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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by jerry

  1. Ive seen last few last matches of Aston Villa and guys...this is just dreadful, shambolic football. They seem to not be able to string two passes in the row. The feeeling at Villa is that Stevie G. is out now or after todays Fulham match. IMO there is amazing chance that Fulham will win this match at 3,00 odd. Nothing written in stone though, Villa have good players and they could wake up. Fulham seem allright so far, more than capable of beating Villa. My bet is win Fulham and i even will try -1 -2 for a sendoff for Stevie.
  2. Great promo guys. This was really fun to play. Got a feeling i would end up better aliining any2 Some heaters ive seen were outrageous.
  3. 29% New schedule means scrapping tournaments like Shooting Star? That one at 0:45 is probably gone for hyper at 1cet?
  4. Same here. Its little tilting so im not playin now
  5. Somehow client let me in for now. I would unregister tobe safe from that 50e supermoon but unfortunately the ticket will expiry. So maybe things will be back to normal.
  6. Unable to identify your location at my end. Which is highly unfortunate cause im already registered to 50e supermoon at 21cet
  7. So today i received the message that i have free spins on Dream Drop Vault in bingo lobby, but when i open the slot no spins. Who or WHAT is messing with me
  8. Yeah, to get scratchcard for 13 there was some task to do. But for today[14] i got another one. One spin in great investigations
  9. That 2e victory didnt went unnnoticed. No scratchcard for me today. Maybe tomorrow
  10. Thanks man. Was late for 11th bingo card, but 12th gave me whooping 2e, which is 2e more than last promo gave me
  11. Finns are quite good at family movies from some gossip site This A++ lister from another country drunkenly made out with this A+ list mostly movie actor when he visited her country. Sanna Marin/Brad Pitt
  12. band from Denmark cant say enough how freakingly good this song is
  13. End date on the client was 27 2cet. Was all but sure that its ending on sunday so i did use my flips but also was sure you could use your flips on monday. Likely chat is on fire from complaints
  14. that was real great time i had today Stratosphere would mean ITM
  15. No Schalke reaction? Said it once that aufstieg happen too fast, too soon. Another season in 2nd buli would be much better for trying to assemble competitive team. Now i hear Schalke is losing first team central defender to Milan for measly 5mln. Its def too soon but i feel there is a chance Schalke can pull a Greuther this season. Dortmund with another mediocre display but with Modeste goal. Hertha should have at least not lose, they could even pull a Werder in the end. Bayern lost points but that really was a freak accident [Sommer had like 19 saves] and judging from the form of teams in buli they could go for record points/goal this season. On another hand one of the biggest polish hopefulls J.Kaminski from Wolfsburg changed at the halbzeit with yet another very bad game. Language barrier, Kovacball, whatever the reason, he just doesnt click at all with team at the moment. Some clubs are just bad for player development and i think Wolfsburg is high on the list. Shame cause this guy could be better than Blaszczykowski.
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