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[CG] From Poker Donk To Winning Monk


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@Superhansi Thanks a lot, nice to hear from people enjoying the blog even though it isn't a poker donk to super crusher blog, but I'm working on it 😆

Finally a day with some profit, we are up for the month now, about €40 😂 will post some hands later on, still not running the best but at least I'm keeping my head above the water ✌️

And just going to quote my previous post or it's going to get lost on the previous page, hope we can bink some money tomorrow if I remember to play them 😁 I'll set my alarm lol.

4 hours ago, P0kerM0nk said:

2 Unibet Community freerolls coming up tomorrow evening, 1 for people with a (active) blog and the other for all people who have won a member of the day reward in 2021. (most likes during a single day)

Prizepool €575 for the blog one and €500 for the member of the day one.

How do you join? Well you can't unless you already qualified for one or both mentioned above. But you can join the forum and/or start a blog and who knows you'll get an invite in a years time 😛 

Good value for money anyway as the player pools will be relatively small and full of donkeys, me included 🤣

Thanks Unibet 😄


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Bit of run bad in the freerolls I guess, don't know any MTT strategy so I just wing it 😅

Forgot to change my nick as was playing some cash before this so yeh, would have played with P0kerD0nk but obvious was too late when tourney tables popped up.

Bloggers Battle, all in on the flop... what can you do...



Ran fine in the Member of the day freeroll up to the final table, biggest stack but 1st out so finished 6th for €30

Hands in chronological order:




Pretty bad at flipping so far this year... story continues lol.

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Another rakeback offer coming up, will be a challenge to rake €900 within 14 days but starting with it tonight, have tactically waited till this evening to clear my current bonus so I have 2 weekends and if needed a final Friday afternoon in 2 weeks time in case I still need to put some hours in lol. Most damage has to be done during the weekends though.


2 Hands:

I open JJ in MP, everyone calls lol and then BB reg squeezes to 18bb, very weird spot with that size. CO is a whale and squeezes happen quite often vs so many calls so I raised to 36bb, as you can see CO called and then BB jams... don't think we can fold here as CO is pretty much coming along most of the times.




Bam! Nice flop and good to win one of these all ins again, 85s nice hand 😁 Funny enough JJ and 85s have almost the same equity preflop vs AA lol (65% / 18% / 17%)



Open MP, CO calls and BTN squeezes, BB whale cold calls and now I have a decision to make, I jammed as BTN isn't that of a nit reg so can see all kind of hands in there that will fold to a jam and if I jam and BTN folds it will pretty much always get called by BB. 99 is pretty much bottom of my range I'd jam here I think and depending on BTN reg.



And the reg folded but BB had AA... and we made a straight... oh wait...



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Hi @P0kerM0nk nice update again. As a matter of interest because I'm thinking of buying bonuses (the €5 ones seemed to be done very quickly but I'm down to playing 2-4c at the moment 😥) are they a self sustaining thing? I mean do you always have enough Bonus Points to buy another or do you have to build up each time one is done?

How many tables at a time do you play and for how long, on average, per week. I'm currently settled at 3 tables for 2 hours per day, doubtful my BPs will fill up each time. 🤔

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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@GR1ZZL3R I have kept my x12 multiplier and don't think even at this rate I can keep buying playthrough bonuses and earn enough to buy the next one whilst clearing a current one. But you do earn a few BP here and there with loyalty rewards and few from missions or those santa flips etc.

This is actually the reason I have accepted this rakeback offer (as I first thought of asking to delete it) as I can keep earning BP whilst I get a free playthrough bonus although I have to up my volume. Currently I six table 50NL and gain about 275 BP on average per hour I think. I need to check this again as it all depends on the session and how many pots you played etc.

Once I start this €900 rake offer I'll keep track of how many loyalty points and BP I started on. Not too sure how many hours I play per week, average last month was 12h per week which I think is quite high. Normally I play 1 to 1.5h during week days and 2-6h during weekends but it all depends, I sometimes skip a weekday and some weekends I play monster sessions of 3-6h lol.

Another reason for doing this rakeback offer is to play more volume and to find out how I do at 50NL over a bigger sample, so far I think I'm beating it for an ok bb/100 but I don't want to make any assumptions based on a small sample. And I just want to become better as well, so playing more should definitely help. I will try and spread sessions out as I know these offers can sometimes be a trap where you end up playing too much neglecting your game play and lose actually more money by playing bad than the offer is worth making it pointless. 

And one more reason is that last quarter I ended a little shy of the 1st loyalty lvl6 bonus which is a €500 playthrough bonus so if I can reach that as well by the end of March that would be great too. Obviously a while ahead and will only work if I can keep playing 50NL so hopefully I get the results we hope for 🙃

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And that's us started, atm just passed 3% 😆


Bankroll has been very static for the past week and half, not good but guess it could be worse. Still waiting to break through 3k lol. Just a few hands from yesterday for the rest:

Start of the session: 60bb stack opens 4x, I 3b 3x as he made it bigger + he is shorter...  lovely flop, x/fold vs that size lol, easy decision.


Co opens, I 3b on the BTN he calls, I big bet the flop and he jams, easy call. Just ahead on a flip 58% vs 42% and we brick yet again.




2 hands vs same player:

Open AQ from MP and button clicker in BB calls, big bet flop he calls, big bet turn and he minraises and I call, face a 3/4 bet on riv and decided to call with flush blocker, I beat some Qx he overplays but he shows up with the Q3o boat lol.


I open 99 UTG and he calls in SB, he donks 1bb so I raise and he calls, he x turn and I bet big and he minraises again which I called with the straight on the board, not super happy again but not folding either... river is pretty sweet and he jams 2x size of the pot and same for me to call off... can't fold this... and again we lose...


Open AQs on the BTN and get 3b small and easy call, face a small cb and easy call again, face a small cb on turn again and easy raise and he calls, river is meh but still think there is some value and checking back feels so nitty so I bet small and he calls with a flush... 68s random hand. 


Open QTo on BTN and BB calls, I big bet flop and he calls, I bet 1/2 on turn and get raised and I call, face a 60% bet on river and easy call, I actually just though we would split this 100% lol, strange line.


I open 65s UTG, get 3b by MP and BTN coldcalls so easy call for me and my hand, crap flop so x/f but flop goes x/x/x and so does turn and river. I remember thinking on the river that I could win this at times and we did 😀 funny 3b pot.




Again 2 hands vs same reg, thought it was a reg anyway...

CO opens, I 3b and he calls, I 1/4 flop and he calls, I x back turn, not sure what makes most sense, x or small bet but x/x and river I block bet to get a call from some pp and he just calls with 55... I mean wtf how much of a nit are you? How the hell did he never bet or raise lol.


So same villain, he opens we call, 3b KQo half the time or so, x/r the flop and he calls, big bet the turn and he calls, kinda wonder if we should overbet this turn, river is meh again and now he bets out 1/2 pot, decided to call but not optimistic and he shows me ATo... how do you even call a x/r and a bet on the turn with that 🙄


And just a hand I won for once, open KK UTG, CO 3bets and SB coldcalls, easy 4bet and CO calls SB folds. I x flop and he bets 1/3 and I jam. Think we can call flop if we have a diamond and then get it all in on the turn and never fold with KK in a 4b pot... and he calls our shove with 44... bit surprising... seen this player before and vaguely remember being splashy but KK hand is pretty standard from my end I guess.


So yeh, lots of weird spots where random hands get there. Sometimes hard to play range vs range when these fun players can have all sorts, because of this I do make lighter bets / calls but obviously not working out the best at this moment. Different times I win most pots when they call with random stuff and it's a different story so still happy with my plays.

Haven't renewed my Poker Scientist sub yet as will wait till after I cleared this bonus, only weird thing is that I haven't even received an email to ask if I want to renew my sub, bit strange from their point of view imo.

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14 minutes ago, P0kerM0nk said:

he just calls with 55... I mean wtf how much of a nit are you? How the hell did he never bet or raise lol.


Wait a minute. You call this a nit? That it certainly is, but imagine call him a one and doing this yourself:

16 minutes ago, P0kerM0nk said:

Open QTo on BTN and BB calls, I big bet flop and he calls, I bet 1/2 on turn and get raised and I call, face a 60% bet on river and easy call, I actually just though we would split this 100% lol, strange line.


"Easy call". You have nuts there! Even if you think that it's split, why in earth would you ever call with nuts? In some live events at least you would get punished by floorman if you only call/check behind nuts.

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A4 hand he should never just call a block bet on the river with a boat with the way we ended up on the river.

QTo, I don't know villain but don't see what you would raise on the turn which isn't a Tx. Even if he raises 2p or a FD, you'd never value bet that on a blank river so in that case I don't see any value in jamming, ofc I actually should if they end up with such a hand. As a general rule I maybe should jam anyway vs pool as there are some players who overplay 2p and would call it off as well. Or even play a weirdly played set this way although seems bizarre.

Once I have Poker Scientist again I'm going to have a look at that QTo hand and see how it gets played reg vs reg.

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I will take @Pionrjadvice in to consideration and even in spots where it looks like an obvious shopped pot to get it in nonetheless, I agree you actually never know that they call it off with as the example above with his A2o lol.

Yesterday finally a better day, played 2 sessions 2h & 3h and ran better. Games look def a bit more reggy at times, not sure how many people are getting these playthrough bonuses but maybe it does affect the 'regginess' of the games. Last night wasn't too bad, enough fun players in the pool.

Worst hand from yesterday:

I 3b KK SB vs BTN, he calls, I cb 1/3 and he minraises lol, I call then x/c 1/2 bet on the turn and shove on the river... just 🤮 and I honestly thought he had 22 or 33 with that dumb minraise on the flop, playing his hand so face up actually. Feck that turn.


Best hand from yesterday:

AA in the BB, got to love it with this preflop action, UTG limps, MP iso's, CO 3bets, short SB coldcalls lol, I just jam as already 30bb in the pot and maybe makes it look like I have AK more than AA. Raising to 30bb or whatever makes it look really strong even though it didn't matter much here.


CO calls obviously and so does SB, nice he has a K blocker lol and no sweat on the flop.


Playthrough bonus @ 15.5%, need about 7% per day so good start. I sometimes end up playing 7 tables at times as I can't make my mind up which table to leave 😆

All in luck finally back to what is should be imo, numbers are a bit skewed as played those 2 tournaments and all ins in tourneys are much wider than cash games for obvious reasons, imo should have separate stats as having all formats combined makes it a pointless stat.


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Played 5h yesterday, up 4 buy-ins, play 1.5h today, down 4 buy-ins 🙄

Do I ever get a break from this bs?

5 all-ins today, lost 4, shopped 1

The way my 4bet pots go... 


BTN opens, I 3bets, he 4bets I call, flop the nuts, go all in on the turn... for real.


Sometimes I wonder if people play back at me because I lose pots left right and centre like here, CO opens I 3b and BB reg 4b and I jam he snap calls wtf is that all about... oh nice runout thanks again. He has same equity on the flop as hand above, just under 4%... and 9-10%  on turn again as above... joke.


I open 33, SB reg (or so I thought) 3bets small ish so I call, he pots the flop lol, don't think that's a size mate but wp.
Again I don't get this, do they play back at me because I'm losing pots all over? F knows, I'm prob imagining it lol.


MP opens I 3b he calls, small cbet and he calls, then he donks 1/2 on turn wtf and then jams the river... not 100% sure but guess I could have folded this... weird lines mostly mean the nuts, think my river call is pretty bad. And so is his donk although he got all my monies, but I would have barreled it off tbh lol.



Where is my bloody mojo? Think I need a drink and I don't even drink 🤣


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@FreedoM You should sell those artworks as NFT's, I can see a goldmine in there 🤣

That classic music did wonders btw, just breached 3k bankroll (for now lol)

Playthrough bonus @ 27% we can do this! 💪

Prob be less updates during the week. Trying to get some volume in after work.

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4 minutes ago, P0kerM0nk said:

@FreedoM You should sell those artworks as NFT's, I can see a goldmine in there 🤣

That classic music did wonders btw, just breached 3k bankroll (for now lol)

Playthrough bonus @ 27% we can do this! 💪

Prob be less updates during the week. Trying to get some volume in after work.


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Just a quick mid week update, only played 1h a day so far and last 2 days were on the ipad so only 4 tabled. Playthrough at 33%, think goal is to be at 80% on Sunday as it's just hard to get lots of volume in during the week.

Last 2 days have been interesting playing on the ipad, some right whales in the pools later on the evening 😀Might play a bit more during that time lol.

Also today, joined the pool and were 90 players in it, not long after I joined it went down to 40 players... I mean... am I that good that people run away now? 😝

Will post some hands on Friday. Were some entertaining ones, mostly for my benefit 😆

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And we are at 40% and just reached loyalty lvl 5 again. At this rate I'll be reaching the €500 playthrough bonus at loyalty lvl 6 but we will see when we get there. Been a good week so far, not had a losing day since last Friday, hope that isn't jinxing my weekend lol. Played a bit today and down half a buy in so still got some work to do to keep my streak up 😋

Some hands from Monday and Tuesday, on Monday, the biggest pot I lost was €7 😂

Open KK on the BTN, SB whale 3bets, BB 4bets so easy jam, both call, SB was tilting it off somewhat, funny enough 87s here has more equity than the JJ 😆


Open KJo in CO, SB who is same whale as above 3bets and I call, we bink the flop so never folding and he open shoves the flop... thanks.


Tuesdays whale, he limps I iso, he donks 1bb on flop I just called, he donks 1bb on turn again and I raised he calls, best river for me and he donks 1bb again and I raise to pot and he calls... prob could have jammed here but I didn't know he was such a whale yet lol.


Here he opens 12.5bb lol and I just openshoved as he was doing lots of daft shit and he called it off.


I open 66 and same whale calls, he donks 1bb and I raise he calls, I bet 2/3 on turn he calls, he openshoves river, snap call 😎 running pretty hot at this point. He's been playing a long time already here.


And this is where my luck turned, I was opening a lot more just to get in pots with this guy and seemed that the rest of the table just nitted up which is kinda funny. Our whale was always jamming his stack on the river and lots of people folding. His range is so wide you can widen yours a bit too, maybe not totally lunatic wide but more than usual and TP is imo a good hand to stack off with.

Here a weird ish spot, I open in MP, CO 3bets, SB coldcalls and I call as well. QTo does not make it in to my 3b calls normally 😁 hit 2p but not too happy vs CO, he has all the sets and AK etc but flop goes x/x/x bit weird. Turn our whale jams so bit of a pickle maybe but don't think I can fold this spot even though I can see CO slow playing sets or AK if he wants our whale to just jam as he did before. I can't fold because of the 'dead money' in the pot from the whale imo. So we call and CO snap fold, 94o nice bro oh feck... more equity than I thought /doh  82% vs 18% on the turn.


3min later this hand, we are 177bb deep, he opens 4bb, I 3b he calls, he donks 1/2 on flop I call, turn goes x/x and he jams river, had a wee think but called, bit of a sore one lol but still happy with my call, just looking at the hands above he can have any 2 cards, but sometimes he does have something too.


After that some nit ran away with his money and then he left I think. Good for your winrate these players as long as you run decent enough.

See if we can reach 80% on the playthrough bonus this weekend, will be a bit of a grind tonight and next 2 days... but failing is no option, imagine getting to 95% and then losing the bonus 😅


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Well not the best start of the weekend, down 6 buy ins yesterday, session was as tough as an old boot mostly due to pre flop all in 'bad luck' I'd say. Had about 14 all ins pre and won 5 of them 😕 ran AK into AA twice as well /doh. Didn't hit too many flops either in general but guess variance has to balance itself out, must have run too good during the week 😀

All in 'luck' ratio now at 36 losses vs 44 wins, pretty poor ratio so far compared to last months 42 losses vs 73 wins even though that stat isn't that accurate but something to look at as a reference.

BTN opens, I 3b BB coldcalls, BTN openjams, easy call and lol call of BB, I wasn't aware of this whale BB but AK nothing else to do in this spot anyway... and brick it. BTN reg was running pretty good on all tables, stole my good run variance 😄


Hand vs same reg as above, CO opens and he 3bets, I 4b and he calls lol, hits the nuts and I went with a small bet on flop and shipped the turn, fair enough if he has a flush but not folding AA in a 4b pot. Prob check back turn if I had the Ah, maybe. Stupid thing in this hand was he used the whole timebank on the flop to call, like taking the piss long... I honestly thought he was slow playing AA 😂


UTG opens, I 3b, BB coldcalls, UTG shoves, I call and so does 65bb BB, of course he hits quads lol


I open QQ, BB whale minraises to 4bb lol, I 4b to 12bb he calls and we get it in on the turn, not an amazing board but he can have anything but flopped 2p with the good old J6s 4b call OOP 😝



Didn't have too many random hands/punts, most big hands were all premium hands and all in pre flop etc, some sessions you get no all ins, others you get heaps lol. Next hand maybe a punt, villain is fishy so maybe not the best candidate to run this bluff. He opens UTG I call, he cbets 1/2 on the flop and I x/r and he called. Turn is probably where it starts being weird with the A, I barreled 2/3 but prob should have went a bit bigger if I was betting but not sure if I should bet on this turn. And then somewhat lost on the river I got it in slight overbet but having the 3c is prob a good thing here, def a hand I want to have a look at in the solver once I renew my sub. Not soo sure if he should be calling the turn with his hand either.


Hope that's all the run bad out of the way for now 😂 Playthrough bonus @ 47%

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Sessions of hell, down 15.5 buy-ins in 2 days 🤬 I win about 1 in 3 all ins pre atm, bloody awfull. Nothing going my way, already regret I have to grind for this playthrough or I would have quit my session earlier and away to watch some tv 😂

Open AK, get 3b on BTN, I 4b he calls, money goes in on the flop, flipping... no good.



Again same preflop action, I open get 3bet and I 4b and they call, crap flop and turn, can't continue.



I 3b flop ok but not the best, I cb get called, feck turn, call a 1/2 cb hoping for a boat tbh. Brick river and meh fold.



And then next hands all vs same sunrungod whale

All in pre, whale has 22, he opens, reg 3bets, I 4bet, whale coldcalls lol, reg jams with 99 prob as whale is a whale, easy call and great flop... oh yeh nope I'm not worth a win again.



This hand I misread the action lol, but I opened in MP, CO 3bets me and whale coldcalls in SB, I 4b but didn't see whale had flatted so my 4b wasnt the biggest but does not matter, CO reg folded and we see a flop, cb and he calls, and he jams the turn... random feck I called but hey ho...


I open QQ, same whale clicks it to 4bb lol, I 4b and he calls, again all in on the flop... feck unreal this pish.


And he was playing 2 tables or maybe more who knows, had one lucky hand vs him all in pre, but just typical how I have to have KK vs AA yet again.


But then a bit later, he opens I 3bet, I cb flop and nice turn, all money goes in but of course he has the few nut combos... 


Funny enough after one of these beats people were all like laughing at the table and I got AA UTG and I open shoved it like I was tilting, SB called with JJ lol... but then he hit a J on the flop and I lost that one as well...

End of the session I had 1 tilt jam, BvB, reg opens I 3b KQo which is never a 3b anyway and I get 4b... had enough at this point and I jammed... of course yet again vs AA... pish take last 2 days. Good I have a decent bankroll atm as this is tilting as feck.


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No idea what is happening but absolutely getting wrecked, unable to win a fecking session 🤬

Random whale jamming any hand, here he jammed on the flop...


He kept jamming hands, ok lets go... again no joy...


Few hands later, I open he jams so I call.. fuck me typical, he's jamming every other hand ffs.



Other table, MP half whale opens, I 3bet, BB coldcalls, MP shoves... sigh fold... oh right should have fecking rammed it in! 


Different villain, again all in pre... sigh.


I must be dreaming right, bloody nightmare I'm in, somebody wake me up plz...


Surprise I'm only down 2 buy ins today so far...

Last post anyway till I'm back up at 3k and at this rate it will be Xmas again.

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Ok I lied, posting again 🤣 Officially on a +20 buy-in downswing now, congrats to me 🥳 😩

Lost a grant over the last 3 days and down 2 buy-ins again tonight so far... no ending to it.

Playthrough at 80% now, ended on 75% Sunday night so should be easy enough to clear by Friday.

3 all ins today with QQ, lost em all, vs AK / A5s / 65o 

QQ is probably my doomsday hand, lose everything with is, preflop, postflop, even when everyone folds 😂

Barely started the session and I get limp jammed on... his first hand on the table... sigh



And then another hand where I'm not involved in but same whale as above with 75s, UTG opens and SB 3b, UTG calls, SB bets like 80% on flop UTG calls, bets 3/4 on turn and UTG jams, he calls, and gets there...



One from yesterday, I open, get 3b, I 4b and he calls, I bet 1/3 he calls, I x/jam the turn he calls... wtf river eh.


I run so bad in 3b pots lately as well, nothing special at this hand but people seem to hit sets all the time vs my premium hands... 



This crap again, got QQ I 3b he calls, I bomb the flop he calls, I x the turn and he pots it like ffs, I call (questionable already as I also have the Qc) river goes x/x, wouldn't have called any non pair anyway but again 3b pots all going tits up.



Open BTN and BB calls, cb flop he calls, turn goes x/x and river he x and I bet big and he raises this size 🤣 what chance is this being a bluff? Zero right lol. Also stupid how he went in the tank a long time turn and river. Nit regs lol.



One for @Pionrj, whale CO limps, BTN iso's, I 3bet (yes I know ATo) and whale calls, BTN folds, nice flop... I bet he calls, turn T I'm like FFS not again this pish and turn goes x/x river bricks and I just ship it like 130% pot bet and he called, I had to think of you PionrJ and your advice lol 😎



All in luck 48 lost / 50 won 

So what have we learned lately;

- Variance is a biatch
- Unibet it rigged, obviously
- This rake X get Y playthrough bonus isn't worth it if I'm not on holiday and the amount is so huge I need to play so much it wrecks my weekend especially when I don't win anything!  Thank feck I'm getting €180 end of this week from this playthrough bonus, might be enough to re-start a bankroll challenge at 4NL 🙄

Also can't wait for Unibet to add equity % for all-ins, I want to suffer more when I see amazing equity advantages live when I ship it and get fecked over again and again 🤣

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3 hours ago, P0kerM0nk said:


So what have we learned lately;

- Variance is a biatch                                     It sure is!
- Unibet it rigged, obviously                          Obviously!
- This rake X get Y playthrough bonus isn't worth it if I'm not on holiday and the amount is so huge I need to play so much it wrecks my weekend especially when I don't win anything!  Thank feck I'm getting €180 end of this week from this playthrough bonus, might be enough to re-start a bankroll challenge at 4NL 🙄     

                                                                          You're welcome to join me at the 2-4c level where I'm running pretty much the same as you!  😱  It get's to the stage where I really really don't want to be dealt premium hands. 😥

Also can't wait for Unibet to add equity % for all-ins, I want to suffer more when I see amazing equity advantages live when I ship it and get fecked over again and again 🤣




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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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@KrustyTheClown just down 8 buy ins for the month atm and hope it doesn’t get much worse, don’t fancy 25NL again 😂 might play some after I cleared the bonus to boost the confidence a bit. 25NL is def softer than 50NL imo.

@GR1ZZL3R 4NL does my head in, too much randomness and you just have to play tight preflop and try and hit flops with all the multi-way pots, need proper patience down there 🤣

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