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Group: Flush
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Everything posted by SkilfulPoker

  1. Hey @P0kerM0nk thanks appreciate the feedback, will keep an eye on the 3bet sizing!
  2. Hey @GamesDean thanks alot for your feedback. Intetesting to hear your ideas about bet sizing on flop in #1 you make some great points, thank you! And hand #2 also, was helpful to hear the shove should be player dependent, and you make a really excellent point that I shouldn't shove because later streets are difficult but to protect equity vs some players! If a spot is difficult to play, guess I just need to get better at playing it! Thans Dean!
  3. Hey just back for end of session. Pleased to say it went pretty well on the whole. I was pleased with my play. Here's a fun spot that came up early in the session, this was first pot I won of the 50nl campaign, so thought I'd record it for prosperity 🆒 And here's another spot... this one I'd like your thoughts on! What do you think here? What would you have done? Really interested to hear your thoughts on both, no matter if you think you are right or not! Finished at midnight on the dot, as I had planned, even though I lost a fairly big pot a few hands before, pleased with the discipline :) Bankroll:
  4. Hey guys so I deposited my planned £250 , I also did some studying. I'm going right back to basics, and have started looking at some strategy about range construction the last hour or so. I'm not going to learn all this in a day or two, and so am in for the long haul. Had a bit of a disaster with my chair today! I bought a replacement hydraulic for it because it was not staying up very long (it's over a year old and was only cheap when I bought it so can't complain)... anyway as I was taking the old hydraulic out, it broke... then I had to go get a new chair today! Got it... assembled it and it was damanged... had to replace that! Finally got there in the end here is the new chair :) So I can get my session in now, and play in some comfort. My old chair was trashed! The back had no support and it didn't go very high! Those notes on the table are my notes on basic range theory I was just studying. Balance start of session: I'm going to play for 2 hours, until midnight 😃 Will report back later how it went!
  5. What up guys. So it's the weekend. I've decied to jump back into poker sooner than I was originally planning a week or so ago. So I've reset my deposit limit yesterday, and upped it to £350 a month. Which means I can deposit another £250 this month. So I'm going to deposit £250, tonight, then play 50NL and might play an MTT or two also. I'll be back here in about 8 hours when I start playing, to update at start of session and end of session with results. P/L of challenge so far is £-97.46 So let's see if we can turn that around! In meantime I am going to see if I can find some content from anyone playing 50nl or 100nl to see if I can pick up anything and generally get myself in the right frame of mind for what will be a very important next phase of the challenge with just about 6 stacks, at 50nl!
  6. HAHAHA this is very funny. So did everyone just copy Pysco's name as he suggested the tournamnet. lol. Must have been a bit distracting for pysco to play, if he did enter this 🤣 Edit: p.s. please tell me psyco's cat won.
  7. Thanks @HardGain I will check them out! For SNG's / Spin N Go's I reccomend OP-Poker (their spin n go course is really great too) https://www.twitch.tv/op_poker/ Does anyone know any good cash players that stream? I'm looking to eventually be able to beat 100nl online for a decent winrate, am going to start back at 25nl in a few weeks... and would like to watch some good players in the meantime!
  8. Hey Guys, I am going to start watching Twitch to improve my game, and I was wondering who the best streamers are currently for learning how to beat the games? I'm not just talking about Unibet, can be any site really. I am playing on Unibet, but we can learn from any player I guess that is streaming their play and explaining their thought process. I'm on the lookout for good streamers who are beating their games and explain their thoughts well. So less interested in entertainment value, and more interested in players that are highly skilled, beating their game, and watchable! In these Categories: Cash MTTs SNGs So if you know any player in any of the above categories that is good, can you post their name and a link to their stream? I used to enjoy watching Uhlen play cash at 400nl, but seems he hasn't posted in a while, his website is full of spam at the moment too, so guess Uhlen's stopped streaming? So anyway guys.. go ahead share your thoughts for who is worth watching in the above categories please! Hopefully if enough people chime in, this will be a useful resource for anyone in 2021 on the lookout for some instructional content to watch to improve their game.
  9. Yes that looks kind of not nice =( especially as they were tournaments, and your life is on the line! This is where a tracker would be handy, it's much better Unibet doesn't have them all in all I think, but In spots like this I guess it would be nice to pull up all times you had top pair on the turn, all in on the turn, best hand, and how often you won. Might make you feel a bit better I guess! How regularly do you play by the way? in a week for example how many sessions do you put in? Good luck at the tables!
  10. Hi guys.. session didn't go very well... got 6 euros and in the hexapro's then lost a stack at 4nl. Entered a 10 euro 5man lost that... then entered a 10 euro mtt and lost that! bankroll I ended up doing exactly what I didn't want to be doing as well in this challenge which is playing the micros! So new rule going forward... From now on I'm not playing anything less than 25 euro games. Bet that cash, MTT or SNG! Current P/L Invest 100 euros Loss 98 euros. I'll be back in a couple of weeks to re-deposit (as I set a deposit limit of 100 euro a month to keep things sensible) Until next time!
  11. _______________________________________________ So here we go for another twilight hour session! Starting Bankroll... Going to head over the 2 euro Hexapro's will report back after the session to let you know how it went!
  12. How did the hand end? Someone getting lucky with 42s? Very close! Big blind turned up with 62o :)
  13. Thanks alot guys and thanks for compliment on voice ha, wasn't expecting that! 🤣 Really interesting what you all said and I like the reasoning, seems everyone is agreed I should have raised pre-flop also, so that's what I'll do next time for sure. Thank you!
  14. Update... Cut the session short as got off to a bit of a whacking, and dropped 3 stacks within about 40 minutes. Not a great deal in poker but a fair bit of the bankroll, so decided to call it a day for today and come back fresh next time :) Played the hexapro ticket and won (3 euros), then played 1 more hexapro and lost. Here's the balance update: and here's a hand from the session I thought I'd share with you guys, what are your thoughts? Cheers, until next time. Good luck at the tables!
  15. Nice win freedom, good luck with your blog mate
  16. " I never had anything. I'm stupid. But at the same time smart. The 4 sentences cannot explain everything." @Merenitsu you phrase made me laugh because it seems impossible which is also stupid, but that would be smart =) I like your blog and reading your progress, you are doing good :)
  17. Hey all just gone 2am here, and about to fire up next session of the blog. Here's where we're starting at: So 29 euros, 1 Hexagon ticket and I also got 100 points in the shop I'll exchange into a 1 euro ticket. Things going ok guys at the moment with life. Looking to make some more progress with my poker slowly but surely. Hey it's not a race right, all that matters is we get to the finish line whatever that may be for us. I don't really know what my finish line is for the time being with poker, so I'll need to start thinking about that. But for now what I want to make sure of is I enjoy playing, bankroll don't go pop, and my game is improving. Game improving shouldn't be too hard as I haven't played regularly for so long. For this session I have a simple strategy goal which is to stick to preflop opening rules I've made for opening, 3bettting, and playing vs 3bets. Playing to set opening ranges and not adjusting isn't ideal but it's a solid approach and as long as ranges are good will profit at 4nl I'm sure. It will also help me to get comfortable playing again more regularly. So it's 2am. I'm going to play for 2 hours and stop at 4.10am. I'll be 6 tabling today, but might tame it back if I feel myself getting lost on the tables. I'm also going to be checking out people's blogs if I don't feel too pressured at the tables. I realise this isn't maximising EV at the tables... but It is helping me with my goal of enjoying playing reading what everyone else is up to, the experience about playing poker for me is about so much more than pure $ won at the table, and I think I should still be able to play well enough to have a positive expectation while doing that. We'll see ;) Good luck at the tables! I'll report back here after the session is completed.
  18. hey guys thats a wrap for tonight played 14 , 4 euro 5mans, 1sts : 3 2nds: 4 non cashes: 7 Also played 1 x 1 euro HUSNG and lost that Bankroll.... till next time :Ok:
  19. if you believe you can you can, and if you believe you can't you can't ;) edit: also I don't think you've seen me play before but maybe you have and I don't know ;p
  20. @FreedoM hey mate, I want to profit overall that's my main goal, and also get a footing at €25 or €50 level buyin as quickly as feasible.
  21. Hey guys... firing up another session. Going to play some 5mans 4 euros. Will report back here after! Starting BR: €22.63
  22. finished that session, played for 1 hour, won a couple of stacks at 4nl rebuild continues 😃 🆗
  23. Hey what's up guys, just firing up a 45 minute session before I leave to go to the dentist! 7.30am here, trying to squeeze the games in when I can for now. Will hit the 4nl streets. Will report back after how it went. Starting Balance:
  24. Thanks @P0kerM0nk I just sent an idea in to have it added back (but improved to hands dealt) if possible! https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Unibet-Idea-Exchange/Feature-to-check-how-many-hands-you-ve-played-in-a-given-time-in/idi-p/373059
  25. Hey guys, played for an hour or so, you used to be able to see how many flops you played in the client but I couldn't find that, anyone know how to find it? Or is that not a feature any more? Balance nearly doubled... up to the heady heights of €15.77 ;p Next time i'll continue the rebuild!
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