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Saturday 06/11/16 - PLO25.. my new home?

Sat down nice and early ready for the big Sunday grind. I always like to get the missions out the way if I have any to complete so I opened a SNG and finished off my Dealers Choice tickets. Played a 5 man, finished 5th.. standard SNG action for me 🤣. That completed a mission level so I excitedly clicked the green icon to see what my prize was.. a €2 SNG ticket :(. Clicked the new set of missions, Play a SNG one day and then an MTT the next :(. Back into the SNG arena I went with my ticket. Best way to get a a SNG mission done for me is play HU and just go all in all the time. It's not +ev but I don't really care :) The all in strategy worked this time and a tasty €3.38 hit my account 🆒

Next up on the mission completion train was the PLO showdown mission. Now the clever thing to do would have been open a PLO4 table and just take cheap flops until you win a showdown.. not for me though :) I fired up a PLO25 table and plopped down 1/8th of my BR. I was feeling confident after my big win the day before and I've got a bonus to clear so figured it would be a good idea. It was a good and a bad idea. It was a bad idea because I didn't read the mission properly and thought it was just flops instead of winning at showdown. Turns out you don't get to showdown that often at PLO25. It was a good idea because I survived and won a bawhair (that's a Scottish term) short of €20. Survived another jaunt into PLO25 unscathed.

With that done it was time to get dealt 5 pocket pairs in NLHE. In holdem I know my role, and that role is a fish at NL4, so I'm not going to play any higher than that. It felt like hours before I hit my 5th pair but I was definitely getting the good pairs. I can't remember the last pair but I got aces 3 times and tens once. They all held and produced profit. €5 profit to be exact. I ran away after that, I don't end up in profit at cash so I wasn't hanging around to donk it off.

I then played 20 MTTs and cashed 3 :( Technically it was one pure cash, one bounty haul that was enough for a profit without an actual payout ash and a money back in the SE flip. I probably should have stopped half way though as I could feel myself getting tired so I went out and got some food to try and refresh but it didn't really work. Sometimes you can feel great during a long session and sometimes you hit a wall and play terribly. I crashed into the wall hard. It was the first losing day of the month and a pretty big one, down close to €70. The final table streak is still on thought which is nice. I think I need to reel in my €10 buy-ins as they're just too detrimental to the BR just now. I think I need to be up to around €500 before I can consistently play them. There are some, like the Countdown, I can't miss but things like SE qualifiers and UO sats need to be given a miss.


Monday 07/11/16 - Missions

Had a really small session on Monday because I was DJing at night so I just did the bare minimum to complete things. The day was break even, to the cent. I won a HU SNG and in PLO4 and bubbled the first €4 Turbo that counted for the league. The final table streak is now over :( 

Just for  I'm currently 26th in the low league. I'm at least 300 points behind first place but I think it's only going to take a couple of high results to get in the mix. There are still 20 days worth of competition to go so some of the guys above me might be peaking too soon :) 

The grind continues..

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I don´t want to patronize you, but if I were you I´d let out the UO sats and the SE sats for sure. 

The only way to get "real" money back is to win the seat in the SE sat and to cash the probably toughest event on Unibet. It s kind of a longshot but in most cases your money is gone. Over the longterm you will be printing money I guess, but shortterm-wise, its a play with extreme variance. I think the €250 GTD Daily 10 might be a nice tournament for you. They ve got some slow structure, so you have some time to wait for good hands instead of the Turbo MTTs where you are forced to go all in with any playable hand sometimes. 

I am sure you will have a huge payday soon, keep grinding and you will receive 😃 ✋

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Completely agree with the UO sats, they're just not worth it at this point compared to the reward. I think I'll still play the last chance for the SE thought. It's only €5 and I'm generally pretty good at picking my spots to shove and have a fairly good track record in them.

I actually thing the dailies are a harder game than the SE. There are plenty of SE entrants that win their seats from completing missions/promos and running up the ticket so I think it's the best value to play compared to the regs playing daily. If I was going to play a €10 MTT daily it would be a bounty one so that I can maximize my ability to profit from the buy-in or at least minimise the pain.

I've got a pretty standard schedule of €4 MTTs to play nightly now for the league so it's only a matter of time before we get one of those gold trophies filled with league points 🆒

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@MoreTBC wrote:

Completely agree with the UO sats, they're just not worth it at this point compared to the reward. I think I'll still play the last chance for the SE thought. It's only €5 and I'm generally pretty good at picking my spots to shove and have a fairly good track record in them.

Right, the 5€ Sat has great value. I did qualify via a 5€ Sat the very last Sunday and cashed for 400€ iirc. The great about the 90/100€ MTTs is that you can double/triple/quadruple or even more your bankroll with just one big cash in a tourney.

I actually thing the dailies are a harder game than the SE. There are plenty of SE entrants that win their seats from completing missions/promos and running up the ticket so I think it's the best value to play compared to the regs playing daily. If I was going to play a €10 MTT daily it would be a bounty one so that I can maximize my ability to profit from the buy-in or at least minimise the pain.

Yeah, probably you are right. I forget that the SE is ticket only. The Saturday stack and the big dailys are the tournaments with the highest level of play in my opinion. "minimise the pain" , thats a good one 🤣 

I've got a pretty standard schedule of €4 MTTs to play nightly now for the league so it's only a matter of time before we get one of those gold trophies filled with league points 🆒

All the best of luck for you,would be great to play on a FT with you as soon as possible. 🆒


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@MoreTBC wrote:

Saturday 06/11/16 - PLO25.. my new home?




Had a really small session on Monday because I was DJing at night so I just did the bare minimum to complete things. The day was break even, to the cent. I won a HU SNG and in PLO4 and bubbled the first €4 Turbo that counted for the league. The final table streak is now over :( 



I´d love to read more information about your DJ career!

What kind of music do you play? Post some soundcloud links of tracks you currently play for us loyal readers :Happy: Is DJing your main income? Do you play at clubs or rather private events? Any fun stories from working in the nightlife? Any success with the ladies due to your profession :Tongue: ?


Regarding your poker stories I can really relate to your comments regarding the missions. I also feel that NL4 is the only stake where I can play profitably (NL, in PLO it may be different) and therefore I always try to complete my missions at this stake. The games at NL4 are particularly good because lots of people play with free promotional tickets or some freeroll winnings and therefore sometimes make really interesting plays.

Good luck on the tables!

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In America they would call me an 'open format' DJ I guess but I would just call myself a commercial DJ. There are basically two types of clubs in my area, ones that cater to specific genres (Techno, House etc) in the dance scene and then the 'commercial' clubs that play stuff in the charts and is/was popular to the general public. I fit into the second category, if it sounds good I'll play it.

To answer your other questions :-

  • Djing is not my main income. I consider it a hobby I'm lucky enough to get paid for. It's way too volitile a career choice for me. Somtimes it doesn't matter how good you are, it's who's ass you kiss that get's you gigs and I'm not about that life. I only do gigs I think I'm going to enjoy and have fun at. I would never want to DJ to pay the bills and feel like I was doing gigs I didn't enjoy just so I could eat.
  • I play bars and clubs only. I hate DJing functions and have only done maybe 2 in my life. I got into DJing through working in a nightclub behind the bar and then managing venues so I didn't have to do the normal DJ grind of working functions first. Knowing lots of people in the industry gave me opportunities to get my foot in the door with warmup gigs and early slots early in my career.
  • Some of the best times of my life have been nightclub related but the stories are probably on par with anyone elses drunken stories to be honest. I've met my fair share of 'celeb's and famous DJs but generally they're pretty normal. If I think of a good one I'll stick it in the blog one time :)
  • I'm pretty sure every girl I've ever gone out with, bar my first in school, has been involved in some way with the nightlife industry or DJing. Whether it's fellow bar staff/employees in the early days or, in the case of my current gf, just a customer that saw me DJing and said hello on social media you definitely have access to lots of opportunities. How many of that opportunities you take is person specific I guess. I've never been a 'player' type so I never abused the power.

Regarding Soundcloud, I actually had my account closed last year for copyright infringement. They really started clamping down on people uploading DJ mixes with copyright music in it so I can understand why they did it but it affected so many DJs in a negative way. Luckily I managed t move all my mixes over to Mixcloud before they closed it so if you're looking for some music to listen to you can find them all here :- 


I haven't put anything up in a while but I do have a live mix recorded a month or two ago sitting on my laptop that I just need to stitch together and upload at some point so I'll let you know when I do that.



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Tuesday 08/11/16 - xx25, I'll play it.

I had the day off on Tuesday so I could do some afternoon grinding. I also received my €25 ticket I won on Sam's stream from last week. Unfortunately it was a NL25 ticket :( I fully anticipated cashing that out at around the €12 mark after getting crushed by cash game bosses. I've played 76 flops of the 300 so far and the ticket sits at a whopping €103.89. I'm a cash game god! 🆒 (Edit: I have just lost KK < AA for €20 while typing this so 'god' may be a massive exaggeration). In reality, I'm a calling station and people like to bluff too much it seems :) With it not being my money I'm not scared to call down a big bet on the river so I've been catching a lot of three barrel bluffs and it's been paying off. I've also been lucky with my pairs either holding or hitting and getting paid in those spots too. There is a long way to go on the ticket so I doubt it'll end up with any profit on it but I think I have a strategy that's working just now so I'm going to stick to it and hope for the best.

I needed to clear the last day of the PLO showdown challenge so, of course, I hoped into the PLO25 arena once again full of gusto from my good run so far. I didn't record how many flops I played but I bagged another 2 buy ins and then ran away with my €50 profit into the sunset. I can't imagine I'm winning because I'm playing some end level GTO PLO so I'm putting it down to run good and I'm gonna ride the train until the wheels fall off, or I lose a buy in 🤣. Actually, with the mission completed now there isn't another PLO related one for me to do so I'll probably leave it until next month unless I get bored one day and feel like a punt.

All this high stakes (for me) cash games meant another bonus step was completed and a cool €10 was added to the BR. The last mission to complete for the day was just to play a a MTT so I entered the €10 bounty that runs early in the day. Unfortunately I finished 8th with 6 getting paid when my pair of 8's got Barry Greenstein'd against AJ. Still counts as a final table though right? Final tabled a small €10 turbo but only the top 3 got paid and I finished 5th after my A9 < KT AIPF. AxT on the flop, K on the turn :( Always frustrating to get close like that.

I had one €4 SNG ticket left so I went 1 on 1 with someone in the Unibet universe and scooped up the double up. One other final table in a €2 Turbo and a min cash in the last turbo for the league and that's it for the profit on the day. 

In regards to the MTT League I've dropped down into the 30s now. The Daily 4 and the two €4 bounties are definitely the ones I want to focus on going forward as they have the highest daily entrants. A 1st in any of them is worth around 150 points and would put me firmly in the top ten. 

Last chance freeroll for a UO trip is tonight so I'm sure I'll see you all there :)

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Wednesday 10/11/16 - Trump saves the day

Wednesday was a complete disaster. Played 8 MTTs and cashed 0. Best results was making the final table of the Community league but only 6 got paid and I finished 9th :( I finished middle of the pack in the last UO community freeroll after my K8 was just pipped by K10. There was some minor discussion in Twitch chat about it being a silly play so I thought I'd go through my thought process.

Blinds are 100/200 and I have 5500 (27 BB). I'm in the small blind and we're 6 handed. My general feeling is that the tournament is going to be softer than the Superuser freerolls because the tickets were just given out for a few likes so I expect people to be splashing about. I have K♦️ 7♣️

Villain is UTG and flats for 200, I complete and big blind checks

Flop comes 3♦️ 8♣️ K♠️.

At this point I'm feeling pretty good about my hand. I would expect Villain to raise with any decent Kx hand and the big blind has any two. Villain bets pot (600). I think at the time I thought it was 500 but either way it looked fishy to me. If you had something like AK or a set you wouldn't want to end the hand now by pot betting would you? It's about as dry a board as you can get. I felt my K was good and called. Big blind folded.

Turn is a Q♥️.

Flush draws are out the question now and the only hand with any possible chance of making a draw would be JT. I check again and villain shoves all in for close to 6K. Would you fold at this point? Would you have folded before? You can rule out aces because he didn't raise pre-flop so we're just in the same position as on the flop, would he bet so much with AK or a set? I just didn't see that happening and put him on a 3x or 8x hand.. or at worst two pair. With more hands I thought I was beating over losing too I made the call. I was almost right :) River is a blank and out we go.

After getting so close in the last Superuser freeroll I expected to not do well in this so I didn't really mind. I'm more focused on the MTT League and climbing out of the deposit hole at the moment. I'll get to a UO event eventually :)

With all the MTT busts the day looked pretty miserable profit wise. Luckily I had put some money on Trump winning when he was at 3.5 so I ended up +€ for the day. The world may be coming to an end but I've got another green cell in my spreadsheet 🆒


10/11/16 - Back on track   

The last couple of sessions have not gone well as far as the MTT league is concerned. I've had plenty of top 50% finishes but winning a point here and there just isn't going to cut it. With that in mind I decided to only play qualifying MTTs and nothing else.. well I was playing my NL25 ticket on the side but that was it.

Regarding the NL25 ticket, things went the way I expected and I ended up getting crushed and cashed out €12 with 100+ flops to go. It's the best outcome for me tbh, I was never going to end up a winning over 300 flops and it's 3 buy ins for the league which I can put to much better use.

Quick recap of all the €4 qualifying tournaments

Event 1 (Turbo) - Busto, didn't make the top 50%. Terrible start :(

Event 2 (Bounty Deepstack) - Finished 45th out of 200 in a standard AQ < AK moment

Event 3 (Bounty) - Great haul of bounties, 8 to be exact, and a min cash for a €17 ROI.

Event 4 (PLO Turbo Bounty) - Busto

Event 5 (Turbo Deepstack) - Busto

Event 6 (Daily 4)...

It's gold trophy time! 😀. Did not expect to be on the final table, let alone win it. I looked back at the hand history and about 90 minutes in I had less than starting stack so by the time it got down to the last two tables I was as surprised as anyone. I distinctly remember getting very lucky at least twice where I was way behind and got the outs I needed but after that I was playing pretty solid. The final table moved pretty quickly and we reached heads up about 3 and a half hours in. I had 90k and the chip leader had 22K so it was an uphill battle. Actually, it wasn't, it was incredibly easy. If you finished 2nd in the Daily 4 last night I apologise in advance for sounding rude but you played WAY too tight and were very easy to exploit. 


I min raised every hand I was on the button and half the hands I was in the big blind I got a walk. It was really obvious they were just waiting for a monster and then shoving so I just chipped away pre flop. Anytime we went to a flop they would C bet, I would call and they would give up and I just 2/3rds on the river and took the money. It was the dream heads up situation. It only lasted 10 minutes and ended with me calling an all in with AJ against their Q4 off(??) and holding.

I was more excited about the League points than the €170 first prize 🤣. I'm up to 12th now on the Low league, still 200+ points behind the leader, but there are stil 19 days to get another trophy or two and catch up so things are looking good :) I'm also now a 1/3rd of the way to climbing out the deposit hole so things are looking really good this month :)

Djing tonight and Saturday so no chances to get any more points until Sunday :( Next update will probably be Monday with all the weekends action.

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Friday 11/11/16

Played a €1 MTT and a SNG to complete the last level of the missions. No cashes, played a SNG with a ticket, no cash. Still somehow ended up miscalculating my BR and in correcting it had a positive day. I don't understand how and never will :)


Saturday 12/11/16

Ohh my was I hungover. Easily the worst hangover of the year and had me in bed for the majority of the day nursing my splitting headache. I only played one tournament and it was a UK players only freeroll with €500 added. There were 75 places paid and only 50 entrants so it was must play. I lay in my bed for 2 and a half hours muping and moaning about my headache while players fell by the wayside until I was the only one left :Cool:. €125 top prize and a momentary relief from the hangover pain. Much like the Daily 4 a few days earlier I was way behind the chip leader when it went heads up but I battled back to take the gold trophy.

I then got up and went to DJing feeling the worst I ever have at a gig, it wasn't fun.


Sunday 13/11/16 - The grind..

Started off the day with a glorious early bustout in a SE qualifier that I'd won a ticket for via the mission completion on Friday. There isn't really a lot to do in the early afternoons on Unibet so I went for a €10 turbo bounty and some PLO25. After the freeroll win I was feeling a little splashy. Managed to get two bounties for €9.70 in the €10 and then bubble the payouts in 7th :(. I lost just over €10 on the PLO tables but I did clear another playthrough bonus step for €15 so I class it as a win. I hit 20K points as well so I have an extra €5 bonus backed up too.

Another stone bubble in the Four for Noon when my AQ could not hold against AJ. I was starting to worry that the day may be filled with nearly cashes. I got a 10th in the afternoon €4 Bounty including 3 bounties for a buy in and a halfs profit. Did poorly in the second of the UK freerolls and won a ticket I forgot to record. At this point I was 10 MTTs in with only one cash and a  random ticket to show for it.

Things perked up a bit mid session, I got my €5 back in the SE last chance, finishing 6th, and won a SE ticket in the €10 Last chance. We were off to the big one! The league qualifiers had started too so we kicked them off with a 2nd in the first €4 Turbo for €48 and some well needed league points. Picked up a 10th in the Bounty deepstack as well for another €12 profit. The rest of the qualifiers were duds and that was the end of that.

A little word on the Sunday Entitled now. The premium weekly tournament on Unibet with the best of the best in it..

[insert screengrab of me getting beaten in a pot by 63 off-suit when the player made a 3x raise UTG and I have AQ that I forgot to put in Dropbox here]

We were only at 25/50 or 30/60 blinds at this point and there were no antes :Wow:

Anyway, I ended up finishing 19th for €0. I don't really remember a lot about it but there is definitely one hand I want to post to see peoples thoughts but I can't get any hand histories at work just now so I'll have to save it for later. The tournament ended when I missed a flush draw that crippled me and then lost A3 to a pair of 4's for my last <10BB.

I finished up the day with all the juicy €10 events, the two bounties and the Countdown. The turbo and the Countdown went terribly but the regular bounty was a different story. I was picking up heads left, right and centre, taking out 10% of the field (or 8 bounties) for about €30. Even with all that action I still managed to only finish 6th but left with a healthy €40 profit.

All in all another profitable day to the tune of €30. Nothing to write home about but it keeps the positive look of the results sheet going. It's probably slightly incorrect because I forget to put non poker things on the results page on the correct day I'm now 11-1 in Profit/Break even to losses so the run good is here. At the mid point in the month I'm up €460 and overall 50% towards clearing my deposit and getting back into the complete profit. I couldn't be happier at this point, it's been an incredible 10 days or so.

Regarding the Low league I'm currently sitting in 11th place, still 200 points behind the leader, so the 'good' results on Sunday moved me up a single position. I'm still confident I can move up a place or two with another good run in one of the Bounty events or the Daily 4, still two weeks to go :)

I've not played a full Monday in what feels like forever so I'm looking forward to the full grind tonight, I'll see you there :) 

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Monday 17/11/16 - Miracle profit

First off, I didn't get to the hand histories from the Sunday Entitled in time so I can't discuss them :( It's really frustrating considering the kind of conversation they sometimes generate (See: Tafts blog ;)). Anyway, it's something I'm going to be more active on from now on.

Let's talk about the MTT league first, I bricked all the tournaments. It really wasn't a very good day on that front. I expect I've got 30 results that will count by now so top 50% results are pointless at this point. I'm now down to 16th and the leader is over 400 points ahead so things are looking bleak for a gold trophy. It's roughly 4 1st place finishes in the big field events so as confident as I feel about my play just now variance says that's not going to happen. I estimate I have 21 tournaments left that would get me decent enough points (3x €4 with big fields x days I can play, Mon, Wed-Thur, Sun) so I'd have to become a micro stakes Fedor Holz to reach the podium.

I made my first decent run in the Jackpot Holdem tourneys in a very, very long time on Monday. I'm a dreamer so at one point I was sitting 1st and 8th and thinking of ways to spend the €3K bonus win. It of course didn't happen as I bubbled the €1 one and finished 5th in the €4 one. These tournaments generate big player fields (255 and 132 respectively) which is great to see for a promotion that isn't really talked about much. I remember PS doing a whole month of the same promo idea and people really seemed to love it. It might just be as simple as players seeing the word 'Jackpot' and becoming moths to the flame though :)

The Butler league was was the same as it always is, a disappointment :( One final table for a min cash and the other two were just outside the paid positions. I had 2x €2 MTT tickets so overall they turned out to be a profitable play. I got 8 bounties in total so came out with €7.50 in profit and the pain of being a point or two off placing in the league.

Finished the day with the 2 €10 bounties, one was a bust and the other was a stone bubble in 7th with no bounties in either :(

My results page HERE was showing a profit for the day but I've just had a look at it and I made a booboo in the formula so I've corrected it now and I lost €8 :(


Wednesday 16/11/16 - League, Smeage

Day off on Tuesday so I was looking forward to a full grind on Wednesday. Unfortunately I slept terribly on Tuesday night and was completely shattered. I do not play well when I'm tired at all. The results confirmed that as I bricked all the league qualifying tourneys in glorious fashion. The only saving grace was the last €10 Turbo bounty of the day (which doesn't count for the mid league) where I finished 4th and got a couple bounties to soften the blow. Another losing day but only by €10.


Shoiuld get all the €4 events in tonight and then I probably won't play till Sunday as I'm DJing all weekend. Let's hope I can pick up some decent points tonight :Angel:


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So the poker client appears to be having a strop so I know what you all need.. and inexplicably long blog post! 🆒

Thursday 17/11/16 - I'll never learn

Decided to go home for lunch from work on Thursday and played a little PLO25 while I ate my chicken sandwich. I lost about €7, not too bad for an hour. I also late regged a €1 Hyper deepstack (or speed deep as they call them) that was at level 17 or something silly and aggro'd my way to a 5th place finish which paid for lunch.

Post work I jobbed everything. It was the first day of the desktop client being wonky so I tried the web beta for a session. It's horrible for multi-tabling and it's even worse if you want to keep track of things like entrants that I do. Every time you went back to the lobby table action would pull you back and you never had time to record anything. Luckily I managed to get into the desktop client on a break but it didn't change much. I played terribly and made no runs at all.

To top the night off my casino exclusion ran out on Thursday so I thought I'd try and recoup some of my slots losses based on the theory that I'd put enough money in, it was due me a win. After losing £150+ I decided to reapply my exclusion and throw my theory in the bin :laugh:. More poker hard work undone by the ease of clicking auto spin and a desire to see what bonus features do on slots I've never played before. Profit is still healthy for the month so it wasn't that painful a loss but it's still a horrible blip to see on the results page. It was all so green before that.


Saturday 19/11/16 - The run bad is real

Saturday was spent being punished by the poker gods for wasting valuable poker tokens on silly slots. Played 7 MTTs and cashed absolutely nothing. Closest I got was a 5th in a €10 turbo where the top 3 got paid. Saturday went in the bin.


Sunday 20/11/16 - Hit or Miss

Late start on Sunday for me, had to do boring real world stuff like clean the flat and get food. *checks results* That's not strictly true, I got up and busted a few early turbos before doing the IRL stuff. Sat down about 5pm ready for another session of trying to improve on the Low League. 

Things started off well, 4th place in the first turbo of the day. €28 profit and anotehr healthy results for the leaderboard. I tried to get into the SE on the side and managed to win my buy in back in the €5 last chance and €10 flip so no harm done there.Failed miserably at the Bounty deepstack but followed that with another 4th in the early bounty. The rest of the league qualifiers were busts so only 2 points scores for Sunday. Ran terribly for the rest of the night, including AQ getting beat twice in the space of 30 seconds on two tables to runner runner flushes and straights, to end the day €4 down.

Some good came from the day though, I remembered to record a few hands to discuss :)



This was early in the day during the Four for Noon. Blinds are a measly 20/40 and the action went as follows:-

3x limpers for 40, Villain (SB) min raises to 80.

I call and go set mining. All the limpers come along. 

Flop comes down as above, everyone checks. Turn is a 5, I do a small dance. Villain checks, I bet 3/4 pot (300), everyone folds apart from the villain who calls.

River is a safe looking 3. No flush draws and only 24 gets a straight. Villain checks again so I bet 3/4 pot again, villain makes it 1500. What do you do?

Lots of things to consider here. He was the preflop raiser, although a min raise, but checked the flop. He's called turn and then check raised river which certainly looks like he's holding a full house of some sort. I'm being beaten by AA, A9, A5, A3 and 99 and I'm beating all other Ax hands and two pair hands. I rule out AA and 99 pretty quick because I would expect more than a min raise when you've already seen 3 limpers preflop with those holdings, I'm blocking A5 so I'm left with two possible hands that beat me. I think at a higher buy in I would have considered folding a lot more but at €4 I think you just have to go for it. Ultimately it worked and they showed A7. Great start :)

Now for hand two.


Another hand from early in a MTT, this time a €10 turbo. Blinds are again 20/40. Here's the action :-

UTG with Aces I raise to 2.5x. 3 callers including villain, the small and big blind.

Flop is ugly. Small blind thinks it's so ugly that he open folds :Rofl:. Big blind checks and I put in a feeler bet of 110 into the 360 pot. Villain raises to 300 and it folds round to me. I call.

Turn is a useless J. I check and the villain bets half pot. What do you do?

I folded and hated every minute of it. Villain was UTG+1 so I fully expect him the have a K of some sort in his hand. There is a possibility he check-raised on the flop with a flush draw but I am blocking that by having the ace so it would have needed to be QJ or something similar. I just couldn't find enough hands I beat. In retrospect I maybe should have 3x'd that early in the MTT. 

There we go then, some hands to mull over. I'll be back playing on Tuesday as I'm DJing tonight. Got the Twitch subs freeroll to look forward to and another crack at the Low league. Forgot to mention I moved into 17th place after the weekend so there is still plenty of work to do. 

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Tuesday 22/11/16 - A day of two halves

So this is a new one for me. I'm writing this bit on Tuesday afternoon as I played some this morning and then I'll write tonight's action tomorrow and post it then. Not done this before, it feels a bit strange 🤣

Had to get up this morning to take my gf to a job interview so I had about 2 hours to kill before work and obviously there was only one choice.. play some poker!

It's slim pickings at 10am so I only had a few choices. Choice 1 was a €10 Turbo Deepstack that was at level 8 already. Even with only 2 hours to play the turnouts are not very big so I fully expected it to be wrapped up before 12. If you get up early enough for these things make sure and check out the late reg tourneys first. There was 30 entrants in this MTT and late reg ended when we were down to the final 10 or something like that. If you can get a quick double up with 10 left you're hourly rate in these things could be great. Anyway, we hit the final table of 6 right on the break at 11am. Everyone was at roughly the same 10-20BB stack size with one chip leader way ahead. Break time is a perfect time for a pee and a bagel I thought, so off I went. Toasting the bagel took a little longer than expected so when I sat down I had missed the first hand after the break. Squinting at the screen to try and see the virtually transparent cards I was met with every poker players worst nightmare.. auto-folding a good hand. Not quite aces, but the next best thing, kings! I had 10 or 11 BB so it would have been the perfect hand to shove and potentially double up on. Action folded round so I didn't even see a Ace high flop to make myself feel a little better :( A couple of hands later I pick up AJ and shove AIPF. Big stack in the big blind calls with A4 and I'm punished for taking too long to spread butter on a bagel. Min cashed for €8 or something like that.

While all that was going on I aso played a €4 PLO deepstack that was already in progress. Busted that when all the chips when in on a flop where I had nut straight only for the villain to river a flush. Last one to play was a €10 Turbo Bounty. I knew this wouldn't take long to play so it was an easy play. Ran pretty bad and busted without a bounty.

I still had well over half an hour before I had to get ready for work so I thought I'd play a little cash PLO. My go to game now is obviously PLO25 😉 but there were only 6 players so I'd have to sit in a queue if I wanted to do that. I did what no BRM following player would do and sat down at PLO50 instead. I figured I'd get some early bird points as there was only 2 players and I could min buy in and basically pretend I'm playing PLO25. I lasted about 12 flops and lost a full buy in 🤣. I check back on both of my busting hands and I was flipping and ahead preflop so I'm calling it run bad :) 

*Insert much time here, 48 hours or so*

... and I'm back! It's Thursday now so let's see what I can remember from 2 days ago.

I forgot to mention I played 2 heads up €1SNG in the morning and bricked both. I was just mucking about and shoving all in with most hands. Let's call it PLO tilt 🤣

The evening session started as they always do this month, with the 2 €4 bounty MTTs. I play these all the time anyway, regardless of the promo league running, and they always provide entertainment. Unfortunately we did not cash either and got no bounties to boot :( The PLO Bounty was much more 'bountiful' as we finished 3rd and collected 2 scalps. I'm going to start recording a few more PLO hands because I'm a fish at the game and need help :) I love playing it, I'm just not very good.

The Daily 4 always provided the play of the day. I was knocked out in a 3-way AIPF where I shoved for less than 10BB with 99, was called by KK and then a third player with the biggest stack felt J4 suited was the nuts and called. You already can guess who won.

The first twitch subscribers freeroll (which I am calling the subroll) was on Tuesday and, as always with community based events, was a lot of fun. It's always good to have the people you're playing in chat to needle and talk to about plays and action. Anyone who reads this probably already knows I shipped the gold trophy and the glory so I won't go into much detail about it. I picked up a double knockout early on which pretty much set me up to play big stack poker for the rest of the tourney. 

I did want to talk about a situation that happened when we were 3 handed. I had Mynona to my right and MathrimC to my left, it had been this way all final table.  Mynona had shoved on me several times on the FT when were blind on blind and I never had anything to defend. I mentioned this in twitch chat after it happened on two orbits in a row when there were still plenty of players left on the FT and was kindly informed the shoves were not light. Luukpoker had just been eliminated and we had played a few hands 3 handed when I was shoved on again. It felt like the 6th time in about twenty minutes and I'd had enough! I have QT off and called. Mynona had 88! There was a Q on the flop, it held and then I was heads up. Jonny mentioned in chat that he thought it was a bad call considering how tight Mynoma was playing and I agreed but didn't justify why I did it so here is my justification :)

Firstly, I levelled myself. I was openly given information on the type of hands Mynoma was shoving with and decided that by doing this it created a tight image that would allow for lighter shoves later on. I was wrong about that. It also meant I just didn't believe that every shove was with a good holding and the Q10 was the first time I had anything I could defend with. Turns out it was 53%/47% so I wasn't even that far behind. Lastly, I kinda felt bad. I've only been a sub for a month and a half and at that point I was guaranteed €40 cash and I had €55 of tickets from bounties already. If I lost, I really didn't mind. It's not really my money to win in the first place :Smirk:.  

Anyway, the poker gods were being nice and that was that. €100 for first, 1x €25 MTT ticket, 2x €10 MTT tickets, 2x €10UO tickets and €2x SE sat tickets was the final haul. I dusted off the €10 tickets on the two late bounties and won nothing, including losing AQ < J2 in one of them :Disappointed:. Overall, it's back on the winning track though with €40 profit for the day and plenty of tickets to play with now. 

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I can assure you every shove i made was legit :)  and i made those shoves because i felt like you bet often on flop and later streets even without having a hand, or very lightly. Me being very nitty, i notice peole have a tendency to "play" me very much so i try to defend as i can :)

Congrats on the win on both days :)

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Wednesday 25/11/16 - Big wins and Beta clients

It's now Friday morning as I write this. I was adamant I was going to write Wednesday's blog yesterday so I had the full rage of using the beta client in my head but unfortunately work and life got in the way and I couldn't. I then used it last night again and was even more annoyed at it than on Wednesday so the onslaught of abuse is actually going to be even worse now 😠

Let's get the poker out the way first. I played the usual batch of MTT league events with mixed success. Claimed a single bounty in the Deepstack but finished out the money, Gained another 3 scalps in the early bounty and was knocked out with QT on a Q58 board where the villain soul read the deck and called my all in with AJ and went runner runner for a straight :wow:. The other 3 were all early busts so no points for the board :(. I finished 5th in the Community league game, just missing out on the money, but getting some good points. I played the 2 €10 bounties at the end of the night but only managed a single bounty and no cashes. Not really the best of days.

I did play one other event however, the €25 Bounty. I knew the only real chance I had of turning the €25 ticket I won in the Subroll on Tuesday into actual money was to play a bounty and hope for a head or two. Well I took 7, including my own, and the gold trophy for finishing first 🆒. I remember very little about it because I was so tilted by the beta client I was just clicking buttons and not really paying attention. €280+ of profit I did pay attention to. That wipes out the earlier in the month slots mishap and puts me back into the +500 region for the month. I cleared 25k points too so that was another €5 in the bank. A successful day 👍

So.. the client. I, like everyone else, was really excited to get this thing installed and take a look around. I expected it would be very similar to the web one but they've had some extra time to polish the desktop one and it's the main means for play for the majority of players, I assume, so it should be pretty much ready to go. I installed it on my work PC during lunch, clicked the icon to start it, got an error. Closed it, reopened it, and reached the lobby. I put it down to a little server overload with everyone logging in for the first time. Went to the MTT lobby, picked a running MTT so I could see what the tables looked like, saw a bug. The text between the name of the tourney and the ID overlaps. That took me less than 30 seconds to find. If I can find it in 30 seconds, the closed beta guys could have found it in 30 seconds, the staff could have found it in 30 seconds, Relax could have found it in 30 seconds. The most important person that could have found it? A new player.

I'm probably being naive about how the whole process of how building a new client works but from the outside it doesn't look like it's going very well. I'm not going to go into a) the bugs I've found so far and b) the backwards steps the new version has taken compared to 1.0 because this blog isn't really the place for them and the two two text files I've got on my laptop desktop with my input to a and b could pass for a dissertation so they'll need to be separate posts anyway :geek:. At one point last night during an MTT the number above raise said 240 and when I clicked raise 160 chips appeared on the table... :wow:. It happened more than once too!

I do not know how big or active the closed beta was (i've heard rumours) but it looks from here that either it wasn't very active, or the bugs are not being cleared very quickly. My understanding is that there were some regulatory issues preventing some territories entering the closed beta, which is fine, but I think a larger and more public player base should have at least been able to look at the client way before the point we're at now. Dummy accounts with no money in them and no way of depositing could have been used to at least look at the visuals/layouts to provide feedback. I would have been quite happy to take part in play money or €0 with no prize MTTs to test the software and I know other players would have too. I understand Unibet has been stuck between a rock and hard place the last few months because everyone wants to get away from Adobe Air as soon as possible and get the new client out but having used it for the last two sessions it feel like 1.0 MK2, not 2.0, which isn't a good.

I really hope they don't push 2.0 on the Dec 1st and leave the original client usable for the foreseeable future because it isn't a stable release just now and I don't think it's good to have the entire player base using a beta client for the next few months :sad:. I believe the mailshot has already gone out telling everyone about the release (an email I didn't get 😏) so it's probably too late, unless they can change the installer to not delete 1.0, and give people the option to choose.

I suppose I just disgruntled that, as a customer, I've been under the impression that the new client would be better.. and it's not. I hope it will be in the future but when you have active, regular players wanting to install the old, buggy client in order to play something has gone wrong along the line. I believe Unibet will end up being the one of, if not the best place for players to play poker on the internet and although it seems like I always moan about things it's because I want them to achieve that. It's in my best interests for it to happen. Bigger prizepools, better promotions, more game types.. these are all things that help me. I've, along with other players, tried whenever possible to provide constructive criticism/bug reports about the client, nothing appears to be happening, and it's frustrating. I just want it to be really good!

This could all probably look just an over inflation of self worth on my part. A feeling of entitlement with being on the community from the start that my opinions should be looked at or matter more (They don't.). There probably is a little of that to be honest but it's coming from a history of providing honest options to try and improve the product. From the first day I made my first deposit I've been in the 2+2 thread requesting things and asking questions. Don't get me wrong, I'm rarely right about things, and the staff know a lot more about how things should work than I do but we've been provided a soapbox so i'm going to use it whenever I feel it's appropriate :)

I feel clensed now 👼. I'll post the bugs and critique of the client over the weekend, I want to get more screenshots and playing time in before the final moan ;). I suggest everyone tries the beta, just to see i've I'm talking nonsense if nothing else :). It's a decent % of the way there and there are some good additions tbh, it's really not all bad. I'll probably type out last nights action this afternoon and then we'll be all up to date.. lovely :)



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, I wasn't suggesting you intentionally tried to deceive me, I've just watched too much TV poker where they talk about setting up a tight image to use to your advantage later. I was basically reading into it too much.

, when I talk about profit in the blog I mean MTT cash - buyin. The cash was €18 but I have a column in my results sheet that shows actual profit so I just use that normally. As for the BBs in the Subroll, I'm not actually sure. I think everyone was less than 20 at that point. It wasn't a long term profitable move I admit but I was feeling gambly 🆒

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@ Hand.

I think the percent was ok against Mynonas actual but against her entire range i think you would be a bit worse, 88 is more than likely at the lower end of hands shes shoving.


I also agree that the new client is just not looking ready, The graphics look like "we will just stick it there for now till we get time to do it proper" .

If the cosmetic side doesn't seem finished it gives a lot of concern on in what state the actual mechanics of the software are in.

Really hoping you can delay the release of the new client and find a way for us professional moaners to rip it to shreds and find as many bugs as possible before full release.

Me  and  could probably be convinced to go on an expenses paid trip for a month to a country that lets us play, to find all them bugs :)


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You can exchange UO tickets again all is unicorns and rainbows in Unibet land.
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