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Made claim to void bet and then reopened but kambi incorrectly stand by decision. SCAM


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I place two bets on map 1 of a game Valorant at 00:24:52 and 00:24:30. I then discover that the game has already started, my bet should therefore be voided. (https://c3-static.kambi.com/terms-and-conditions/com/paf/en_GB.pdf) I have proof of this. I have been in contact with support, they have sent it to kambi for investigation and in that investigation they declare the match is done at 01:21:38 which is about 57 minutes after I placed my bet, they reference the liquipediapage saying it started at 00:25, in turn the liqupedia page liks to another source (https://www.vlr.gg/99717/faze-clan-vs-evil-geniuses-champions-tour-north-america-stage-2-challengers-w5/?game=84032&tab=overview) where you can clearly see that the map lasted 1:02:07. I placed my two bets at pre match odds, one of them, the handicap, wouldnt even be available at in-play. Yet when I placed my bet the score was already 3-0 and per the rules I linked earlier this is a bet that sohuld be nullified. Handicap bets are usually settled later but my first bet is settled when the same is still supposed to be ongoing with 3-4 minutes left. Obvious null.

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On 6/16/2022 at 11:25 AM, cris1285 said:

You tried to cheat, is that correct?


23 hours ago, FunckyFish said:

It depends on what handicap he bet. If he bet on home team, he tried to cheat yes 😂

No I didn't, why would I intentionally take unfavourable odds?

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10 hours ago, Jami-Unibet said:

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. I've gotta take a better look at the case with the traders.

You placed a pre-match bet that had already started? 

Yes. Sorry if it's a bit messy. I have provided proof. As I wrote the trader claims the bet was settled 01:21:38 and on the source of their source (liquipedia and vlr.gg respectively, the latter linked om the gamepage of the first) you can Read that the game was played for 1:02:07 which means it started 00:19:31, if not earlier, 5 minutes before i placed My bets at pre match odds! This bet should be nullified on several accounts.

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