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Michael vs villain


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@Michael-Unibet was practicing his poker skills tonight and a hand came up against a villain of the worst kind(snap calls 3bets preflop). Both him and I would love to hear what you guys would do on the turn :)

The game is 6 handed NL50, Villain is UTG and @Michael-Unibet is in the worst position imaginable sitting in the small blind, with an off suit AhKc - both about 100bb stack.

Villian makes it 1.50, Michael pops to 5.00 - villain snaps.

Flop:  5h3h3c - Michael bets 4.25 - villain calls.

Turn: King of spades 

How does @Michael-Unibet  make the most money in this spot?

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VS UTG open I would have flatted AK out of the blinds, but as played on turn i would have shoved :)

There's about 19 euros in the pot on the turn, and Michael has like 2 pot sized bets left behind, I want to charge the villian for draws, and also make our hand look a bit bluffy too, let him call with straight or flush draws (if he's a fish), or hero call with a hand like QQ,JJ,TT imo! so would have shoved the turn I think. 



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Bigger pre out of position (6-6.50), especially against said villain. Turn can either be a check/call, check/jam or bet. Villains range is likely Ax which will fold to a bet, Kx which will call the turn or call a check/jam, some flush draws which likely aren't folding to a bet and some pairs 44-TT which will probably only call 1 more street.


Given villains range is so varied I think all of the options will have similar EVs but for the sake of ease it's probably best to just barrel it off here.

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A raise from utg is supposed to be showing strength so I would call from the small blind to under represent my hand or go a bigger 3 bet to start with, at least €6. The snap call is not a problem, villain is either on auto pilot, hardly considering his hand, or snap calling to show you how strong he is, but with AA or KK he would have probably 4 bet. I'm not checking the turn hoping for a bet, if I think I'm ahead I want money in the pot, so it's at least a pot sized bet, call if he jams or all in on the river if he just calls. You've not actually said if villain is snap calling regularly or this was the first time, but I don't think I would play it any differently in either case.

Edit: snap calls 3 bets, so he has done it before. I'm still not worried unless he's been showing up with the goods regularly in those cases. 😃

"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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@Brocky wrote:

Bigger pre out of position (6-6.50), especially against said villain. Turn can either be a check/call, check/jam or bet. Villains range is likely Ax which will fold to a bet, Kx which will call the turn or call a check/jam, some flush draws which likely aren't folding to a bet and some pairs 44-TT which will probably only call 1 more street.


Given villains range is so varied I think all of the options will have similar EVs but for the sake of ease it's probably best to just barrel it off here.


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@Argevolen wrote:

@Brocky wrote:

Bigger pre out of position (6-6.50), especially against said villain. Turn can either be a check/call, check/jam or bet. Villains range is likely Ax which will fold to a bet, Kx which will call the turn or call a check/jam, some flush draws which likely aren't folding to a bet and some pairs 44-TT which will probably only call 1 more street.


Given villains range is so varied I think all of the options will have similar EVs but for the sake of ease it's probably best to just barrel it off here.


You haven’t adapted the range for villain.  



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