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Blocked withdrawal and I'm worried!


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Hi to all, i won 2000 euros and when i wanted to put them in account they blok my account to be checked and from that point is 2 weeks and a half and they did not give me an update with that transactions after i send all documents and i had numerous chat talk that is not possible to blok my money and telling me that i need just to wait and wait. Apparantly they keep me more then a week and a half because i send the money on my wife s skrill acount cause i deposited from there also,but i had a widrawall of 500 euros exactly the same and they did not had any problem,is just now cause the amount is just good to block and to not give any answer,and know a guy from chat Liam just disconect me because i said cause i don t whant to wait anymore. carefful guys with your money to not end like me.

Edit by Jeppe-Unibet: Edited headline on request of OP.

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Most people know not to withdraw money to accounts on other names than their own. It's very standard procedure to verify people's identities in these cases to prevent money laundering, cheating, collusion, ban evasion etc, on every licenced gambling site. Of course there are some that don't know which leads to cases like this. 

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Hi @bau , and welcome to the community ,

Think you are looking at this situation from a wrong perspective.And you should consider yourself lucky getting that first payment of €500 from a withdraw account not registered on your name. And if it happend, it is wrong to consider that you can do it again.

Most likely the reason behind that it is beacuse it's not allowed to use a payment method that is not on your name,  and in your wife's , in this case.

This is one of the basic rules of almost every betting site: to deposit and withdraw with a payment method registered in your name.

Some of the Unibet's T&C :

4.6.3 An Account Holder must not allow third parties to use his Unibet Account to make deposits to or withdrawals from his Unibet Account.

4.6.1 An Account Holder is only allowed to:

a. make deposits to his Unibet Account with his personal Card or via his personal account created with one of the Financial Institutions or their licensees;
b. request withdrawals of funds held on his Unibet Account to his personal account created with one of the Financial Institutions or their licensees.
All deposits and withdrawals need to be made via a payment method registered in your name.

Breaching this account usage rule may result in complications recovering your funds, and even account suspension.

"When things are bad, it's the best time to reinvent yourself"
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Hi,my account is not suspended because i send all my documents and they verified but after i spoke with them at phone and telling them that i m sorry about this problem that i did not know that i cant widraw like that they just say me every 2 days that i need to wait 2 days and nothing s happening.  I said to them that this will not hapen again know that i know this. Have a good one


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@bau wrote:

Hi,my account is not suspended because i send all my documents and they verified but after i spoke with them at phone and telling them that i m sorry about this problem that i did not know that i cant widraw like that they just say me every 2 days that i need to wait 2 days and nothing s happening.  I said to them that this will not hapen again know that i know this. Have a good one


@bau Sorry if there's been any confusion, I understand it's frustrating to be told something will happen within a few days and then it doesn't. I checked some of the that's though, and to be fair I think we've been consitent in saying that it's going to take longer since we realized that an account other than your was involved for the transactions. It's great you've let us know that it won't happen again and we have no objective other than to sort it out, but since it did happen all the documents and the case itself has to be handled by a specific part of the Player Safety Team - I hope it makes sense, do feel free to let us know if you feel it's taking an unreasonable time from now :)


Former Community Manager
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Hi,the thing is that after i send the id and proof of address they verified my account in few hours,but after the nightmare start,they asked for skrill screenshot,after some days they asked another screenshot with skrill to see if the skrill acount is checked,after one week somebody call me and said that 2 days this will be sort it out,after 3 days i spoke with somebody on chat and said that in 2 days will be sort it out and now is 4 days from that spot and when i tryed to speak with someone on chat a sorten Liam just sad that i need to wait and disconect me. I am aware that i made a mistake but this is not customer service...have a good one
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@bau ! 

Strongly not agree with you and what you saying! Fist of topic name, they didn't stole anything from you, but probably you stole from your wife 500£ okay you returned luckily! Second you cheated already from beginning, deposit from different person account! And now you not happy chap?!?! If unibet place I would close you account and all your money put in charity! Probably you have a lot fake accounts to trying get £££ because if you deposit 500 you are not a beginner!!! 

Give you advice - wait for answer from @JeppeL and be happy with result! 


Have a nice day! 


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Marekss,first off all my account is not fake and why to deposit and risk to end up in my situation insted to put in my account direcly? if y know that is not allowd we would not have this discussion,the title is a question that i have in mind cause nobody seems to give an answer on chat and i waited already 2 weeks and a half. And if you are such a good person you can give now some money to charity that you earned not that i have earned. have a nice day also
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@bau wrote:

Marekss,first off all my account is not fake and why to deposit and risk to end up in my situation insted to put in my account direcly? if y know that is not allowd we would not have this discussion,the title is a question that i have in mind cause nobody seems to give an answer on chat and i waited already 2 weeks and a half. And if you are such a good person you can give now some money to charity that you earned not that i have earned. have a nice day also

@bau if you know we not aloud deposit money from other person account we would not have this conversation at all!! I know sometimes online chat isn't work so fast how we want but trust me Jeppe will sort out everything for you and definitely will come to you with answer! 

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It can be frustrating when things don't go as smoothly as we would like but its a procedure that's been used to protect you not defraud you .If you logged into your account one day and £2000 had disappeared from your account and withdrawn to an account not in your name you would say Unibet are at fault for not protecting you more and authorizing the transaction . Prevention better than the cure

___S_N_O_R_T_E_D__ /
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stinkingshop,i was a nice understanding guy and i did not have enything with the procedure and like i said was my mistake at first,but when somebody says that will sort it up asap and after 2 weeks and a half you still go to speak with someone on chat and they disconect you how do you feel?
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@bau It happens when you aren't informed. So now be a man and wait. That's why i highly recommend you actually read the "help section" at least once, so you have an idea how things work. Because mostly all the legal gambling sites operate on the same concept. And i assume you don't want more hiccups moving forward. Have a nice day. :Peace:


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I would feel the same as you do but  ask yourself the question " why  would they do this to you ?"  If you can give a reason and explain why ? then i will support you cause 100% . let us say there was a magic wand and i waved it about and resolved all your problems so now you can withdraw anytime . You will still have to wait 5-7 for your bank to process it . you wouldn't contact the bank and say what taking so long , you would just wait for it to clear ... ..you are not the victim of any crime and you will get everything owed to you .. it just takes time 

___S_N_O_R_T_E_D__ /
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@bau wrote:

stinkingshop,i was a nice understanding guy and i did not have enything with the procedure and like i said was my mistake at first,but when somebody says that will sort it up asap and after 2 weeks and a half you still go to speak with someone on chat and they disconect you how do you feel?

@bau About the Skrill document: Could you please try and click "MyNewAccount" on your Skrill page and send us a screenshot from there. It should both contain your personal details and the fact that your Skrill account is in fact verified. The Player Safety team is requesting this document where all the information is visible. If you email that to contact@unibetcommunity.com within long, I'll add it to the case and see if we can have it looked at fast as possible. @RayL and I are both in London at the moment though going back to Malta tonight, just so you know if we don't update anything right away. 

As for the chat you had earlier today: I do agree that it shouldn't have been closed without you getting a chance to respond in the end and I'll take that feedback forward, but I also have to defend the agent a bit as he did give you the most relevant and true information he had at the moment, that "Whatever time scale you may have been told originally changed, once it was noticed that you breached our terms and condtions by using 3rd party payment methods.  Since then, we have informed you that this may take several days.  I cannot keep repeating the same thing, sorry.  As soon as we have an update for you, we will contact you via emai.  I wish you a good day in the meantime".


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