop is 4JJ and gives you a flush draw. Sb cbets, you call, turn is A, SB checks. I think you should bet the turn here: Here again, I wanted to see all the board as cheap as possible. I didn't stab the turn because he might trap me or do it with an weak A and I really don't want to bluff him two streets in this spot. When he checks river too I was pretty sure that he doesn't have anything but I really doubt that my 9 high hand can win the pot unless I bet here as bluff.

Yes, I do play loose from late positions opening for example from BTN at least 70% of hands.

Good luck all! :Thumbsup:




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  • 2 weeks later...


Hello there,

I guess that this is the report for January 2017.  I am glad that my bankroll is at 280 euros but sad because in the last 4-5 days I couldn't win at all at the tables and by the fact that I played mostly NL4 so far.


In February I plan to play only at NL10 on 4 tables at a time. I just hope that I'll get used to the limit and make profit there as well.

Good luck all!

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Yes, with 28 buy-ins it's fine to play 10NL. As long as you don't start Nightshopping after a bad run and are willing to move down when you drop below €100 (which is quite unlikely if you play decent). The number of tables you play is totally irrelevant, whether you play 1 or 10, the variance and risk of ruin stay more or less the same (they increase just a little given that you're winrate per table drops a bit when adding more tables).

(If you don't know what I mean with Nightshoppinghttps://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/NL4-to-NL25-The-Mental-Challenge/m-p/68964#U68964)

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@MathrimC wrote:

Yes, with 28 buy-ins it's fine to play 10NL. As long as you don't start Nightshopping after a bad run and are willing to move down when you drop below €100 (which is quite unlikely if you play decent).

Yep, but in that case we don't have 28 buyins for 10NL, only 18, because we have reserved 100 bucks for the NL4. 18 buyin combinating with 4 tables is too risky for me, because your decent play can't avoid losing 2-3 buyins within a minute against coolers . Thanks for explain of the nightshopping.:laugh:

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Now that there is a new poker term named after me,  I'm dealing with mixed emotions... On the one hand I feel very honoured. Maybe I even have to quit poker now, cause this might be as good as it gets. On the other hand: I would have liked it more if nightshopping was used to express something more positive. As in:

- My hole cards were terrible all night long, but I was able to nightshop myself a nice profit!

- player 1: Yesterday was so hard... I kept on receiving bad beats for three hours! But instead of tilting my money away, I managed to keep focussed on making the right decisions.

  player 2: Waw, you did some great nightshopping there!


But I guess you get the poker term you deserve... It will be up to me to change the definition. For now, that means I'll try to quit nightshopping! It might give me some identity problems, but I'll have to deal with those. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all!

Unfortunately I didn't had to much time to play poker this month but I hope that I'll be able to put in a little bit of volume in the last 2 weeks.


At least the bankroll grew a little bit. 😃

I'll start posting new videos with my play on youtube.

Good luck all!

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