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Group: 72
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Everything posted by VikingsAF

  1. I don't know exactly, because I don't play roulette. But from what I read Lightning roulette is a special version, where the pc chooses 5 random numbers for you. Maybe this has something to do with your issue? I'm just guessing ofcourse
  2. I think it'll be good to bookmark this topic :p As people will tend to post it here when it's live :p
  3. Does Unibet have an API which I can use for my script to notice me when the freeroll pops up? :p
  4. Hey @EatMoreNaga The things is that the one in the first week shouldn't have run either :) Because they accidentially did they also created a small freeroll to cover for the ticket :) The issue now is that the challenge didn't disappear after week one if you didn't finish it then, so some players completed it this week (like me)... To cover for that mistake they needed to add another freeroll aswell :) This is ofcourse good aswell for the players who just forgot to use their ticket in the first week tough
  5. @MathrimC it seems you got featured as first player on the list :p
  6. @RayL You should click on top of the textfield on HTML and there you should replace: "<" by "<" ">" by ">" It will be the fastest by copy pasting it in aword doc or so and then find and replace
  7. Somehow the iFrame didn't change to the video player :/ @RayL
  8. "The most lively topic is the topic with the most important information" This is a true representation of that :p
  9. @RedHotChiliP the history can be checked of what was there :p It's important that the forum stays clean :p
  10. "Do not realize that people will volunteer to pull themselves down on level and associate themselves with various clowns who have "President" in front of their name ..." That's what google Translate said ;) @RedHotChiliP
  11. @RedHotChiliP could you place your comment in English please :D I don't understand Norwegian :)
  12. Nice, don't know Krav. Is it similar to some other kind of 'more known' art? :) Actually I already thought many times of learning some art (Kung Fu was the original idea), because I have these concentration problems, which I feel could be controlled by that kind of training :) (Also I am really interested in Eastern Culture and their way of living, because for the concentration only I could do some other, easier stuff :p) Is that true? Or am I completely wrong?
  13. @Merenitsu I think the clock of your PC is wrong again ;) The MTT is already playing for an hour @Leo-Unibet I think these progressive level games have their reg close to early tough :) Maybe make the starting stack somewhat deeper, so you can keep it open for a bit longer. (Let the late reg end after the 6 min levels are over, so that it's turbo durning late reg and more slow afterwards)
  14. @123 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jW24DzkZbPGX01mkMF3_Yc7H8zQdvuMYyFS0DlBAqbg/edit?usp=sharing This document has been created by someone from the community some time ago (I think @MathrimC, but am not sure) It will give you a rough estimation of the target times
  15. @XY I think you could figure it out by checking the GTD's :) Divide it by the BI and you'll get their estimation :) @FeelsBadMan But I was actually very confident in what I said :p. But then it came to my mind that you would be the last one to not be up-to-date with that, so it made me doubt (I think I combined the 1500 with the 700 from the high leaderboard or so, creating an illusion :D)
  16. @FeelsBadMan Check the promo page ;) The prize for the first place in the overall leaderboard is 1700. And I understand, so that's why I corrected by saying 'They can choose between package and 1700' :) edit: It seems I read wrong... Or something has changed, but it's indeed 1500 for first and not 1700. My bad
  17. Also @Leo-Unibet wouldn't it be cool if the first player got a UO package as prize? It's 300 euro more which you could skimm from somewhere else or just add :D I don't know if everyone thinks like that, but in my opinion that looks way more attractive. (and in the end i think it's also more value for unibet.) Or even better. Let the winner choose between 1700 euro or the package :D
  18. Just a few toughts - The high leaderboard offers as many places paid as the nan which seems odd to me, as the nano will probably get way more runners. Also the top prize of the high is barely 3 times more than the nano, although you need to pay 100 times more for some. (higher top prize for high leaderboard and less places paid would be more interesting imo. Or lower top prize for nano and more places paid. The lowest prize at high is 30% of the ME where for the nano that's 1500%) - The formula also seems to be in favor of the lower stakes imo. As a 100 Bi only gets 3 times more points as a 50c one. (assuming they would have the same field, which they won't) using an extra multiplier for the level could help 1x for nano, 2 for low and 2,5x for high But you won't hear me complaining as I will be mainly playing the low stakes :D
  19. @FeelsBadMan altough Unibet overall has fewer big dogs, they matter more since the GTD's are lower imo. For games that have 2 seats GTD there are defenitly 2 or 3 regs (at least). I speak of regs, because I don't say they are the best players, and maybe they would be under my skill level, but they have the experience on how to play this sort of games on Unibet. This really does give them the edge against starters. And where they wouldn't normally stay on the lower levels (and give new players to try stuff out ) they do keep playing on the lower levels here (Just because they have those tickets spare)
  20. Indeed @jonny2192 exchanging leads to players being able to keep playing the target tournament from a small (?) investment. The only two negatives I see are - Series like UO and UK have regs that keep exchanging and keep winning. New players could get scared of this. (I, for example, am scared of starting to grind sats because I know it will cost me a major investment to get to that healthy BR and since these big dogs are there ther seems to be no place for me...) - It takes some time before new players get to that point they can start playing continously, so it causes some undersaturation
  21. @Leo-Unibet I finally had some time to go trough the excel sheet with games. Some remarks - !!!!!5.000 starting stack on the main? Isn't that way too few? Certainly to get it running for 2 days. I would think a stack of 20.000 to 50.000 would be more appropriate (With 12 minute levels players would buy-in with less than 10 BB after less than 3 hours.) That way reg could be open way longer, re-entry lasts longer and that all resulting in a bigger playerpool (and no overlay) - The shedule is set ofcourse, but I just wanted to say that I'm a bit sad to see no more OMAHA in the last 5 days. - Otherwise it looks very nice, only I got the feeling it lacks a bit of variation... Following games could have spiced everything up a bit maybe: Varying bounties (75/25-25/75-0/100 and maybe even a game with set bounties and no progressive bounties), a tryout with fewer handed play (4 or maybe even 3 or 2, altough 3 and 2 needs a really really good table balancing system), some mashing up of the formats (ante-bounty, bounty/re-entry (?software), mix games (?software), ...), ... but these are all sugestions ofcourse :)
  22. @Leo-Unibet As pirahn mentioned, i thinktittwould be cool to have the UOS qualifiers use the same concept as the events itself. As in 'all tickets can be used' Also what keeps me from playing the qualifiers right now is that I can't get some UOS roll from a few euros :) I know the point is to get as much fresh money in the circuit, but making it possible to break down tickets would also increase playerpool and reduce overlays. This works with other qualifiers, why wouldn't it work here I guess :D Or is this possible already?
  23. How will the additional leader board be divided? And how will the points be earned for this? (like how significant is it to play as many mtts as possible?) This because it could be an investment to start playing, but I can play far from all the events :) But I suppose that will all be mentioned on the web page?
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