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Group: 72
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Everything posted by Dennis__

  1. @Stubbe-Unibet thanks! One question, it says rake free on 50s + 100s on the promo page, however in the original post it said 25s+ are rakefree. Could you clarify?
  2. @CuteRaven well before my grind then
  3. nice what 5man stakes did you play? Didn´t see you at the tables
  4. added another 100€ to the loss. I just can´t realize any equity, if I even have any to start with. It´s a bit depressing. On the other side, there are still many fish in the games, the regs seem very ABC and I am quite certain I have an edge over them in <25 BB play and I am playing with the 600€ welcome bonus (due to living in a different country then when I originally registered with Unibet). Combined with the normal cashback that puts the effective rake at about 1% at 25s and less at 50s+. I don´t see how I could not be profitable in these games. Still sucks.
  5. Why do I only see this now? Will be looking to play next time
  6. I must have been Ted Bundy in a previous life, as otherwise I just don´t understand why I deserve this. 25s to 100s today. The games were a bit regheavier but the fish were still plentiful. Lots of random plays but I just can´t win. The result? -640€, was almost -800€ but thankfully I managed to win at least the very last game
  7. played my way back to about -15€. So many mistakes again, like in these ICM spots:
  8. it´s usually both xD your screenname + avatar gave me a strange dejavu but couldn´t figure out it was you
  9. @CuteRaven how dare you just bust me like that:happy:
  10. tiny update I played a short session mainly on another site to fulfill the weekly volume, only got two 25s running on Unibet and won them both! So I am now at -25€ Will be back tonight at 11 UK time
  11. didn´t count but only played a few games so far.
  12. @CuteRaven That´s what I thought and it is indeed an easy jam against a minraise. The problem here is that he is a recreational and he 4xed, which in my experience usually means they have a medium/decendish hand and just want to commit themself. I ran the same simulation but adjusted his calling range to much more than what ICMIZER has it. Here are the results. the question is how accurate this is. This has him calling some J8s and Q6s stuff which I have definitely seem from recreationals. I folded
  13. @Groggy I used to do that and it works well as long as I run reasonably close to EV, however I get nervous when I lose a lot. Is the loss 100€ or 800€? If it´s the latter I prefer to just know that. I guess it´s a certain (probably unjustified) fear of getting the "insufficient funds" notice when registering a 25 one day🤣 As for short term results, I have played well over 20.000 SNGs this year alone so I am well aware that the 40 or so games on Unibet are meaningless in terms of samplesize, but after so many games with a rather disappointing performance and seemingly no real upswings I just can´t help but get annoyed when I drop once again. I doubt that anyone here would react any different Edit: I played 2200 SNGs at the 25€ Buyin level earlier this year and ended up exactly breakeven, so it´s not just these 40 games
  14. What an amazing session! I sat 25s+ again with no 100s running. The roll went up 250€! I couldn´t believe my luck. That was until the cancer run started. There are so many bad players but whenever it´s flipping time I end up looking into a dominating hand or lose a flip. I lost 400€ these last few hours with only one 2nd place in a 25 and busting everything else. I am 140€ down from the original deposit. Very disappointing😠 It´s so frustrating because the games are soooo sooooo soft but I just can´t make any money on them.
  15. I call the JJ. GTO is a call for sure. But do villains have enough bluffs here? Quite possibly not. However I am not folding without a history. That being said, if you had a history with that player and knew he never bluffs in that spot you could make an exploitive fold. The problem with that is that you in return become ultra exploitive, although that might not be of any importance.
  16. I sat 25s+ today, though no 100s fired off. Started out really badly again, then I had a little swing and then it got bad again. The roll is back to the original deposit, could be worse. One thing I do regret though is not playing here in such a long time. The games are ever so soft, some seem to be completely void of regs (could be wrong about that of course) and some people 4bet jam 65o as if it were the 1s. It´s fun to play
  17. actually, after seeing this I think a decent/bad reg can have a nice winrate with the effectively negative rake during the promotion. But things might change, maybe some good regs will be attracted from elsewhere (I hope not😃)
  18. I put 2000€ into the account. I really hope I don´t have to recharge. I played 11 games today at 25s and 50s and I was pleasantly shocked by the level of play. I will give one example: this basically happened on every table! Despite this I just couldn´t materialize anything and losing most of my flips I ended the day a little over 100€ down. I really don´t need this to resume where it ended several months ago.
  19. Is there any specific reason why you can´t see how many people are actively playing SNGs at any given time in the lobby? It seems you can only see how many people are sitting them.
  20. Will the prize distribution from the SNG leaderboard be released soon? I am dying of curiosity :)
  21. @CuteRaven I have been studying 6 max hyper spots all year. 5 max with the same payout is basically the same thing. I still don´t think I am great at the format. Of course I don´t know how soft the games will be but getting to a reasonable level in 2 weeks is rather unrealistic in my opinion @LeVsKaRa thanks. Definitely looking forward to the start of the promotion
  22. Given the new SNG promotion I have decided that I will switch some of my action back here. A rival site has announced a great promotion at the same time, so my decision has been as follows: double volume for the next 6 weeks, then taking rest of the year off!! Sounds crazy, probably is, we´ll see. I think it is only fair if I don´t talk about the rival site so this thread will probably remain silent until the promotion starts on 5th October. After that I will try to give daily updates. Cheers
  23. I believe 100 days are up. Time for an update?
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