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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by MadAdo

  1. @Unluckypunch than it seems to be a mistake. As far as I can remember there have been 25€ freerolls hosted where rewards were: 6*4€ Cash Game tickets + 1*1€ MTT ... so maybe only just a wrong setup? @Leo-Unibet or we are gwtting into foolish April joke here? @Stubbe-Unibet
  2. @Unluckypunch if we are talking about CASH GAME TICKET (exactly) everything below 2€ seems to be useless (as of now). If it is either Banzai, Sit&Go or HexaPRO or even MTT ticket that is the different story. So can you provide exact information or screenshot from your personal stash to complete the story, please :geek:
  3. @Big_Boy NorocDeRoman just figuring out due to my Sherlock Holmes abilities ... :happyshy:
  4. I will gladly give my both hands available. Chip & chair, please!
  5. Q: ligtning MTT mode ? A: after 3 hours of battling somewhat A-B-C game ... I should deserve much more for sure: Loosing chip-lead nearly before bubble. Final table costs me a LOT of money/value this time :dissatisfied:: Get bigger piece of a cake next time!
  6. Q: There is no such a question right now :happyshy:
  7. @ProMode93 good luck with your challenge , but what about activating your Windows dude, finally!
  8. Q: Are you confident with your game ? A: YES, sometimes I feel very-very good, example follows (hitting dream on FLOP): ... and that is it! Don't celebrate way too early, play until river-rat :Geek: Awaiting April foolish month :Cheeky:
  9. Q: Do you like money ? A: whenever goes 'right' way ... don't say NO, please :cash:
  10. Q: Did you have your daily portion today ? A: I seems hungry: + angry because I managed to miss-fold favourite KK from UTG and you know ... K came on quite dry flop and guys inflate the pot to the SKY!!!
  11. Error 521 Ray ID: 5797420909e6d8a9 • 2020-03-25 08:28:21 UTC Web server is down
  12. I think it is kind of map @Merenitsu
  13. Q: are you confident with who you are ? A: when you don't swear and moan about 'rigged' and 'variance' you should be well-rewarded (long term horizont only!) Also beat your ego and admit that you should maybe not always playing A-game -> that also can help you escape from ugly down-swing ... maybe applicable on nano-stakes only :speechless: - such winning for me is like for @Brocky taking down several (5-7) HU 200€ in a row -> we both call it 'a day'! :cash:
  14. Q: AIPF worth it ? When you nearly "not need it - but it comes to the "rescue" :Cash: ":
  15. A: ... sometimes, the POKER is thing you love soo much :inlove: edit: ... + sometimes, it is also self-played, sometimes ... you can't be soo LUCKY gey :geek:
  16. @GR1ZZL3R you played last friday (due to the post in your thread here)! How can be CG ticket expired within 1-2 days ??? I don't get it ... sorry :scared:
  17. Q: can you dodge the bullets :wow: ? A: it works (but sometimes only!) ...
  18. @Brocky feel you man! Just think that some alcohol should also do the job - if not the case, you should better try more next time :happyshy: Hope that things go right way soon, you deserve some heater I would (and few of us as well) like to see graphs than cards fading your way ... good luck @Brocky thinking how can I help you -> got NEW advice much way golden than yesterday :speechless: ... just try SEX - that will works for sure -> own (not only) experience
  19. Q: you swear that you won't play freerolls anymore ? A: don't remember that one (playing less than 1 per day in average) ... waiting for Make us proud all year long :cash:
  20. @Brocky feel you man! Just think that some alcohol should also do the job - if not the case, you should better try more next time :happyshy: Hope that things go right way soon, you deserve some heater I would (and few of us as well) like to see graphs than cards fading your way ... good luck
  21. Q: What is your advice to all of Unibet players ? A: Play your game, do not swear and respect each other :inlove: ... FUN must be there otherwise you won't see joy of a game.
  22. Q: how fishy Unibet's pool seems to be ? A: I have quite no idea, but in context of last week's 'screenshots' I should admit, that I must be ONE of them!!! :puking: Run as bad as manage to receive DT but seems like another "DT" ticket on it's way -> lost exactly 1/2 of my "last" CG ... run somehow bad but played even worse :geek: On the 'bright' side:
  23. Q: Do you want offend pool on Unibet ? A: NO. Why may I do it so ... what do you think about it ?
  24. Q: Why 'exactly' do you like Unibet soo much ? A: because of PLAYA like this: EDIT: @Stubbe-Unibet BUG spotted: 'action' hand history did not showing correct/accurate information ... this was purely 4c WAR
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