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Bing__ last won the day on March 6 2019

Bing__ had the most liked content!

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  1. I'll see you guys in Brighton :happy:
  2. @Nestabear Years of sustained alcohol abuse mean I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday let alone history class from primary school
  3. Bad luck mate. I'd deffo have a few days off. Sending some run good your way!
  4. Hope they keep Brighton, whole weekend cost me less than £50 :inlove:
  5. So THAT'S why you limp AQ @EL_HEFAZO jammy git :laugh:
  6. Hexapros actually make my blood boil €8 worth of tickets got me €1.50 today and was surprised to get that :laugh:
  7. @GR1ZZL3R bad luck mate. I busted when I shoved KQ and lost s flip against 88. First hand I got in forever though. Wasn’t meant to be for either of us this time obv!
  8. All sorted! How did you do in ukpt @GR1ZZL3R any luck? I busted just outside last two tables!:dissatisfied:
  9. @MetalWolf Yeah that worked cheers bud if anyone else can’t see it, close and reopen server/browser and will appear!
  10. The only high one I can find is in 7 days and has @MetalWolf @CharismaMan and one other regged . cant find the one for tonight! Anyone got it?
  11. @MetalWolf you’re regged in next weeks by accident mate
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