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Posts posted by EatMoreNaga

  1. @L-Oharra wrote:

    Yea obviously not but it happened a few times in short time now, particularly on unibet.

    I don't think the odds are great if you deal 2 random cards out of 2 decks and you catch the exact same...

    But yea it's not impossible ofc.

    This is common occurence. Maybe you have played just two weeks?

    There are 1326 different starting hands. When playing two tables you therefore have 1/1326 chances of getting the same hand in the other table in each deal. Multitabling for a couple hours will give you 100% chances.

    Take a screenshot everytime you see these "coincidences" and save them in a folder. After a week or two you will grow tired of it and learn how much to trust your memory in issues of probabilities.

    • Like 1
  2. You must be a pain in the ass as a customer.

    You're like 50 years old? Time to do some personal development for you. And try to think the receiver of your message.

    You can sort them by the starting time and use filters to limit stakes. Sounds like you have all the satellites and stakes visible at the same time.

    • Like 4

  3. @Lucky7levin wrote:

    @LivertoolI've literally just played a Unibet freeroll. Folded 1st three hands then dealt KQ suited in the small blind, shoved all in, got one caller. Up against A4 offsuit. Flop comes A-4-X. Any solver will tell you my shove was the optimal percentage play and A4 offsuit should not be random calling, having only limping into the pot originally. But solvers won't help anyone at Unibet if your shoving against an opponent that calls with any 2 cards and always hitting the flop. Look past all the glitzy advertising and realise that casino & poker sites aren't as big as you'd think regarding human resources/employees. Gambling licencing is a total farce.

    You play NL4 and tournaments at 0 - 1 € buyins and use solvers? Usually people learn the basics first, use more "primitive" tools and only turn to solvers when they've advanced  to higher levels and have starting to stall in their learning. Lay off the fancy solvers and learn the basics. You clearly do not crasp the basics of even donkey tournaments.

    Do you realize your hourly will be like 3 cents if you play freerolls according to the solver strategy, as you will then be playing a lot of tournaments for hours that do not reach the money? There is a reason people shove at the beginning to get a stack with a meaningful chance of getting money worth the playtime.

    You need solver strategy as a defensive baseline approach at levels where significant amount your opponents/regs use it too. At the lowest levels you do not worry about anyone exploiting you if you do not have J6s in your range 4.46% of the time.



    • Like 4
  4. @Dr_Yevskij wrote:

    Pls, check this player out. Never seen anyone run so good.

    Firs time for everything. Can you estimate for how many hands you have observed this player?

    An what do you precisely imply? That he is a superuser? In that case it would be a moot point to ask the Unibet to investigate their own behaviour. That leaves the only logical implication; he is a hacker that has found a way to print money at the lowest possible stakes. Does that really sound very plausible?

    @Dr_Yevskij wrote:

     staying in pots where any good player folds.

    I'd be more suspicious when this does not happen at the PLO4. When most of the opponents play three cards, it does not require out of the ordinary runs to "crush".

  5. @freerol wrote:

    Tournament, its minimum value of money is 1 chip. The rest of the units do not exist. This confuses the players at the table. Sometimes it is difficult to accept this and for example to read the pot odds. Please arrange the game according to the tournament rules.

    You count the odds to the fourth decimal?

    The tournament rules followed by the Unibet are Unibet's rules. I haven't cheked, but I'm pretty sure they go by their own rules.


    @freerol wrote:

    This can be determined by the casino program, for example, in a situation with a higher kicker. One chip is irrelevant if the starting big blind is 30 chips.

    If one chip is irrevelant then why are you counting fractional chips into the pot odds and making an issue out of it? Just disregard the decimals as irrevelant and look at the whole numbers only.


    • Like 2
  6. HexaPro has minimum multiplier of 1.5 and winning one out of two in a threeway game sounds pretty good. I think that's around the minimum for a spinngo winner. Winning two out of one is even better. Just try to bare through the variance and you'll be printing money.



  7. The SuperQualifier to MilkyWay 5 tix showed rebuy button even when I had over 3000 chips and the starting stack was 1000. When getting the addon I got the rebuy dialog first. Player knowing he is over the starting stack and waiting for the addon might accidentally buy the rebuy.

  8. I'm very curious about from what country do these poor freeroll beggers come from? How can you afford to use a computer / cellphones or do you use a library computer? How much do you profit from stupid megafield freerolls per year and what does it buy in your home village?
    • Like 1

  9. @MadAdo wrote:

    @prepa222  you are welcome with your 'story' but you should beware how odds looks like (pre-flop):


    Seeing that nothing "special" happen in your case. If you stack-off with just Ax, you should maybe waiting for an aces instead 👍

    Furthermore pre-flop raise to 12k seems like blind-steal attempt (you leave no information about precise blinds level) ... if he bet 12k pre-flop are you expecting that he should ever FOLD to your additional 7k raise ? Me not to be honest ...


    Stacks are similar to the first picture where the blinds are 250. That's a 48 bb open for one third of his stack. That tells everything needed about the player. It's a five euro bounty, not some 250 € FT. He covers the OP, who has double the starting bounty. No math needed; of course he is going to call with everything he considers a good hand to open 48 bbs.

    Thinking hackers can hide the bounty and influence the board runout tells that the OP is not the sharpest tool in the box.

    • Like 3
  10. Short answer: use the WINE instructions. It works, if it works.

    I used to use WINE some time ago, but the Unibet client got updated and some DX or OpenGL stuff was not implemented in WINE so the graphics were garbled. WINE is developed mainly to run games, so there is a chance this area has been improved or a bug report might get someone interested in coding it.

    I just tried to run WINE, but got nothing visual. I've forgotten how to poke WINE and have no interest in playing with command line, so I cannot say what's currently the true situation. There ain't much to try except to change the WIN version.

  11. @Patric-Unibet wrote:

    Guys and girls,

    the general rule is: If you didn't get an invite/password, it's not a tournament for you to participate.

    So it is a waste of time for you to ask for a password, as it won't be published.


    They cannot speak english.

    They have keywords (freeroll, password, ticket etc.) in a notepad and short replies to copy paste.

    • Like 2
  12. I'm too lazy right now to make a bug report or search if this has been mentioned. It's about the "waiting for other tables" bug.


    Twice I've seen in the 10€ Asteroid that that the message comes again after orbit or two has been played in the final table and it stays when we are on a break. Asteroid is usually 1 - 2 left to money when at the FT. I have not seen it come up so late in other tournaments. Maybe here is a clue to find it?

  13. Because there are poor people at the lower buyins who get psychological satisfaction in deriding players they think suck, even though they themselves aren't extactly some shining execptions in the field. This can be seen on sites where the chat is allowed. Unibet tries to cater to these recreational players, not to some wnb who thinks using the word donk or fish makes him any better.


    And what other types of players there are than real players? How does the chat help in that issue?

    • Like 3
  14. 800 hands is nothing in poker and days are meaningless quantity. Of course you can make calculations how much you win in a day, but how many times something happens in a day is not proper thinking and will not guide you to become better player. When you say something happens all the time, this tells you have emotional approach. I'd make a suggestion here is your problem and not in Unibets RNG.

    Play only what amount you can comfortably play with and lose.


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  15. If english is not your first language then you can use free translators. Both Bing and Google have one.

    There are two strong words in the sentence which make it clear not to bother asking the password. It is very clear not a case of "ask for the password and get in". You know when you're invited to something. That's what the word means. "Exclusively" means people with out an invitation are excluded from the tournament i.e. left out.

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