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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by Pionrj

  1. This is probably the most talked subject of this forum. And you are asking wrong question like most of the players who faces bad beats. Right questions are; Are you playing enough games to hit the top of the variance? Or do you play with the right stakes compared to your bankroll? When you are questioning the math skills of your opponents, you should do some work to improve your knowledge too. It seems that you are getting it in with ev+ and that's basically enough. All you need is volume. And I guess you don't have it, when you have time to write of few bad beats.
  2. @Stubbe-UnibetThis totally was the case at least on PLO10 while I was playing few hours week or two ago. People joining with 50bb and moving chips away after winning more than 30bb. There certainly was more than one guy doing this. I just decided to wasting time in there. You should just do the same as in Banzai that you have to join with the sam stack you left the table.
  3. @niiiiilo You should loosen up that tinfoil hat of yours. When Unibet had the Hexapro campaign I had close to 20 games loosing streak at worst. Longest winning streak was maybe 5 games and in total I think I made some profit of them. I only grinded for a few days because it's just super exhausting game to play 4-5 tables same time. But, even tho spins/Hexapro has been my least played game on any site I'd say that the variance has been the biggest compared to the volume. One bad beat on a table meens you're out, but getting lucky once doesn't give you the win when you're playing 3-way and stacks are so short from the beginning that anything can happen. These games are much more luck based than any other when there's more fun players jamming every K-high on PF. I suggest you to stop playing these or studying more this format before going in.
  4. And I thought it was a 5€ ticket Thank you.
  5. @Andy-UnibetOk. You can also find it from the VOD on Ians own channel. It's raffeled 5:30:00 in there on mondays stream. Couldn't link it for some reason.
  6. @Stubbe-UnibetFirst of all, thanks from the latest. The bet was voided in the end and got my money back. Still don't know what happened, but it doesn't matter that much. My new question is about the ticket I won from Ians stream on monday. I just checked and tonight is a satellite for the 25€ homegame on monday but still haven't received the ticket. Can I expect to get mine before the satellite starts?
  7. And this case has been solved for good and this was probably my last bet made on Unibet. As Unibet takes no responsability of the bug or what ever it is. There is not even any explanation what happened. All I got was "the bet has settled and the decission is final". It was not a huge bet and that's not the problem. Again they promised to contact me via email. Didn't get one. I thought I made a different bet that was in my coupon when I checked it after the game had already ended. Instead there was a totally brainless (brainless by the half of Unibet) bet which probably would not have standed if it would have gone right. And to be honest, I'd take that bet which went wrong 100 times out of 99, but I definitely would not come here to cry about it if it went wrong. All in all. This is again one of the "only on Unibet". Everything takes way too long. No real explanations are given. And anything you say has really no weight on the matter. Feels like anything you ever too on their site, you should be screenshotin/-recording it to show that things went how you tell them. Otherwise you are just gonna get run over by them.
  8. @Stubbe-Unibet No this is not. This is the most appropriate answer I've seen in a long time on this site. And explains a lot too. I'll just wait for another day or two and contact cs again. Thanks.
  9. @FunckyFish I've been following your case and have to say, I'm surprised how they can be so silent so long. Even tho there the problem seems to be more complicated. Even more disturbing is that some days all the "Unibet" tagged people in community has time to go and throw poop all over the place but when there's someone having a real problem all we get is "we are not bots over here, you know".
  10. Hmmm.. Over 48 hours gone. I even contacted customer service after this happened. They promised to email me when it's solved and nothing yet. Should be trivial af but Unibet can't handle this case in a reasonable time. Even tho it's weekend, I'd expect someone to take a look because anyone would realise that this is totally stupid and there's been some kind of bug or something.
  11. Hey! I made a bet on ence-Young Ninjas game. Regular odds were about 1,25 to ence and of course a bigger odd to Young Ninjas. I didn't think that Ence would loose it but thought it would be close so I decided to place a bet +4,5 rounds for Young Ninjas. I just went back to check it and thinking I won it but was pretty surprised when there was "lost ence +4,5 rounds". Like wtf? Ence was a huge favorite and that kind of bet would never even excist with 1,75 odds. @ReCorpH
  12. You guys can't be serious. I was here ysterday reading about this been cancelled and decided that no reason for me to play today any longer. Maybe 30-60min after you announce this and credit tickets. You couldn't arrange it on wednesday, thursday or next weeks tuesday?
  13. @GR1ZZL3R Yes. That was the pattern I was thinking of trying out. Raked ones was heavily -ev yesterday so if you keep on flipping in the 2€ ones, you're probably going to break even or loose a little. But all in all, starting from 2c flips you could get some value.
  14. @GR1ZZL3R So there has to be overlay in some flip tournaments. That's something I've thought every now and then but still haven't had energy to track those tourneys. And raked flip tourneys needs to have a huge overlay to be profitable in a long run and yesterday I checked those and didn't find a single raked tourney with overlay. I' m not really fan of lottery so zero ev flips I won't even consider.
  15. Just out of curiosity @FunckyFish. Have you tracked your winnings-BINs? Have those been worthy to you? I don't know if I've ever register in a single one with real money.
  16. @SCOBY Yes. Same situation there and I kind of understand that there's no "rules" for the loosing hands in a tournament which us based on luck only. But still I don't think it should be this way. Let's say this kind of tournament happens 2-3 times per day. FunkyFish registers them for 14 days in a row. FunkyFish has the 2nd best hand once a day and sits next to button. Still RNG is against him every time and he ends up being last. 40c BIN lost 42 times resulting 16,80€ negative for his bakroll in stead of getting 22,40€ back from those tourneys and a 5,80€ positive result for his bankroll. I know that these are really small amount of moneys and when Unibet doesn't rake those tourneys they don't probably have any motivation to make this system even look fair. Although, Stubbes argument will be that it is already fair when it's totally random. It just doesn't look that way.
  17. @Pickleman @Livertool Here is the seat order. Duvan77 had the button. So, SCOBY was as far away of the button as he could be. 3 players between him and button on both sides.
  18. @Livertool In this case that can't be the case. This tournament had only this one hand played at this table. I at least hope that in other flip tournaments which are deeper it's based on that like in other poker tournaments.
  19. @FunckyFish Even tho these are based only on luck, I don't think that this is the right way to share tickets/prizes. There was 3 tables in that tournament so there could have been even a straightflush which didn't get a ticket if someone else had a bigger straightflush. Waiting for @Stubbe-Unibet to give his opinion about this. I already know that he thinks this is all fine and no need to make any changes. I just want to hear the logic behind it.
  20. @SCOBY That's quite clear. And I'm not being salty here. I was not even close to having good enough hand. I just feel that having 5th best hand at the table is not really worth a price. Unibet has tens or hundreds flip tournaments in a day. Some people register in those with their deposited money. Don't you think that this should be fair? If you loose to pair of fives with two pairs just because someone had a straight, it's kind of stupid. And I brought this up only because I think it's clearly unfair. Not for me, because I don't loose anything to these tourneys.
  21. First of all, those are bad because I never win anything of them. Although I reg them only with free tickets or tickets from challenges etc. Second of all, it's broken indeed. I won a 40cent ticket from Livertools freeroll. I was not surprised when I didn't win anything. But, I went to see hands which were dealt after I looked at the tournament lobby to see winners. Can someone explain in any logical way, how in earth is SCOBY the one to get the last cash from there?
  22. @Stubbe-Unibet Here's one of those guys. Timed out with out time bank three times in and never sat out.
  23. @Livertool This is something that I've noticed too. I'm pretty sure that they just close the table for 20-30 seconds and then open it again. If this is what @Argevolen meant before, it's a real problem. Players stalling with out loosing their time bank should be against the rules too. But I hope, that Unibet will react to it if you just report these people.
  24. @Argevolen I play a lot of MTTs on many sites. On Unibet only a few every now and then. But I really don't get what is this exsessive time banking? Could you please explain me. It has to be something that happens only on Unibet. On other sites about 90% of short stack players stall close to bubble or a money jump. Basically this means that no one gets a real advantage of it. So it's just part of tournament poker. You have to deal with it.
  25. Sounds like the Ratholing just hit you hard? Slowrolling or tanking might be annoying but widely used by MTT players on every server. Ratholing in other hand is blocked by majority of the Poker rooms. So I'd say that you have to come up with a better excuse. There is a huge difference between: - The technical blocking of the possibility of ratholing - The possibility of getting your account banned at any time if your actions are perceived as ratholing. I don't know of any poker rooms that take this approach to dealing with the issue of rotolining. Perhaps you can tell me at least one? I haven't received an email about ratholing. I would never specifically do something like that in a regular game. But when I'm wagering cash tickets my actions could easily be perceived as ratholing. Such a solution brings me more risks and inconvenience than benefit. If anyone likes it, no problem. But then don't complain... I'm not sure, what is the question you wanted an answer? But just for example, GG&PartyPoker has it on their rules, that players who do this will be first warned then banned. UPoker uses CT, which doesn't let winning players to leave the table with their stacks before the time has gone. Timer is different on different tables but usually it's something between 10-30 minutes.
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